Loving 2

Little Do You Know
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Spending the last few hours with Jinyoung had been amazing for JB. He had been nervous about everyone being there together for a whole weekend, and though it was only the first day, he could feel his nerves abating. Tensions were still high between Jackson and Mark, and though Jackson looked to be coming around, JB knew he was still struggling with Mark's confession. On top of that, there was still the unresolved issues between Jackson and Jinyoung. JB had tried his best to at least keep the tensions down, but sometimes in the way Jackson talked, JB could feel some resentment from him. But, over the last few days, he hadn't been feeling any of that. It genuinely seemed like Jackson and Jinyoung had been getting along. It was exhausting having to keep his attention everywhere at once, hoping to snuff out any fires before they started. JB was so worried about something happening with Jackson and Mark, or Jinyoung and Jackson, that his head felt like it would spin off. It had all been unnecessary though. Things were going smoothly.

For the last three or so hours, He had been grilling outside with Jinyoung. They had brought Hangul beef up with them, they had side dishes, sweet potatoes to bake in the fire, and Mark and Jackson were coming back with drinks. It had taken a while to prep everything, and now that the grille was off, they were just waiting for Jackson and Mark to come back. The two had been gone for the last few hours, something about there was a delay with their friend. JB didn't ask a lot of questions, as he wasn't sure which one of their "friends" the two were referring to. As JB was pondering this, Mark and Jackson walked through the doors. Immediately JB could see that something was wrong. There seemed to be a dark cloud looming over the two, and though Mark and Jackson were talking quietly, there was definitely some explosive tension. Jackson was carrying two six-packs of beer and Mark followed behind him, a small black duffel bag in his hands.

It took them a second to notice that Jinyoung and JB were both staring in their direction. The air in the room was filled with Mark and Jackson’s aggression and it made JB wonder just how heated things were in the car. Jackson looked utterly furious, his hands clenching and unclenching. He wanted to hurt something or break something, that much was clear. Mark had taken to moving around the cabin, taking out the beers and stashing them in the refrigerator. Mark could try and act like nothing was happening if he wanted, but no one was that oblivious. His eyes were wet with tears and it made JB wonder just how much Jackson had gotten down on Mark. JB immediately regretted not going with them, but he had thought that they would be okay together for just a few hours.

"Is everything...?" JB asked.

"Leave it, JB! Just stay the out of it." Jackson snapped at him

Jinyoung flinched as Jackson went off on JB, who was shocked himself. JB had never seen Jackson in such a way before. He knew that Jackson had some anger issues, but it had never really been directed his way before. JB wanted to say something, but Mark turned in his direction and just shook his head, letting him know to leave it. Jackson had just royally pissed JB off, but he didn't want to ruin the good time that they had been having thus far. It took every ounce of his restraint to not go off on Jackson, but at that point, they'd be at each other's throats.

"Jackson. Do you want to help me set the table?" Jinyoung asked trying to distract Jackson.

JB watched Jackson turn on Jinyoung, his features still fixed with rage. JB was already moving toward them, ready to get in the middle of whatever onslaught Jackson was ready to unleash. But, Jackson just stopped, his anger slowly taking time to fade. It took a moment for Jackson to relax, and although he was still angry, he was no longer freaking out. Mark and JB looked back and forth between each other, not believing what was happening.

"Yeah, man. I'm gonna go change first." Jackson said calmly to Jinyoung.

That was when JB saw the blood on Jackson’s fists. JB’s jaw clenched and his blood boiled. He literally felt like he was going to detonate. If Jackson had put his hands on Mark, JB was going to lose it. From where he was standing, he couldn't tell and made the short walk into the kitchen. Jackson walked out of the room and everyone breathed a sigh of relief. JB couldn't help but reach out to turn Mark towards him, but Mark snapped away from him as well.

"What the , JB? Just back off!" Mark screamed.

JB watched as Mark stormed out of the kitchen, his bedroom door slamming shut seconds later. JB had no idea how things had gotten to that point so fast, but him for trying to help! Jinyoung looked completely shaken, and JB had no way to help him. He couldn't even wrap his mind around what was going on.

"Are you okay?" Jinyoung asked him.

