Converse High

Converse High

You groaned in frustration as you quickly tried to find a pair of shoes to wear. To your luck, you only found one side of your red converse high tops. 

“Mom!” You shouted over your shoulders. “Where’s my other side?!”  

“Pabo-ah,” she said as she glared at you. “It’s right there isn’t it?!” She said pointing to the corner behind you. 

“Ah~” You giggled nervously. You grabbed the other side and hurriedly put the high tops on before your mom could yell at you. “Komapseumnida. I’ll be leaving first.” 

“Aish… Chincha. You can’t do anything for yourself.” She said as she stuffed a slice of toast in your mouth. “Palli! You’ll really be late for the bus!” 

“B-but.. It’s plain though,” you pouted. “It has no jams.”

“Yah… Are you really whining at a time like this?” 

“Ah- ye!” You quickly stuffed the bread in your mouth and quickly opened the door. “I’ll be back soon!” 

You quickly walked to your bus stop full with other kids. You looked down at your shoes realizing you didn’t even have time to tie them. Before you could even bend down to tie them the bus had already come.

 “Aish.. I’ll just tie it on the bus when I sit down.” 

As you found a seat to sit in, you took out your phone and put you headphones in, totally forgetting about your shoes. You took a deep breathe as the music playing in your ears kept you calm from the morning rush. 


"Have a nice day, kids." The bus driver said as everyone was pushing to get out of the bus. "Watch your step." You slightly turned your head back to give him a reassuring smile when all of a sudden you trip over your shoe lace. You suddenly felt yourself floating in the air and BAM flat on your face. You swear it felt like you just fell down a flight of stairs. You could feel people's glances at you as some started giggling.

Oh. My. God. 

How could this be happening right now. You felt your skirt lift up from the strong wind as tou positioned myself on all fours.

"Aaaaaaish chincha." You cupped your now numb s from the fall you had just taken. Your s were the only things that prevented your face from hitting the ground completely. You quickly picked yourself up extremely embarrassed and patted your to make sure your skirt was down. You put your hand over your left cheek and softly rubbed it, feeling the sting as you walked away from your bus still looking back acting like nothing happened until you hit something in front of you making you stumble back. You shut your eyes closed as you could feel yourself falling again. Huh? You felt a strong pair of hands grip your arm and the other hand gripping your waist. You didn't fall, thank goodness, you mentally cried thanking the lords for not letting you have another embarrassing moment.

"You should watch where you're going." You heard a raspy voice. You opened one eye to see a cute white haired boy hovered over you. You could feel your cheeks turn a shade of pink as you continued to stare at his flawless skin and plump lips. "Especially when you're wearing cute undies" he smirked showing his cute dimple. 

You quickly snapped out of your thoughts as he helped you stand up, his hand still around your waist. 

"Y-yah.." You blushed. "W-what are you talking about?! I'm.. I'm..." You lost your train of thought as he pulled you in closer to him. 

"You're... What, huh?" He said whispering in your ear. 

You completely melted into his rough husky voice. How does someone have such a y voice. Imagine how he'd sound screaming your name in--. WAIT. Why do you keep getting distracted!? He-- I-- ugh! 

"Wait.." You hesitated. "Did you see everything that happened just now?"

"Maybe. Maybe not." He said still holding onto you.

You felt your cheeks get hotter. So he really did see my ! Gaaaah. What am  I gonna do. 

"C-can you just forget everything you just saw?" You pouted embarrassed. 

"Not with that face. Besides you have cute on so there's nothing to be embarrassed of." He answered confidently checking out your body from my eyes to your shoes. "And your red high top converse just make it even cuter. You really are trying to provoke me huh?" He teased. 

"Y-yah.." You quietly groaned as you started walking away from him. "I don't even know who you are." You said almost inaudible for him to hear. 

"Ah. How rude of me. I'm Kim Namjoon. You can just call me Namjoon." He said in his sweetest voice while smiling showing his cute dimple. Wow. He was freaking handsome. From his platinum hair to his big smile that shows his cute little dimples. 

"Like what you see?" He chuckled seeing you drool over him making you break your thoughts about him.

You snapped out of your thoughts and introduced myself. "I-i'm.. M-my name is _______"

"Am I that admirable?" He smirked at your stuttering. Suddenly his eyes went wide when he saw your cheek. "Yah. Are you okay?" He said as he caressed your cheek with his soft hands. You felt your cheeks getting even hotter, positively sure he could feel it. 

