Meeting with one another

Heart-Throbbing E-mail


Oh! A message. Must be from him.

“Hey Miss Hae!”

“Hi Mr. Fishy Lee~”

“How are you?”

“Fine as always! How about you?”

“Tired from work…



“About your work. I’ve never asked you what kind of work you do.”

“Hmmm… Seems likely. Do you want to know?”

“Nah~ if you want to tell, I’ll hear about it. But if it’s a bit personal, I understand.”

“Okay then… It’s a bit hard to explain, but maybe someday I’ll tell you. 


“So yeah, I gotta go now. I need to go back to work.”

“Jinjja? Okay…”

“Talk to you later, okay?


Wait, what time is it? OMG! It’s already almost 8. M Countdown’s about to be showed. I can’t wait for Super Junior M’s Last Stage!

Hi! I’m Kim Chan-hee. I’m a super fan of Super Junior. My ultimate bias is Donghae~ He’s son handsome! Don’t you all agree? Okay enough of me fangirling over him.

Lately, I’m really anticipating someone over my phone. To be exact, in Kakao Talk. There’s this one boy that I currently always talk to. His ID name is Mr. Fishy Lee. It seems a bit familiar. Right? But I just can’t get my tongue out of it. Cat got my tongue. Just joking. Tee-hee~ so yeah… Enough of that. M Countdown’s already starting! Kyaa~!

An Hour Later…

OMG! They’re performance was so awesome! I wish I could visit the studio someday to watch them live. But I’m still okay watching from TV.



“So? How’s your work?”

“Tiring as ever. But I’m happy about it.”

“Good for you.

“Oh yeah, I have a good news for you.

“What is it?”

“I’m free! I mean, I finished all my work. I can go out.”

“Wow! That’s nice. Wait, I don’t get why this is a good news for me.”

“Well, here’s the deal. Are you free tomorrow? Since its Saturday.”

“Wait. Let me check.”

Saturday… Saturday… I’m free!

“Yep~ I’m free tomorrow~”

“Okay then! Let’s meet-up? If you want to.”

Did he just asked me out? Omo! Should I agree? I mean, I haven’t even seen him yet. Literally. Even in just pictures. I haven’t seen him. What if he’s a bad person? It can’t be. He’s too nice while I talk with him.


“Hey? You still there?” Omo! I forgot about him.

“Yeah… I’m still here.”

“So? About tomorrow?”

“Sure… Let’s meet up.

“Really? That’s great. Let’s meet up here. At 10 okay? My treat.

Wait, that’s Donghae’s Family restaurant. Maybe I’ll meet Donghae tomorrow at the restaurant? Wait, wait. I shouldn’t be fangirling on a date. Maybe he’ll get weird around me.

“Sure. Okay.”


“Uh… I need to go to sleep now.”

“Okay okay… Have a good night sleep.”

“You too. Good night.

Should I really meet up with him tomorrow? Maybe I should just bail. Wait, he might think I’m not trusting him enough. We did talked with each other for about a year now. It’s not that I don’t trust him completely. Okay I don’t really trust him that much. What should I do? Aaarghh!!! Eottokhae!

The next day…

“Mom! I’m heading out~ be back later!”

“Arraso! Just be back before dinner.”

It’s still early. I think? Yup. It’s just 9. I’m an hour early. But that restaurant is 30 minutes far from here. So I’ll just take my time on the way there.

30 minutes later…

Whoa… So this is Donghae’s restaurant. I’ve only watched it in K-Style, but seeing it in-person is much more awesome than in TV. Maybe Donghae and the rest of Super Junior will be here later. I’m so excited! Wait, I forgot about my date today. I should go in now.

Jakkaman… How will I know what he looks like? He did see my selca that I send to him last month. So he might recognize me. I’ll just find the one who is calling me. Since I’m a bit early and it doesn’t seem that he’s here yet, maybe I should order first. Donghae’s favorite, maybe?

He seems a bit late. Maybe he bailed out. Joking~ But where is he?

*girls screaming*

Who’s that? Is it a member of Super Junior? Omo… I should take a picture.

No way… It’s… It’s Donghae! OMG! I should take a picture of him. This is so cool!


OMG! He looks so handsome in person!

“Hey you!”  Huh? Who’s he calling to? Wait! He’s looking at me. Is he calling out to me? “N-Nae?”

“Yes you.” He smiled. He just smiled at me. Be professional. Don’t over react.

He stepped out of the crowd. He’s currently going towards me. OMG. Lee Donghae is coming towards me. Don’t faint Chan-hee! Don’t you dare faint in front of him Chan-hee!


