Night Before


            The company building was quiet throughout the hallways, only a few dim security lights making anything visible. There wasn’t much sign of life since almost everyone had vacated the premises over an hour ago. With the time being so late, and with an important day for the new rookie group tomorrow, the staff and members had called it a day around 2:00am in order to be rested up for the debut day.

            Despite the lack of activity going on, there was one practice room that was still lit by some bright lights, the door closed to the rest of the world. Inside of the room there were two people left, one of them with a laptop as he sat on a lone chair in the corner, and the other was standing in front of the large music player as he repeatedly turned the same song on and then off again. Every time he turned it on, he would begin singing as his parts came, but each time his voice would crack halfway through. Frustration was obvious on his brow as his forehead pinched together while sighing loudly. He had obvious eye bags at this point and his simple outfit was messy from the tedious practice a few hours ago with the other members.

            Opposite of him, Wonho looked up from his computer, his black hair still smoothed down although he was sporting similar eye bags to the other. He pulled his ear buds out as he gave the frustrated man a long look before he said, “Maybe you should rest your voice. You’re letting your nerves affect you too much, Kihyun.”

            Kihyun sighed again as he let his shoulders sag slightly, “Maybe… but I can’t screw tomorrow up. After everything we’ve put into this debut, I-“

            Wonho held up a hand to stop him, shaking his head as he interrupted, “Which is why everyone has been working hard for tomorrow. You don’t have to put it all on yourself, Kihyun. We all know that you’ll do just fine, or else you wouldn’t be the main vocal.” He laughed slightly, hoping that Kihyun would follow along. That wasn’t the case as Kihyun just sighed again, running his hands through his short brown hair, making it stick up in all different directions as he said, “You’re right… you’ve been working too hard. You should go back to the dorm; I’ll be there in a bit.”

            Wonho cracked his neck, shaking his head as he replied in a tired voice, “That is NOT what I was trying to say.” He itched the side of his head, “Besides, I already told you that I don’t want you walking back by yourself at this time of the night.”

            Wonho didn’t miss the slight smile that came on Kihyun’s face, the younger pressing his lips together as his small dimples showed up on his cheeks. Kihyun quickly turned away, covering his mouth as he replied, “Why? Worried I’ll get lost?”

            Wonho rolled his eyes half-heartedly, “You know why…” Kihyun shrugged, playing stupid as he kept his back turned to him, “Nope, sorry I don’t remember why.” His slight lisp was obvious without background noise masking it, and to Wonho, Kihyun looked tiny standing in the middle of the large room by himself. There were lots of things that worried Wonho constantly, but not even the impending debut day concerned him as much as the thought of his petite boyfriend walking back to the dorm by himself at night.

Wonho closed his laptop and bent down as he sat it on the ground, grunting slightly as he stood up and felt the effects from practice all day settling into his body. Kihyun pretended to not notice him walking up behind him, not surprised when he felt Wonho’s large arms wrap around his shoulders as the slightly taller male rested his chin on Kihyun’s thin shoulder. Wonho’s voice was tired but full of affection as he said, “You’re a problem.”

Kihyun turned his head slightly as he tried to look back at him, reaching up and holding onto Wonho’s arms as he said, “And you worry just as much as me.” He actually smiled this time, his dimples extremely obvious as his eyes disappeared into crescents. “So now we’re even.”

Wonho stared at him for a moment, raising an eyebrow at Kihyun’s comment. “Even?” He chuckled as he lifted his head, bringing his mouth close to the other’s ear as he smirked, “No, I have to worry because you’re so vulnerable and cute that someone would no doubt snatch you away if I wasn’t watching.” He tightened his arms around his shoulders as he continued, his lips brushing against Kihyun’s ear, “On the other hand, you’re so extremely talented and your voice is perfect, so you have nothing to worry about.” He kissed the side of his neck as he finished, “So no, we’re not even.”

Kihyun looked like he was about to reply before he stopped himself, pursing his lips as he glanced over his shoulder at his boyfriend suspiciously, “You’re just trying to distract me from practicing.” He leaned forward against Wonho’s arms, but the much stronger man held him in place. Wonho shrugged, “Maybe I am…” He took a deep breath in as he could smell Kihyun’s scent mixed with the sweat from practice earlier. It was this smell that always seemed to turn Wonho on. His voice was husky, with both tiredness and love as he said, “You need to get some rest and save your voice.”

Kihyun’s shoulders relaxed as he smiled, “But I still want to practice…” He silently convinced Wonho to loosen his grip enough for him to turn around and face the raven haired man, his arms staying still at his sides as he gave him another dimpled smile. “So you should convince me to save my voice.”

Wonho smiled, knowing how easily Kihyun would give in to him. “I guess I’ll have to shut you up, then.” Kihyun wasn’t given a chance to respond as Wonho moved his arms down slightly and pulled him closer, leaning down as he captured his lips in soft kiss. Kihyun smiled against his mouth as he reached around him and grabbed onto his boyfriend’s thin white shirt, his fingers lightly kneading into the muscle on his back as he leaned his body up against him. They stayed like that for a minute before Wonho turned his head, his tongue pressing against Kihyun’s lips as they demanded entrance. Kihyun didn’t fight him as he opened his mouth, gasping softly as he could feel Wonho take over quickly.

Wonho pushed his tongue into the vocalist’s mouth as he kept their bodies pressed tightly against each other, his hands rubbing small circles on the back of Kihyun’s shoulders as he could feel the tightness from months of preparation for Monsta X’s debut begin to melt away.

