Prologue: The Moment I Realized.

Robin's Dream. (Apply open!)

It was my first night...the first time I had modelled anything for anyone. It was nowhere compared to the competition near the end of the year. I had known everyone for only a couple weeks, but so much had happened. My best friend had gone in one move from friend to enemy and rival. Here's how it happened...

What we see in movie's, a lot of times it comes true. With me, this happened. The first modelling show I did for the group was for a project at their University. Though my best friend was in high school, she was still accepted un the University club because of her extreme talent. And though she's a year younger than me, she'll be starting at the University because she skipped a grade. At the time, I was not aware of what I wanted for my future. My parents were forcing me into becoming a doctor to avoid a commonors life.

My relationship with Fukiwara at that time was...not good. Up until that modeling show we had been friendly...though I thought he was a little creepy. He was always smiling slightly, doing things strangers don't usually do...but when I fell during dress rehearsal of the project, he pretty much lectured me, and wouldn't talk ot me after that. By then, my best friend had her suspiciouns about her relationship, so she pretty much put me out to dry. She blamed everything on me, the fall, the fact that all the materials weren't there, even her bad hair, when everything....EVERYTHING was all her fault. She was reponsible for bringing int eh mterials, she does her own hair, and she deliberately changed my high heels.

So...that night as I walked down the run way, I did the best I could...and what started this romance and high hitched drama was what happened off the runway....

I had finished finally, the crowd was no longer watching my every move. It's easy to walk, but what happens when many eyes in the crowd and on T.V are watching? Though it seemed very easy and natural for some reason...what wa really on my mind was if I had done it right.

"Fukiwara." He was staring at a large screen that hung above. Other people's eyes were wide too, but they had no time to notice anything. It was like they were in some sort of a trance. "Was it...okay?"

Fukiwara didn't seem to hear. His eyes were still on the screen. "Fuki...wara?"

I turned around, taking his hint to leave him alone. But as I started to watch the next girl go on the stage, I felt something push me behind a curtain and something warm around my shoulders. I couldn't see exactly, I was facing in the other direction...but the next thing I knew, my chin was pulled in a different direction and someone pressed their lips to mine. In a moment, I knew it was Fukiwara...and then I remembered he was my best friends fiancee so I pulled away...but he didn't buy it.

After minutes of struggling, he was at me again. Kissing and kissing...he went on and on, he wouldn't stop...but after that  didn't struggle, in fact I kind of went with it. It was a different experience...when we parted all we did was stare...then we started up again...while my best friend secretly watched from the side.....But that's when I realized...


I was in love

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Yay you're back!! :D
hey. :)<br />
Applied as Mikah Nakamura. <3
HI! I applied as Hinata Amenosegi! I had questions... please answer them! ^o^
Annyeong! I applied as Sayo Hikari~ -^^- can't wait for your story to start!
(/^///^)/ "I want to apply! Sunbaenim! How do I apply?" (=_=') "Why do you ask me?" |(TTATT)| "Because you're the author, silly!!"
Annyeong, author sunbae! I wish you the best with this! HWAITING~~~!!!!!
-jeiraz #7
annyeong! gonna apply! xDDD
soo2k_ #8
hi author siii ! we meet again