"I don't understand what's happening right now. They were fine just a few hours ago..."

"I couldn't see Mark's face, do you...?"

Jinyoung stopped talking mid-sentence, his attention focusing on Jackson who was coming back into the kitchen. He was still pissed off and he wouldn't make eye contact with either of them. JB didn't know if Jackson had heard Jinyoung, but he was willing to god he had.

"Where are we putting this stuff?" Jackson questioned Jinyoung.

Jinyoung directed Jackson to put Mark and JB on the side opposite of them. Jackson would sit across from JB, and that way, he wasn't so close Mark. If they could just avoid anyone getting frustrated enough to take the bait, they could get through dinner peacefully. It took a few minutes for Jinyoung to serve the plates and once everything was situated, he had JB get Mark. JB refused to say anything to Mark either, so he knocked on the door twice and then went back to his chair. Mark went out moments later, face clear of any bruises. Though Jackson's hands were now clean, it begged the question of who or what he had attacked.

Dinner was a rough occasion to get through. No one said anything for a long time, everyone deep in their own thoughts. JB felt like absolute . He had told Jinyoung he would have fun, that there wouldn't be any drama. What happens? First day, BOOM! hits the fan. He couldn't even meet Jinyoung’s eyes, but he could just about imagine how upset Jinyoung was with him. JB wanted to get right back in the car and take them home, but he didn't think they needed to go anywhere before everything was resolved. Getting them to talk was going to be the issue. All eyes turned to him as he got up to head to the refrigerator. Not only did he want a moment to really clear his thoughts, but he grabbed some beers as well. Jackson had brought them in, but everyone was so out of it that they had sat untouched. JB wasn't even sure if Jinyoung would drink beer, but when he offered it to him he took it, albeit hesitantly. Everyone took a moment to pop the cap on their bottles and they all took a sip, some more than others. Jackson didn't surprise anyone by going to grab another round of beers before they had finished the first, when he sat down, JB knew now was the time to get this started. He had no idea how to even begin. He didn't want to trigger Jackson to explode again and Mark was clearly on a downward spiral, so JB had to be careful with his approach. Jinyoung on the other hand, just looked like he wanted to be anywhere but there and honestly, JB felt the exact same way.

"So are you gonna ask or are we just going to sit here looking at each other?" Jackson said first

"Okay... Well, since you put it like that, what the happened?" JB said

"Nothing!" Jackson and Mark said together.

"Bull. You came in here bleeding and you were crying!" he said first to Jackson, then to Mark.

"I was not crying!" Mark snapped.

"Guys, what happened?" JB asked calmly, concern heavy in his voice.

"My friend here, decided to the weed man." Jackson said

"I did not him! I didn't even touch him." Mark responded

"Whatever, Mark. I know what I saw." Jackson said

"You don't even know what the hell you're talking about!" Mark shook his head.

"What?!" Jackson raised his voice as he began to lose control.

"Jackson, I have a boyfriend! I didn't touch Taeyang ! We kissed once, like a year ago." Mark explained.

"What the , Mark?! When did this happen to you? When did you all of a sudden turn into a ing...?" Jackson stopped himself

"A ing what, Jackson?" Mark was on the verge of tears.

Jackson hesitated for a moment and they all caught the meaning. JB couldn't believe that this was happening right now.

"When did you get like this?" Jackson said.

"Jackson, this is who I am. I'm sorry that you don't want to accept it, but this is what's happening! This is why I didn't want to tell you. I knew that this would happen and I knew that you wouldn't be able to understand." Mark said.

By this time, Jackson had stood up and Mark was moving towards the door. JB had no idea how to intervene so that it didn't seem like he was choosing sides.

"I don't understand? I don't get it?! You're the one who's ruining everything, Mark. We had everything planned out. Everything was perfect and then you decided that you wanted to be gay." Jackson yelled after him.

"Jackson, I didn't ask to be gay! Trust me. Do you know how much I used to want to be straight? It was all I could think about? In the beginning, I felt like I was losing everything! My grip on my life was slipping away. I felt like everyone would turn their back on me, and right now, you're the only one who has!" Mark screamed back.

"I'm sorry, but I just... I'm not okay with this."