“Perhaps, are you Miss Hae?” Wait… How did he know my Kakao Talk ID? Don’t tell me he is… “Mr. Fishy… Lee?”

“Nice to meet you Miss Hae. I’m Mr. Fishy Lee. You do know me, right?”

“Uh-huh…” what is with this tense atmosphere? “So? Shall we have a seat?”

“Uhmm… S-Sure…” I’m stuttering. Don’t stutter. Oh wait, I already have a seat. “I already reserved a seat for us.” “Wow. Really? Thanks.” OMG! He just smiled! Again! This can’t be happening. “So? Aren’t you going to seat?”

“Huh? What? Oh yeah, forgot about that.”

“So, I finally saw you in person, Miss Hae. You’re more beautiful in personal than in the picture you sent me.” Wait, did he just complimented me? Eottokhae? Should I panic? Be professional. Be calm. “Uhmm… I’m not that pretty.” I hope I’m not blushing in front of him. Yet I feel a bit hot around my cheeks. He just laughed. Why is he laughing? Is there something in my face? Do I, perhaps, look weird? “Uhmmm… Pardon, but why are you laughing? Is there something in my face?”

“Ohh… I’m sorry about that. It’s just, you’re cheeks are red right now. And you look cute. Maybe because you’re nervous? Miss Hae?” again, he a little laugh came out of his cute smile. “I forgot, I’m Lee Donghae from Super Junior. Or as you know me, Mr. Fishy Lee. But I know you knew that from the start that you saw me? Right?”

“Ahh… Yeah… I know you… Kinda…”

“So how about you? Aren’t you going to introduce yourself to me?”

“Ohh, I forgot about that. I’m Kim Chan-hee. Or you know? Miss Hae. So yeah.”

“Nice to meet you! Chan-hee~ssi”

“Nice to meet you too, Lee Donghae~ssi.”

“So, should we order?”

“Uhmm… I kinda ordered already. Mianhae.”

“Really? That’s okay. Sorry for waiting for me. Ahh! I know! As a compensation, today’s my treat. For the whole day.”

“Anniyo, it’s okay.” Again, with this awkward atmosphere! I should think of a topic right now.

“Here’s your order ma’am. Two Steak Tacos and a pitcher of our freshly made Lemonade.” Just in time. I’m glad the food already arrived. “Enjoy your meal.”

“Thank you.”  Dear waitress, you’re a life-saver!

“Wow! Steak tacos… Daebak! This is my favorite. How’d you know?” Well… I am your fan. “Uhmm… Instinct? I did want to try eating this when I saw it on TV.” That should be enough reason. Right? “Oh really? Well, our restaurant is kinda famous. Especially to our fans.”

“Oh… Yeah, I guess so.”

“Hey… Perhaps…”

“Hmmm?” Don’t tell me… “Perhaps, are you one of our fans?” My cover’s been blown already. “Uhh… Kinda… Yes, I’m a fan of your group.” Well, no more excuses. “Really? Daebak. This is my first time talking to a fan of ours, one-on-one. You know… because we can only talk to our fans personally in fansigns.”

“Ahh… Yeah…”

*30 minutes later*

“That was delicious… Right?”

“Yeah… It was very delicious.”

“So, where do you wanna go next?”

“Uhmmm… Anywhere, I guess?”

“Hmmm… how about we go to Lotte World?”

“Sure. That sounds great.” Lotte World? With Donghae? A dream come true! “Okay then. To Lotte World it is!” but, if fans were to found out that Donghae oppa is with a girl, aren’t they going to freak out in case a scandal breaks lose? “Uhmmm… I have a question, if you wouldn’t mind.”

“Sure, what is it?”

“Well, I know that you are really famous. And I don’t want to create a scandal about you. So is it okay for us to be going out like this?”

“It’s perfectly fine. I have a plan.”


“Yeah… Disguise… the other members did helped me with this plan.” Daebak. “They were surprised when I told I was going to meet you. You know, the members like you.” What? What did he just said?

“L-Like me? Waeyo?”

“Well, since we’ve talked in Kakao Talk several times, they kinda said that they were observing me. Our conversations are really random right? And that puts me in a really good mood. And I think the members likes it when I’m in a good mood.”

“Ohhh… Jinjjayo?” Wow… That’s some news. I can’t believe at what he is saying right now. Me? The reason why he’s always in a good mood? Daebak. Jinjja Daebak! “Yeah… So that’s why when they heard that I’m going to have a date with you today, they helped me making a plan for today’s date.” Wait, did he just said that we’re on a date?


“Yes, date. Didn’t you notice it?”

“Ohh… Uhmmm… I thought, this was just a fan service.” Why did I just said that?

