
when the time is right

"So, this is it?"

Jinki heard Kibum ask as the younger halted his movements.

"Yes, this is it."

• • • • •

Jinki and Kibum were the perfect match. That's what everyone around them believed. Even the couple themselves believe that. They knew they were the right one for each other. They make their other half a much better person. Jinki wakes up every morning to the face of Kibum. Kibum falls asleep to the sound of Jinki's voice. They both love each other deeply, and it was beautiful. So, it became a surprise to everyone when they found out that the two decided to split up.

It wasn't that they weren't happy anymore or that they aren't contented with the relationship. The truth is, they couldn't ask for anything else. But, they believed that the timing wasn't right. They both weren't ready. Not yet anyway. They were both still too young, too busy, and they still have so much things to cross off their own bucketlists, too much ambitions fill their heads.

They both wanted their relationship to work out, because they believed that they were meant to be together. But they knew that if they were too greedy, it can ruin what they have and the future for them. So it was a mutual decision to break up.

Kibum decided to continue his studies in a place where he can be himself freely, and be able to give him the oppurtunity to actually achieve his dreams. So, he prepared his things and booked his flight to the place where he'll continue his studies, Japan.

Jinki, on the other hand, decided to stay in Seoul. He didn't move out of their shared apartment. He knew that he would need to get used to the feeling of being alone. Which was difficult when every corner of the place reminds him of Kibum. But he also knew that he could do it. Because he wasn't going to forget Kibum, not really. They will just try to find themselves. If that time comes and they still love each other, then they can be together.

• • • • •

"Take care, Kibum. I wish you all the best."

"Thank you, Jinki. Be happy. And I hope you won't forget about me."

"I won't. Same goes to you."

"Good bye, Jinki."

"Bye Kibum."

And then Kibum was gone. Jinki felt the weight of sadness on his chest. But then there was also this sparkle of hope. And he will hold on to that hope.

"I love you, Kibum." He says. It will probably be years before he gets to say that again. But it doesn't matter. He's willing to wait, and in the process of waiting, he'll make himself better so that if ever they reunite, there'll be no turning back.


After all, they were meant to be together. 





a new onkey one shot. yaaaaayy! sorry it's kinda short. anywaaay  #SHINeeView1stWin  congratulations!

so, tell me what you think. :)

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Chapter 1: awww my babies ;;;; I wish you could write their reunion ♥ so much love between them
yaleON #2
Chapter 1: Wahh, need sequel.. jebal.. soo nice
edgesofcircle #3
Chapter 1: wh-why this is so short ;;;
I like the way you potray they break up! It sounds realistic hehe but maybe you can continue it and make onkey get back together and live happily ever after ;;;