14 .

My Boo(spin-off to Crying'Wolf!')

He was on the verge of a nervous break down!

How did he end up in there, again?How long was he gonna last before he burst through those damned hospital doors.!?

Hoya was known to hold his ground,even when facing dreadful situations.He mastered those sweat inducing,heart attack prone kind of news;most of the times, anyways.

But lately, he found himself more keen to join Woohyun's looney team,especially when those particular news regarded one itsy bitsy BabyBoo and the drama she reveled in,apparently out of her own volition.

Yes, he learned to give her some slack,yes,he trusted her to be the better,more down to earth half of him,but to what avail?!

Jungsoo was her own 'every man for himself ' kind of person when related to face to face combat and the aftermath of that.

What could he have possibly been thinking when entrusting that tiny frame of hers to surpass the effects of a front attack?Of course she'd be needing medical aidance,at least the basics of it(on the good days!) and he should've just effing known better to trust his own instincts,even though he fought them barely minutes before rushing Baby Boo to the hospital.Maybe he just feared that if he gave into them he'd actually be aknowledging the gravity of the recent hit on her,

Just how much could a body take getting hit before it faced real reprecutions later on?

Hoya could barelly recall the last time he stood still on a chair waiting for the results of her medical condition! It had become an escalading criss-cross down the hospital corridors,crumpled clothes wore on disarray,endless trips to the coffee machine(not that it helped in anyway).....he was too tired!

Hence, the feeling of a break down dooming over his state of mind was more than expected.

BABY Boo had finally been out for more than mere hours after banging her head.It had had gotten up to almost a full day before she opened her eyes again!

"I kinda miss the old days when you were silently waiting sitting down like a good scholar."Nari's hand grabbed his shoulder,stopping him in his track."As much as I love you,my friend, your face isn't helping much with my credibility around.They already think I'm cheating on Gyu...."

"I'd be more than happy to miss my chance , believe me.How is she?"he asked in a dark tone.

"Better than you."she motioned for him to follow her inside Baby Boo's ward."Hey, feisty.Look who I brought!"

"Before you go all commando on me, just hear me out!"Jungsoo spoke in one breath.

Hoya felt like spanking that girl into submission!Her right ankle was in a minty  coloured cast,gashes sprinkled her right cheekbone,while her head was crowned with what looked like a very mundane version of a sultan's turban.And she had the audacity to try and make him listen to her first?!

"I'llcome by after.Need to make myself visible before they misjudge my whereabouts again."Nari chimed in."You kids,play nice."she blew a raspberry before fleeing the set.

"She overestimates the effect of her words have on me at this point.Just cause I pitch in as a God father ,doesn't mean she should...."

"Oh, please,you'll be eating out of those kids' palms the second they giggle at you.And it's only one kid you're actually substituting for."Baby Boo reminded him,trying to find a better position for her casted leg.

"What, don't you think I know how that greasy Namu is working on charming his way into both twins?"he singsonged the nickname in mockery."And don't change topic!You still have some explaining to do."Hoya said,easing his way onto the side of her bed,carefully observing her.

"This part is pain free."she flicked her tongue,finger pointing at her left cheek for a kiss.

"I ought to...god, Baby Boo,what were you thinking?"he pressed his knuckles underneath the gashes.

"They...talked about Minah and Dongwoo...in a not so appropiate manner."she avoided his eyes.

"Why is it always you that has to play hero?They're both adults and pretty much capable of holding their ground if need be."Hoya huffed.

"She's my sister,my little sister.How can I stand and hear them trash talk about her?"she teared up.

"People won't stop being people just because you see the wrong in their actions.Please try and see it from my point of view.I care about them,too,but I can hold back until they ask for help.IF they ask for it."he emphasized."Why do want me going on a spree?"

"I'm sorry.I didn't think they'll play dirty."she sobbed, allowing him to wrap his arms around her frail stance.

"You're making loving you more difficult than it's supossed.I beg you, Baby Boo,please be more careful.I'm almost bald because of your careless actions."he tried joking, slightly pressing his lips on her forehead.

"Uhh,whoever heard of a bald idol? You'll be jobless in no time."she sniffed.

"Exactly!It's bad enough that Boo goes for my stage clothes,I don't need extra reason to avoid the spotlight."he bitterly chuckled,cradling her.

"Who stained them this time?"she asked, letting her head rest on his shoulder.

"Hyunsu,who else."he voiced his god son's name with much more calmness than expected."I guess I should be thankfull Hyunae was busying herself with messing Boo's fur at the time,else I'd be dog food in no time.For once, she actually helped by being out of the big picture."

Usually the twins joined efforts in making his life the most colourful place to be around.He loved them to pieces,but sometimes they proved a handfull,especially when baby-sitting.Thank god, Woohyun took turns(he was the other god father, after all),otherwise he'll be left with little choices to retain his sanity, much to their parents' delight!So, maybe Sunggyu had a dark...er side of him and enjoyed seeing him fluster around his kids;and maybe Nari overestimated his skills at putting up with bundles of neverending energy.

Thanks to Baby Boo he took godfostering with ease,even when Woohyun stubbornly fought for first place in both twins'hearts.But when they played an important part in him getting bitten by Boo because they smeared food on his clothes,that was a frontal declaration of war!

"Be glad you didn't suffer braiding sessions!"Jungsoo shuddered at the recollection of one smirking Hyunae just a few days ago.

She was the splitting image of her father,personality and physiology alike, whereas Hyunsu took more after his mother,which wasn't always as assuring as it should

"Well, let's just pray they'll outgrow these dreadful phases soon."Hoya exhaled.

"Yeah, keep on dreaming, buddy!"




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italic writing 4 recalling past events


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clouds930428 #1
Chapter 14: huh? gyu and nari already have kids?
clouds930428 #2
Chapter 13: is this chapter happened before the crying wolf's ending?
clouds930428 #3
Chapter 12: nah it's not rushed... the timing is right i think
already on it,but maybe i rushed into it? in the last chp? what do u think?
clouds930428 #5
Chapter 11: hoya and jungsoo i mean
whose relationship were u reffering to?
clouds930428 #7
Chapter 10: uhm its up to you author-nim, but you should focused on developed their relationship first
I was kinda debating weather i should end the story with the same lines(as in Nari announcing it at the end)but i'm still 2fond of her and gyu and i'd like to add the 'news'earlier in this story.what do u think?
clouds930428 #9
Chapter 8: is nari already pregnant in this story?
clouds930428 #10
Chapter 5: ah finally you update author-nim ^^
just wondering, is minah or jungsoo has connection to woolim?