No Time For Love

And I Don't Care if I Don't Look Pretty.

She'd always HATED flying, loathed and utterly detested it. Crying children, tiny seats and having to sit still so long that when you stood up your legs didn't work anymore.
Could she afford first class? Yes, yes she could, but that would mean giving more of her money than necessary to the pure evil that made flying possible.
Needless to say when she exited the plane and made her way into Seoul airport she was more than a bit relieved. 
After having gone through the tedious task of putting all of her luggage through security again (she severely doubted the likelyhood of these scanners and whatnot picking up anything the ones in Tokyo hadn't.), she made her way to the closest place that looked remotely like it sold coffee to order something while waiting for her ride.
Much to her disgust the cue for coffee was full of people from the same flight who'd had the same utterly brilliant plan as her, fantastic. The line moved decidedly slower than it needed to and Michiyo felt her patience wearing thinner by the second, surely this was a curse from some divine being somewhere that had it out for her.
eventually her turn to order came, the money she'd put through currency exchange not half an hour before outstretched to the cashier as she told him what she wante-
"Michi! Come on, we gotta go!"
Her head made solid contact with the poor man's metal countertop as she slid her money back into her pocket, her green hair flipping back to its normal shape as she stood up straight, fixed her glasses and nodded politely to the slightly frightened man before grabbing firm hold of her luggage and exiting the café, glaring daggers at her long-time friend. All she wanted was a nice, cold iced coffee.
Said friend stood unaware of the furious Japanese woman in front of her peach coloured car, the Chevy Impala that Michiyo had put money toward so that her hard-working friend could afford it before her birthday two years ago.
Receiving an almighty smack to the back of the head the taller woman sighed and opened the trunk, "good to see you too."
Michiyo grumbled in response, shoving her bags into the muscle car.
"Oh for the love of- I'll make you coffee, for free."
The shorter of the two paused and raised a manicured eyebrow, "promise?"
A small grin broke out on Kleio's face, "promise."
Michiyo flung herself at her friend, hugging her tight.
"I've missed you, weirdo."
"I've missed you too, you pessimistic ."
She mock saluted as she separated from Kleio and climbed into the Impala.
Dark eyes regarded the inside of the car with interest, leather interior and an orange scented air freshener giving it a pleasant smell, especially in comparison to the airport she'd just spent two and a half hours in. Bleh.
Kleio was focused on the road when she finally looked at her, any moment now she'd yawn, Michiyo knew her too well.
"Could you at least yawn like a normal human being?"
Kleio scoffed, "coming from Miss Ice Queen - Vampire herself"
A sigh could be heard from the brown haired girl in the driver's seat, "before you say it, I'm stupid I know, but I forgot to ask where we're going."
For the second time that day Saeki Michiyo's head slumped forward and smacked into the closest thing, the dashboard.
"Hey! Do that too hard and you'll make the airbags go off."
In response she simply shoved a piece of paper at her, her new address scribbled across it.  
"Just shhhhhh!" Michiyo sighed as she waved the paper about, her head still resting on the dash.
"I'm going to crash if you keep waving that around like a spastic, the traffic here isn't exactly great."
A snort came from the green haired girl, "I'm from Tokyo, remember? I scoff at your idea of 'not great' traffic."
She sat up properly, Kleio looking at her warily as she finally took the paper.
"Oh wow, you got one of those fancy places." She mused, raising an eyebrow at Michiyo while trying to pay attention to the road at the same time.
A shrug was her response, "Father dearest's money isn't going to do any good just sitting in a bank."
Kleio decided not to delve too far into that particular subject, noting Michiyo's guarded look as she navigated her way toward her friend's newly purchased residence.
"So..." Michiyo side eyed her as she piped up, "got a boyfriend yet?"
The girl in the passenger seat promptly dissolved into hysterics, "me? Ha! Absolutely not."
"Why not? Might do you some good....and keep your damn temper in check." Kleio mumbled the last part, her companion had violent tendencies.
"Well for one I don't have time, certainly not now." Said companion wheezed, only having just recomposed herself, "And secondly, who the hell would wanna date me? I'm a mint haired, shortass, pale skinned freak who's covered in tats and piercings and makes people look dead for a living."
Kleio promptly snorted, "you're cool, I know that and you know that. Besides, standing out here might make it easier for you to get noticed, there aren't many Korean girls with tattoos and piercings all over the place. I have tattoos as well you know."
"Yeah, but you can hide yours, it doesn't go all the way down your arm and you have none on your hands...they're gonna think I'm in the yakuza or something."
Kleio dead panned before softening the glare transfixed on her friend, "'ll be fine, trust me."
Said girl just sighed and leaned her head on Kleio's shoulder, the older girl laying her head on top of hers while narrowly avoiding colliding with other cars....and people.
"Put any thought into trying to dance again?"
Michiyo sighed again, "you know I can't, not since the accident."
Kleio's eyes subconsciously darted down to where her passenger's feet were crossed under the glove compartment, blue irises catching a glimpse of black support tape sticking out from her shoe on her right foot.
She could clearly remember the days years ago when she'd been in Tokyo and had gone to visit the green haired woman at the dance studio not too far from said woman's old apartment, it was the only time she ever got to see the gloomy girl positively radiate happiness, sure there was the odd smile here and there, and she knew that she was the only person who actually got to see those smiles anymore, but her friend had changed since she stopped dancing.
The 'accident' happened a week before Kleio was meant to return to America and complete her immigration forms for moving to Seoul, the horrific car crash was on the news and everything.
Michiyo had been walking home, the streets of Tokyo bustling with people as usual, when a scream rang out above the city noise. A small child around three or four years of age had managed to get away from his mother in the crowd and had begun to wonder toward the busy intersection known as Shibuya Crossing. 
To this day she swears up and down that she doesn't know what compelled her to run toward the little boy, screaming for him to stop, but she did. She made it to him with little to no time to spare, pushing him off of the road and toward his mother, but she wasn't so lucky.
The injuries sustained when she was bowled over by oncoming traffic included four broken ribs, internal bleeding, a cracked collarbone and a crushed ankle, and while all of these things were treated just fine she was left with a very weak ankle that still hurts when she overdoes it.
It devastated her. What a hell of a punishment for a good deed.


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Chapter 1: Haha yep you'd never catch me in a dress! Except summer school uniform but that doesn't count! XD love this chapter!!!!!
OH MY GOSH CAPTAINSUGAKOOKIE IM YOUR BIGGEST FAN!!!!!!!! I'M SO PUMPED FOR THIS STORY! AIDCIIDLP HWAITING!!! Thank you for including me as a character and for mentioning me in the comments! This story is sounding like another masterpiece in the works! Saranghae xoxo