"Why? Jackson, nothing is changing. If you don't want me to bring Min Ki around, I won't."

"Who the is Min Ki?!"

"Guys, can we just calm down! Please." JB stepped in.

It took a moment for everyone to relax, but Mark stayed by the door and Jackson confined himself to the kitchen. The space was so small, that they were still all way too close to each other. Jinyoung had gone to sit down in front of the fire, keeping as far from the action as possible.

"Look, let's just sit down and talk about this." JB said.

Getting them to sit down took another five minutes of coaxing and calming of the two of them. They were both on such a fine edge that navigating this event was taking a serious toll on JB.

"I just don't understand where all of this is coming from. Just a few days ago, you were straight as an arrow. We talked about girls together. We talked about marriage, and kids! We've talked about these things, Mark! Now, you're telling me that you don't want any of that. That you want to sleep with men and date men! It doesn't add up!" Jackson said.

"I didn't lie about anything! I want all of those things, Jackson! I want a family. I want to get married. I want everything that we ever talked about. I just don't want it with a woman. I want the same things, Jackson. I just want it my way." Mark said.

"What?! And you think that's going to happen with Taeyang? Or some other ing... guy?!"

"Taeyang has nothing to do with this! He's not interested in me. We hung out last summer! We kissed, that's it! He's just my friend and he gives me a good deal on weed when we come up here."


"No Jackson, it's not. I've never done anything with Taeyang, or anyone else for that matter. Taeyang is someone I'm able to talk to. He understands what I'm going through. He's the one person I've been able to confide in because I was afraid to come to you! You had no right to put your hands on him!"

"Don't tell me what I can and can't do Mark! You don't get to tell me how to react here. You think that because you tell me you like guys, that I'm going to automatically be okay with you flirting and talking that in front of me?"

"I'm not telling you how to react, but Jackson..." Mark started to say

"Guys! Sit down." JB said.

This was spiraling so far out of control.

"Jackson, listen to what's happening here." JB said.

"JB, I..." Jackson started to say

"Jackson, just stop and listen!" JB raised his voice with Jackson beginning to get on his last nerve.

They all collectively moved back to the table. Even Jinyoung went over, his beer slightly lower than it was before.

"Jackson, I don't want this to change anything. I'm sorry that you think I'm bailing on you, or that this makes everything we ever talked about a lie, but it isn't Jackson. You're my best friend! The only person who's been there with me from the beginning... Please do not do this to me!" Mark choked back a sob.

"I don't know what you want me to say, Mark."

"I want you to tell me that you're still my best friend! I want you to tell me that this isn't going to change everything! I want you to tell me that I can count on you to be there for me, and support me, and to help me through this."

"Mark, I can't... I want to..."

"Jackson!" JB yelled

"I'm not going to do this again, Mark. Okay?! I've been here before and I'm not doing it again..." Jackson said.

"What are you talking about?" Mark asked

"Michael?! Remember him?"

"Jackson. That's what you're worried about?" Mark asked.

"What are we talking about?" JB was lost

"Jackson’s Uncle Michael passed away when we were ten. Jackson was close to him and he took it really hard when he wasn't here anymore." Mark explained.

"He was just like you are Mark. He was gay too, and he died because of it!" Jackson said.

"Jackson, that's not something anybody had any control over." Mark said.

"If he wasn't gay, he'd still be here." Jackson’s eyes filled up with tears.

"Jackson, what happened to Uncle Michael was a horrible tragedy. The guys that attacked him were selfish and they were cowards. I pray that something like that never happens to anyone again Jackson, but it's not something I or anyone else has control over. Jackson, I want to be able to say that you'll be there with me. I need you... I need you to be here for me, Jackson. I don't know how I'm going to be able to do this without you in my corner." Mark pleaded with Jackson.

They all watched as Jackson took a moment for himself. It seemed he was thinking a lot, JB wanted to just make sure things were going to be okay. As often as Jackson cut people off or fell out with people, JB knew that this was different than anything else that had happened before. This was a person he called his brother on the line...

"You're always going to be my brother, Mark. I love you and I'm always going to love you. I just need some time. Just give me some time to be okay with this." Jackson finally said.

