Lunch date? Not!

Just one moment

The second encounter

“Yay! Good Job Choi!” one of officemates said,


“Congrats! Choi!” another officemate congratulated me


“Guys! Party later! Drinks on Choi Sooyoung!” Victoria announced,


“Yah! Victoria! You know it’s not yet pay day!” I exclaimed.


People in the office we’re congratulating me because I was one of the top employees in our sector. Yes, I’m actually happy because I was being commended but I’m actually expecting someone else to congratulate me. But, that person was not around and yet again my heart sank. I went back to my seat feeling happy and at the same time being sad. And you know who I mean, right?


Around lunchtime…


“Victoria!!! I thought we’ll be having our lunch date together?” I exclaimed,


“Sorry, about that Sooyoung. I promise to make it up to you again. It’s Khun’s last day here and he wants me to be with him because his flight will be this afternoon” Victoria said,


“Fine! Fine! I know you can’t get enough of your Khunnie!” I pouted at her, because I’ll be alone eating my lunch and some of my officemates had already went out ahead. I understand Victoria that she wants to spend the last day with Khun here at Korea because he is being relocated with his work in the U.S. “Send my regards to him!”


“I will!” Victoria smiled and she left from her desk


I headed upstairs towards the cafeteria to eat my lunch. I grabbed a tray and picked out some of my favorites. I looked for some vacant tables since most of it are occupied. There! I spotted a vacant table at near end and rush to it!!! I sat on my seat and slowly open my chicken sandwich.  I was about to give it a bite…


“Uhm.. excuse me?” a voice said


I looked up and startled to see who was standing in front of me. It’s HER!!! It’s JESSICA JUNG!!! ONE OF MY BOSSES!!! OH MY GAHD!!! My mind went completely out and I don’t know what to do!


“Me?” pointing at myself, looking to my left and right, checking if she’s indeed talking to me


 “Of course! You silly!” She giggled, holding a tray of her lunch “Can I sit with you?” she asked,


I nodded giving a bite to my sandwich. ! Im soo stupid!!! She took a seat in front of me and placed her tray on the table. I can’t stop looking at her. Damn! She’ so hot! She opened her salad and she poked her fork into the vegetables. She opened and then she looked at me. Our eyes met again! I looked away.


“You know what?! Your cute!” she said, as she put down her fork




Abruptly she grabbed her soda and handed it to me. “Are you alright?” holding her laughter,


I opened the bottle of soda and drank from it. “*coughs* Yes! *coughs* Im alright!” I said, hitting my chest.


“I’ll pay it later. Thanks for the soda!” I said,


"No it's ok. You dont need to." she said, giggling on her seat


Dang it! I almost died infront of her! This is what they call the ‘Sica-effect’!!! People in the office said once she is around you’ll just be swept off from your feet. I agree to that. Look just what happened to me?!


I give my sandwich a bite, this time without looking at her. I could feel that she’s looking at me. Piercing through me with her eyes. ! I’m melting already, I could feel beads of sweat are falling from my forehead.


“It’s funny to see you’re sweating too much, since the cafeteria is like winter wonderland” giving me a grin


 Dang! Is this woman playing with me?


“Maybe because of the hormones?” I blurted out, ! Why did I said that?


“Hormones?” she looked at me confusingly


“Oh! Just never mind about what I said boss” I chuckled at her.


“You’re one very entertaining individual Miss Choi!” she said, as she stuff some salad inside


Entertaining indeed! I said to myself,


“By the way, Congratulations! for being commended as one of the top employees in our division” she clapped her hands “Keep it up!” and gave me a thumbs up


Gahd! She’s so ing cute! And she congratulated me!!! OH MY GAHD!!! My armpits are sweating like waterfalls! ! ! ! SHE CONGRATULATED ME!!! I can't stop smiling!!! My inner goddess is doing sommersaults!!!!! This is the best lunchdate ever!!! Oh yeah!


*ring* ring*


She grabbed her phone and answered it, “Yeobo?”


It’s her husband. I shouldn’t have put my hopes up! And here I am hoping that she’ll be mine. And my Inner Goddess in me is depress all of the sudden.


“Nae.. Nae.. Arasseo.. Nae.. Saranghae!” she said as she ended the call. She placed back her phone on the table and said” Choi, promise me one thing!”


“Yes boss?” I asked,


“Don’t get married in your twenties. Having a child is full of  responsibility!” as she shook her head. I can see in her eyes that she’s regretting something “Oh well! What else can we do? We just can’t abort the child right? The child is innocent” as she sighed on her seat.


“Yeah, the child is innocent. The child is lucky to have a mother like you” I said, forcing a smile


She chuckled. “Yeah, she must be…” she sighed again


Boss why are telling me this? My heart is aching right now! And all I want is you! This Lunch date is a really a disaster. This is what I get for keeping my hopes up. And this is my problem with myself… How I hate love!  How I wish I am anhedonic!


I GIVE UP! :( 

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Chapter 6: please update soon
Chapter 6: Kyaaaaah.. what a lovely ending...
icuichoisooyoung #3
Chapter 6: emmmmm....unexpected. sweet. ....
Chapter 6: wow... this story is base on real life? this is great
Chapter 6: Yeahhhhhhh.happy ending for soosica ^^
SoshiGeneration #6
Chapter 4: Ouch. Just be strong Sooyoungie.
icuichoisooyoung #7
Chapter 4: Yes soo just let it go ..... just free yourself and move on from jessica T T