“Well, don’t think of it as a fan service. Think of it as a real date. With me.” He smiled. This must be really a dream. “But…A date with an ordinary girl… Like me?”

“You’re not just an ordinary girl. You’re special. That’s what I think. Even the members do think of you like that. Even though at first, were both strangers to each other, I felt that there was some special connection between us. And I’m really surprised that you’re not panicking right now that you’re with a star, not to boast here, but you know our situation right?” he explained. I’m lost in words. I think this is the happiest day of my life. “So? Shall we go?” he grabbed my hand as we walked through the streets of Seoul. He was already wearing his disguise. And luck was on our side right now because no one notices that he’s Donghae.

“So? Let’s continue with our talk earlier. You said you were a fan of our group right?”


“Well, any particular member that you really like the most? Just asking though. It’s okay if it’s not me.”

“Well, actually… You… You’re my… My number one bias.” I finally said it.

“Jeongmal? That’s… That’s more wonderful! I can’t believe that I’ll be on a date with a fan of mine. Well, this would be a really more exciting date.” After he finished his sentence, he gripped my hand tighter than before but not tight that it hurts.  We looked like a couple, on a date. Holding hands while walking through the streets of Seoul.  “Ohh, I forgot… I have a deal for you.” Deal?“What kind of deal?” “Well, you are younger than me, right?” Yeah… Two years younger than you. “Yup…Wae? Why do you ask?”

“Call me oppa…” Oppa? Call him oppa?


“Let’s just drop the formalities. Since we are close friends, right?” I can finally call him Donghae oppa in-person. Daebak. “O-Okay, oppa.” That was a bit awkward but it sounded so nice.

After minutes of walking, we finally arrived at Lotte World. He was such a gentleman. He would take care of me on our date. We really looked like as if we were a real couple. We bought couple headbands, we ate ice cream together, we did everything which most of the couples do on a date. I wish this day would never end, that’s what I thought having so much fun together. But sadly, I do need to go home or my mom would kill me. “It’s getting dark. I should go home.”

“Really? Well that’s bad news. Well it’s okay. I understand. Let me take you home.”

“Really? Shouldn’t you be going too?”

“It’s fine. I told you already, I have no schedules today and the following days. I’m perfectly free.”

“I see…”

“So? Can I walk you home?”


“Lead the way madam!” he joked around. I giggled at his silly actions.

We kept talking and laughing with each other’s stories. Not noticing that we’re already a street closer to my house.

“I’ll just go by myself here now. My house is just a turn from that street.” I pointed at the street. “It was nice being around with you for today. I really had fun.”

“Me too… I wish we could do this another time. If you would want to.” He asked me again. A second date? Is that what it looks like? “I hope if you aren’t busy, we could go out again?”

“Sure.” I agreed with no hesitation. It was an opportunity for me. And I really enjoyed our date today. I can’t wait for the other days.

“That’s settles it. I’ll message you when I’m at home already? Okay?”

“Okay… See you then.” I waved goodbye. As I turned around, I felt something hold my hand suddenly. I was stopped in my steps and was spun around. And in surprise, Donghae suddenly kissed me on the forehead. I can feel my cheeks getting hot. I knew that my face was really red. After the three-second kiss, he parted his lips from my forehead then looked at me, eye-to-eye. “Goodnight, Chan-hee…”

I was standing there, my mind, blank. Then, I suddenly heard fingers snapping. I woke up to reality seeing Donghae still in front of me, snapping his fingers. “Chan-hee? Chan-hee? Are you okay? Chan-hee?” I snapped back to reality. “Huh? What?”

“I’m sorry… I must’ve surprised you a little bit early. I’m really sorry.”

“What? Ahh… It’s… It’s okay… It was just so… sudden. That’s right. I just wasn’t prepared.”

“I’m really sorry about that. Well… You should go home now.” He smiled at me.

“Ohh… Yeah… I should go… It was really nice to be with you today Donghae oppa… Good night…”

“Good night too, Chan-hee…” And finally, we parted our ways.

“I’m home…” I said as I entered the house, my mind still blank.

“You’re home? Just in time for dinner, my dear. Hurry down okay?”

“Sure…” I answered rather bluntly.

After eating dinner, I washed up to get ready for bed. While I was drying my hair, I heard my phone.


“Hi Chan-hee… Have you had dinner yet? I just got to our dorm. I really had fun today. Let’s do it again, next time… Okay? Well, you must be tired. So, goodnight Miss Hae… I mean, Chan-hee… <3”




A/N: Hey guys... Hope you enjoyed this. Please no plagiarizing.

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