Mark clearly was hoping for a different answer, but Jackson walked around the table and they embraced. JB didn't think that things were going to be resolved so quickly, but this was progress.

Jinyoung, who had been sitting quietly the entire time, moved to the kitchen and got another round of beers for everyone. JB had completely forgotten about his present beer, but as Jinyoung presented the third, he quickly finished it off. At this point, anything to relax was going to make this day better for everyone.

" all this sensitive . Where's the green at?" Jackson said bouncing back to his hyper self.

Mark smiled at him conspiratorially, then he went to grab the duffel bag that they had come in with. JB looked at Jinyoung a little nervously, but if Jinyoung felt any type of way when Mark started laying weed paraphernalia on the table, he didn't make mention of it. JB didn't smoke often, with being an athlete and what not. But, whenever they came up to the cabin, it's something they did to relax. It took the edge off and honestly, there was nothing better than being in the woods and being able to truly relax. It took Mark about five minutes to get everything situated. He was a self-proclaimed prodigy at rolling blunts and he didn't disappoint. They all moved outside towards the water and just sat around. JB wanted to talk to Jinyoung for a little bit, but he was chatting with Mark. Jackson was quiet and JB knew that he was still mulling things over in his head. JB was still partly upset with him, but now wasn't the time to think about stuff like that. Minutes later, they were all sitting in a circle, smoke wafting up between them. Everything turned funny and soon they were talking back and forth, laughing their frustrations away. JB knew in his heart that Jackson was going to make the right decision, and he did, but for a moment, there was nothing but doubt. On this weekend, it's just not what JB wanted to focus on.

Sitting there with JB and his friends was a moment that Jinyoung would always remember. Just watching them and how they interacted with each other, and how they cared for one another, was beautiful. After the situation in the cabin, Jinyoung was honestly afraid for what could happen if they stayed there overnight, let alone the weekend. Their change in emotion came so quickly, that for a while, Jinyoung was waiting for another bout of arguments to start. Watching them now though, it was clear just how much they actually did care for each other. Even Jackson had moments of insight and maturity, something Jinyoung never would have expected from him. Just being able to sit there and enjoy the moment, and see them just enjoy their friendship gave him hope. He and JB would never have that friendship, but he knew that they were carving out their own niche in things. Getting to the point where Jinyoung was comfortable with JB’s friends wouldn't hurt either, and honestly, he had made up his mind before leaving home, that he wasn't going to take any of his hurt or distrust with him.

Being hurt so many times makes it hard to trust people, and it makes it hard to believe some of the things that people tell you. But, over the past few days especially, Jackson had been nothing but nice to him. More so than being true to whatever promise he had made to JB, Jackson was genuinely making an effort with Jinyoung. Since the mall, they had talked about art, comics, photography, and it softened him to Jackson a little bit. Jackson wasn't the type of guy to play friends for someone else's be

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Chapter 12: Your story and the way you write is really gripping. Good job authornim! Hopefully we get to read more/new JJP from you! :3
neisya #2
Chapter 12: Wow.. Usually i dont bother to read uncompleted fanfic since i dont like to waiting the next chapter. But this story is sooo good. You make me cant stop read it. And little disappointed when i realized that its the last chapter already. Hope you will continue this story. You did a really great job.
kyoyaa #3
Chapter 12: This is The best fanfic ever...
I really love this storyyyyyy...
please continue the story author-nim ♡♡♡

gotjb_ #4
dunoxavier #5
Chapter 12: By far, THE BEST fanfic for me. Please continue this one author-nim! Seriously hooked with this story and plot ❤️
oneofahgases #6
It was January that u promised to continue this fic. Are u still keeping ur promise???:((
I've finished rereading this fic once a again and I can't help but to remember every single word of this fic whenever I listen to 'Little Do You' .
Will u ever just add one more chapter to this??:((
lovelybae7 #7
Omg this story is so beatiful♡ the feels omg i juat cant♡
Please keep writing authornim♡
I'll wait for the next chapter okay, fighting♡
Shebum #8
aniesmjeje #9
Chapter 12: kk this is ing beautiful BEAUTIFUL KK TOT