commisceo | join us now! we're in need of some admins!


est. mm/dd
about us
hello hello this is commisceo. commisceo means to join or intermingle and that's what we hope you lovelies do. we are a twitter based, loving roleplay and we hope to last forever and create our own little family. please do come and join us ♡ 
rules & how to join
subscribe is a must, your comment will be ignored if not. one account per person. we are a closed roleplay so no interacting with outsiders. ooc in brackets or dm's. be friendly and at least welcome new members- don't make people feel left out. tl is not age limited, but keep in dm's. any talk on tl, please keep it at a low level. password is your favorite god/goddess. love whoever you please, but after 400 tweets & 2 day dating ban. do not talk about other roleplays here. members must reach 50 tweets in under 24 hours after being verified. inactivity for 3 days will result in a kickout. we take reservations for friends and twitter reservations- also don't plan to reserve if you aren't going to bother coming. u/n format to (name)cms or cms(name) no underscores, other letters, or numbers.
couple list
event list
05/25 : just opened! Join us now!



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