As Wonho pulled away for a moment, he planted a kiss on Kihyun’s forehead as he quietly said, “Ready to get some rest now?”

Kihyun took a deep breath in through his nose as he opened his eyes and looked up at him. He wasn’t even sure when he had closed his eyes, but he knew that every moment that he spent together with Wonho like this made him forget everything else for a little while. He didn’t want this to end just yet, but he knew that Wonho was set on going back to the dorm so that he could rest. However, Kihyun knew just how to get his way with his strict boyfriend.

“I’m not sure that was enough to convince me, daddy.”

Wonho’s eyebrow twitched slightly as he bit his lip, mentally fighting with himself as Kihyun’s small arms wrapped tighter around his back, pressing his small chest against Wonho’s much thicker one. He gave him a dimpled smile as he patiently waited for his boyfriend’s reply. If he knew Wonho, which he did VERY well, he knew that the former ulzzang’s weakness was nothing other than being referred to as ‘daddy’. Ever since Kihyun had found this out, he’d bring it out on certain occasions when he wanted to push Wonho over the edge. Last thing the singer wanted to do was go back to the dorm and pace around and worry about their debut, and Wonho was the perfect distraction.

Wonho let his hand come up and touch the back of Kihyun’s head, right near the nape of his neck as his fingers lightly brushed against his short brown hair. Kihyun shivered at the light touch, leaning forward as he quietly said, “Daddy…”

That was all the invitation that Wonho needed as his fingers suddenly buried themselves in Kihyun’s hair and pulled, the smaller male gasping at the abrasive grip as he grabbed tighter onto Wonho’s white shirt. Wonho breath was hot on his face as his suddenly dominant boyfriend quietly and sternly ordered, “Open your mouth.”

Kihyun obediently listened as he opened his mouth slightly, his lips tingling as he waiting for Wonho’s lips. The other didn’t disappoint as he crashed their lips together with much more force than their previous kisses, his tongue diving into Kihyun’s mouth as his mouth took complete control of him. Wonho’s fingers pulled back on Kihyun’s head forcing his mouth open more as he pressed their bodies closer together. All that could be heard for a while was the sounds of their hot kisses as Kihyun tried to catch his breath, both of them breathing heavily as their chests continually fought for more space.

Kihyun’s hands began to trace the muscle along Wonho’s back, his mind blanking out as all he could feel was Wonho on his lips and fingers. He could feel heat rising in his body as he dug his fingers in deeper into his boyfriend’s back, Wonho grunting in response as he was obviously effected by it too.

When they pulled back for a quick breath, Wonho didn’t waste time kissing Kihyun’s neck as the smaller male heavily breathed out, “Daddy, more...” Wonho hungrily tasted the skin along his neck and jaw as his free hand moved beneath the back of Kihyun’s shirt, rubbing his lower back roughly.

Kihyun could feel his knees get weak as he put all his weight against him, the fingers still buried in his hair pulling his head back again as more of his neck became exposed for Wonho to taste. Kihyun held onto the back of Wonho’s thin shirt as if it was his only life line as his boyfriend lightly bit his adam’s apple, it immediately after as his hand moved down from his back to grip tightly onto his .

Jumping slightly, Kihyun’s knees shook his he gasped, “Ah, Daddy please…”

Wonho’s breath was ragged as he brought his mouth back up to Kihyun’s, kissing him again as he his boyfriend’s lips. Kihyun could feel Wonho’s body shaking slightly, the older male obviously mentally fighting himself as he tried not to take it too far. Kihyun considered egging him on more, enjoying the feel of Wonho’s hands and mouth too much to stop now, but Wonho obviously found his resolve as he pulled back. He looked at Kihyun’s eyes for a moment before he smiled, letting go of Kihyun’s hair and smoothing it down before giving him a pat on the .

“Nope, I can’t make you sore the night before our debut.” He laughed quietly, his eyes still slightly dark. He cleared his throat and shook his head as Kihyun gave him a long stare, his lips pursing slightly. “No,” Wonho said firmly, obviously still in his dominant mode, “And don’t even try to use ‘that’ against me again tonight.” He leaned in and whispered in Kihyun’s ear as he quietly added, “I’ll punish you all you want later.”

Kihyun sighed, mentally willing his body to calm down as he said, “I guess this means we’re going back to the dorm?” Wonho nodded, grabbing Kihyun’s hand before kissing him on the edge of the nose. “Yeah… and you have nothing to worry about with tomorrow’s performance. You’re perfect.”



A/N: I'm too tired to fix the format lol sorry. But yeah, my nickname for Wonho is "Daddy", soooooo I thought I'd just... add that in there lol. ENJOY


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sweetestsuga #1
Chapter 1: /pounding on table/ sequel sequel seQEL SEQUEL
Chapter 1: OMG that was amazing.. O.O
Chapter 1: Yeah sequel please
Chapter 1: it was intense
Oh my goodness this is such a nice story!!! I officially ship my two biases in Monsta X now :D
Sxphia #6
Chapter 1: hOLY !!!¡¡!¡!¡!!¡ damn this fic, i'm officially shipping wonho & kihyun ㅠㅠㅠㅠ
Chapter 1: I need the AFTER DEBUT!
meiadinda #8
Chapter 1: sequel please. wonho kihyun so cute.
Chapter 1: holy hell im totally not aware of that semi- thing damn. ITS HOT OMG PLS MAKE A SEQUEL TO THAT 'later punishment' THIS IS REALLY GOOD.