Chapter 3


Luhan's pov

we all saw how Minho looked at seohyun. In fact, I was about to punch him in the face for looking at MY girl. Then the fact that he sat next to seohyun just now really made me angry.

I hugged seohyun tighter and said,"so how's first day of school?" 

"Good," he said. "In fact, even greater, because I got to meet new people, u guys are my new friends, and I get to talk to the most beautiful girl in this school." He looked at seohyun and smiled.

"Oh me.... Um thank u," she said. 

I looked at him with a disgusted look. Why is he hitting on her if he knows that she's taken by me already. I even have to stare at him to warn him that she's mine.

"So Minho.. Tell us about ur self," yoona said.

"Well, I was born in New York, I'm a basketball player, I'm 17 years old, and my family owns the choi company in Seoul."

" you mean THE choi company ?!" Baekhyun exclaimed. "That's the second the biggest company around here! Except the fact that Luhan's parents owns the #1 biggest company here but still! I can't believe it!" 

Taeyeon smacked his head and said," I heard ur family and Luhan's family are competing against each other... But um I doubt ur family will win.. No offense." 

I high five taeyeon and stared at Minho.

"so I heard this school is where u become an artist." Minho said.

"Yea the group ur hanging out right now is the best group that will most likely debut," yoona exclaimed. 

"So seohyun," he said. "I was wondering if u wanna go to the movies tomorrow." 

"Oh back off buddy she's already taken by luhan." Sehun yelled.

"Well I mean if u still want to go," Minho smiled.

"Sorry Umm I'm going on a date with luhan," seohyun said and looked at me.

"Oh umm yea we are!" I said.

"Hey Minho.. Um can u get me a soda?" Baekhyun asked. 

"Sure!" He said and stood up to get him a drink.

" now's out chance! Run!" Baekhyun scream. And we all made a run for it.

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Chapter 11: Hooraay they got married~ congrats SeoHan~~
Chapter 6: I wish someone would do the same thing like Luhan to me.. aiyo so sweeett
Chapter 5: Sweet seohan , dorky baekyeon , evil minho.. update soon ♥♥
Chapter 4: This is cute! And poor Minho XD

will be waiting for the update!
Chapter 1 : sweet luhan ♥♥ love it ^^ update soon ♥♥