
Five Songs to Sunday

“Can you stand still?” Kangjun complains, putting a firm hand on Rome’s shoulder to stop him from bouncing up and down with delight. “I’m not gonna hear it if you complain about getting sunburnt.”


“You’re such a kid.”

Kangjun squirts some more of the waterproof SPF90 out of the bottle before coating Rome’s back, rubbing the product in thoroughly so that no white splotches appear.

“That’s what you like about me, isn’t it?”

Kangjun remains silent, save for rubbing the sunscreen a bit more aggressively on Rome’s back.

“Okay, let’s go!” Rome exclaims.

The sun is shining, and the waves meet the sandy beach with a royal prowess. Kangjun and Rome are wading in the water, getting far away enough from the beach where the waves sweep them up gently before letting them down with the same graceful motion.

As they're in the water, they also splash at each other, getting Kangjun’s new tank top completely soaked. At other times they’re having breath-holding contests, which Kangjun wins more than half the time. Then they’re seeing if they can withstand the waves with Kangjun sitting on Rome’s shoulders – this last one was a horrible failure as both boys were swept backwards into the water. The air is kindled with the suns rays, with salt water, and with hearty laughter.

They’re now washing the saltwater off at one of the showering stations. Rome is first, cleaning his hair with some of the shampoo that Kangjun packed, while Kangjun hides from the sun underneath his towel.

The towel-shawl also serves the purpose of keeping Kangjun’s face hidden from the rest of the beachgoers – his eyes hungrily following the soap suds as they roll down Rome’s broad back and over his orange swimming trunks, and onto his flip flops. There were plenty of times when he saw Rome in his showers during the weekends when he slept over at his place. Heck, he even showered with Rome. But only on that day under the sun was Kangjun afforded the view of the same boy but now golden from being under the sun.

“Looks like a nice time get a little frisky.” Rome teases, pulling Kangjun into shower with him. Kangjun’s taken by surprise, but thankfully his grip on his towel is loose as it falls onto the beach and avoiding getting soaked in the shower.

“There are kids here you know.”

“So?” Rome says, wrapping a rebellious arm around Kangjun’s waist, hands stretching the hem along the back of the tank top.

“You monster.” Kangjun cries in mock theatrics, pounding Rome’s chest lightly as if contending with the grip of King Kong himself.

He can’t be mad with him for real, he’s having too much fun as it is.

They’re lying on the beach with their beach mat underneath them, soaking in the sun’s rays. Partly to dry off, but their towels did most of that work. Mostly to just enjoy it. As Rome once once put it bluntly, screw it if it could cause skin cancer. Kangjun’s lying down next to his solar-powered partner, also facing the sun’s rays. His shirt is off for once to get even the tan over the rest of his body.

“You’re not snoring, Kangjun?”

“Because I’m not sleeping.”

Rome laughs as he rolls onto his stomach, to both work on tanning his back, and to engage in a more direct conversation with the boy next to him.

“Did you have a good time at the beach?”

Kangjun’s mouth curves into a lazy grin. “Yes I did.”

“And…?” Rome eggs Kangjun on, sliding his sunglasses lower down the bridge of his nose to glare at Kangjun directly.

“And, thanks for bringing me here.”

“It’s been my pleasure.” Rome happily concludes before shifting his weight off his elbows to lie chest-and-belly flat on the mat.

“I mean it though.” Kangjun continues, rolling on his stomach to work on his tan as well.

His face is inches away from Rome’s, close enough for Kangjun to see the small grains of sand still trapped in Rome's eyebrows. Needless to say, Rome was still strikingly handsome.

“Thanks for the idea of coming here. It’s a nice change.”

Rome smiles from ear to ear. “So am I the best, or what?”

“Depends.” Kangjun says, grinning at having the upper hand in this conversation.

“Depends on what?”

“The day’s not done yet and I’m getting hungry. Plus this entire date was your idea too, so you’re paying.”

Rome scoffs, though he doesn’t retaliate – he’s getting pretty hungry himself. Kangjun kisses him for good measure, to secure his free lunch.

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Chapter 5: bless you omfg romejun is my favorite thing and this is so cute and it's perfect and I asdfghjkl is cries