I just had no idea!

What a mistake!
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I was so shocked, out of all people why him? Lord please help me I've been avoiding him since forever why now! I whispered a thank you before moving away from him.

"It's you!!" I can sense that he's shocked from his tone.

"I got to go, thank you again." I wanted to get out of there so bad but I was stopped by him. "Look um... I'm sorry about that night, I swear I wasn't in my right min-"

I cut him "save it" I didn't want to hear his voice anymore, it started to make me uncomfortable. I pushed his hand off my arm and started walking out. 

I was about to turn the corner when he for the second time grabbed my wrist. I sighed and turned to face him "okay what do you want?" 

His eyes met mine, without leaving my eyes he put something cold in my hand. I looked down, oh I totally forgot about the milk. "At least take what you came for. Now can we talk?" 

"Go ahead." I said quietly.  

"Why are you avoiding me?" 

"Who said I was avoiding you?" I scoffed.  

"Look... Can we pretend as if nothing happened at all? I mean it's so obvious that you are avoiding me and my friends are suspicious. Can you just act normal? I don't want anyone to know about this! Epically your brother." 

Oh my god this jerk "Excuse you, but something did happen!! You took my ity! Do you think I'm that happy to go tell people that you mister jerk have done this to me? Absolutely not!" I sighed in frustration, I just realized that I've been curling my fist tightly. 

With a smirk he said "Perfect, then we are fine here." He left just like that leaving me boiling. 



After a long day of shopping here and there with Lina, we are finally sitting in a café with our endless shopping bags.

"When are you going to tell me why were you hiding in the library for two weeks?"

 I kept staring at my cup for few seconds, thinking if I should tell her or not.

"Just because." I gave her a small tired smile.

She rolled her eyes "Just because my ! I know that you are hiding something from me. You will spit it out sooner or later."

"I'm serious it was nothing."

"If you say so." She sighed. I know she knows that I'm hiding something from her. I feel bad but I don’t think im ready to tell her yet.

I quickly changed the topic to something that will make her forget about me. We kept talking about random stuff for hours until mom called telling me to go home because dad is asking about me.

Talking about my father, he's rarely home due to business trips, but when he comes home he showers us with love in his own way. He might look cold but I know that he is just tired.

"I'm home." I said while struggling with the shopping bags that were slowly killing my hands.

"Jayoung-ah why did you buy a lot?" mom said as her eyes widened at the bags.

"Uh I went with Lina."

"Okay that clears it all." She knew how Lina is when it comes to shopping. "Juhoe-ah come and help your sister here!"

My brother cursed while walking to me, he took all the bags from me "girls these days!" 

"Yeah I'll see how your future girlfriend will be."

"My girl would never be like you!"

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN LIK-…" I was stopped by my mother's hand on my mouth. "Now now you don’t want to fight when your father just arrived from work right? Go wash up before he comes down. Now!" she slightly pushed toward the stairs.

"But mom why are you always by his side?" I whined

"I said now!" she strictly repeated . I whine all the way to my room.

My brother made silly faces to me after placing the shopping bags down in my room.

"Please let me kill you just once." I said with a pout.

"Aww how about a no?" he ruffled my hair and went out of my room.

I went down after washing up, I saw mom putting the dishes on the table. I helped her

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Yui_potato #1
Chapter 4: Ohhhh , hehehe . I wonder if Junhoe is good at picking up signals and realizes she is pregnant
ParkEunMi23 #2
Chapter 4: I like this story^^ can't wait for the next updat
Amiie0818 #3
Chapter 4: looking forward for the next chapter! ^^ I really enjoy reading this story...
Chapter 4: Chapter 3: she's going to be a good mother later on
Chapter 4: Oh oh, the cravings & mood swings & nausea is kicking in...wonder if junhoe will kill someone later
Chapter 3: Hello waiting here for update
Chapter 3: Happy new year & sorry to hear what happened. We will await patiently for the update
Assamy95 #8
Chapter 2: This is so good, im looking forward.