"Ah... Yeah.." You said slowly. "I should probably get going. Go to the infirmary before I go to class." You explained. Wait. Ugh why did I have to explain to him where and what I was doing. Gah. You slowly walked away but before you could even move a step he grabbed my hand. 

"Wait. I'll take you." He smiled. Before you could argue back you heard a group of boys voices behind you.

"Namjoon-ah!" The light pink haired one called out. "Why are you just standing by the buses?" 

"Oh. I was just about to take _______ to the infirmary. 

"Ouuuu. She's cute, Namjoon." A tall brown haired boy smiled as all six of them gathered around us.

"Yah, Hoseok, back off. I found her first." Namjoon growled back. 

"Hooooo. Possessive rapmon. y." He chuckled. His eyes widened when he saw your red high converse. You suddenly saw a smirk form on his face as if he knew how to piss Namjoon off even more. 

"Yah ______, rather than the stars in the sky, I wanna see the stars on your shoes." He whispered in your ear loud enough for Namjoon hear. "Without Namjoon knowing." 

"Aish chincha. You want to die today?!" Namjoon tried to grab Hoseok's collar as he quickly giggled away. 

"Tsk tsk." Suga shook his head. "Converse. I really hate converse. Converses kill your charm, don't you know?" He bent down and examined your hightops. "You'd look better in Jordan's." He smirked.

"Yah." Namjoon glared at him. "Is she yours? Go find yourself a Jordan girl then. Geez. You guys are so--"

"Really hyung!? I'm so into her converse high!" A baby faced boy said cutting Namjoon off. His charming eyes looked into your eyes. "I really really like your converse high. I really want them, noona!" 

"YAH! Jungkook." He yelled giving him the death stare. 

"Anyways." Suga continued. "If I had a girl, I'd tell her not to wear converse highs."

"Oho. Am I thinking what you're thinking?" A cute looking boy smirked. 

"Jimin... Shut up." Namjoon said as Jimin's head whipped around to face him. "You got no jams."

"Okay..." He said rolling his eyes. "And you can't dance." 

"Yah! Who--!"

"Eh?" Jungkook cut in again. "Why?"

"Because it'd be hard to take off of her" Suga replied.

"Ahhhh. Hyunnnng." The rest of the boys groaned in disgusts. "You're saying too much.  Too much" pleaded a very handsome boy with a disturbed face. 

"If you know what I mean." He smirked. "You know what I mean right, Jin?" 

Jin shook his head as he put his hands around jungkook's ears. Jungkook quietly thought to himself. Hard to take off? Ohh, suddenly it clicked in his head as he shook out of Jin's hands."True true. They are high tops after all. But she could always do it herself if you don't want to. I mean all that untying though."

"Ah yah, jungkookie." Suga said in an annoyed voice while ruffling his hair. "I mean when-- Aish. Nevermind. You're too young to understand. Palli! Let's go! We're gonna be late!" He said as he grabbed the still confused jungkook by the collar with him along with the others. You saw jungkook's eyes widen as the alien looking boy whispered something in his ear. Looks like he won't be all that innocent anymore you thought as you giggled to yourself. 

"So." You jumped remembering Namjoon was still there. "Don't mind them." He glared at his group of friends walking away. "I'll walk you to the nurse." He smiled looking at you. "By the way I saw you cupping your s. Do they still hurt? Did you need some company in making them feel better?" He smirked as you rolled your eyes walking into the school. 

Kyahkyahkyahkyah. this just came up while I was listening to converse high. lmao. I hope you guys enjoy x)) I've also had requests for a sequel for "i'm sorry" so i'm still working on it. Please anticipate it :) 

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Chapter 1: This was so funny XD I don't consider jungkook innocent tho cuz the way he dances to girl group choreo with a naughty smile XD he probably has the same expression when he watches and mvs, and watches them alot to know the dance moves so well XD
Chapter 1: the bread with no jams tho xD
Chapter 1: It was so funny kekeke xD good job author nim^^
Chapter 1: lol. Your take on Converse High is funny. I'm also writing a story based off this song but with a different plot though. :)
Chapter 1: OMG THIS WAS SO CUTE! HUEHUEHUE I hope it doesn't end here.