

Zelo can't help the small smile on his face as he sends messages back and forth in his favorite & only group chat. He laughs quietly to himself as Himchan boasts about how great Daehyun's performance was, how dedicated their fans are. All of them send Daehyun praise & congratulate him, to which he modestly accepts. After Daehyun's thank yous, the chat dies down. 

Zelo puts his phone next to him on the bed as he looks up at the ceiling. His smile cemented on to his face, their fans still loved them. He still had a place in the world & no one has forgotten him. 
His phone buzzes, there's a new message in the group chat. 
Zelo frowns as Jongup asks what no one had the guts to: "Yongguk?"
Zelo's happiness is short lived. Yongguk. His role model, his leader.. Their leader, had basically disappeared. 
Himchan replies, "Idk.. He doesn't answer my calls anymore."
Daehyun is next, "maybe he's sick?"
"So sick that he went drinking with his friends? Dont be naive." Youngjae admonished.
The two start to bicker & before Zelo returns to his home screen Jongup apologizes "Sorry I asked".
Tossing his phone to the side, Zelo wonders if maybe they're all naive. They planned on staying together but when the leader is missing in action, it's hard to deliver on that promise.
What if It was time to cut ties? What if Yongguk didn't love them anymore? B.A.P, the group that showed their leader just how important playing politics in the music world is. 
Zelo sighs as his phone begins to ring, and he debates on ignoring it in favor of sleep... until he sees the caller ID.
It was Yongguk.
Zelo quickly answers the call and his thoughts fall out of his mouth before he could stop them. Surprise, happiness, and worry coating every word. "Hello! Yongguk!? How are you? Please call more often! Where have you been?!"
Zelos mouth closes with a click as he hears several familiar laughs. It was a conference call.
"I'm fine Zelo, I promise... I'm calling all of you to Apologize." 
After a month of silence, Yongguk's voice still sounds the same. A deep rumble with a underlining whisper of whimsy.
Zelo's eyes widen a fraction & his heartbeat quickens. This was it. Yongguk was leaving them. They were naive. They were stupid!
"As you all know, I'm not good with words unless they are written and so it's hard for me to express myself at times. We are all suffering and instead of being there for you all, I lost sight of what being a leader truly is."
Everyone is waiting on bated breath for Yongguk to finish, the line deathly quiet as Yongguk gathers his thoughts.
"I was in a place... A dark place and I didn't know how to get of it. I went against my own advice and lost sight of what was in front of me.  I made negativity my priority. Because of this, I caused you all to worry and to doubt me.  And I'm sorry. I will never leave you all, I will still be here for you once the storm has passed."
Himchan is the first to speak.
"Oh shut up! There's nothing to be sorry for other than making us worry! We thought something happened to you! Ughh! You need to get out of the house and out of your own head!"
Youngjae responds "Himchan.. Yongguk means well."
"We all know that but this whole thing has made my heart weak!"
Daehyun interrupts and the bickering begins as Yongguk chuckles softly in the background.
When the pseudo-argument is done Zelo breaks his silence.
"I am angry with you. You have no right to take the blame for what is happening! This isn't your fault and to punish us for your views of yourself is mean and thoughtless!"
"Junhong!" Several people call out
"I thought you were going to leave me! To leave us! We're supposed to be a team Yongguk and you take away our ability to be there for you when you send our calls straight to voicemail and don't respond to our messages! I get that you need your brooding time but don't shut us out ever again!"
No one knows what to say. Zelo has never expressed this type of anger before and everyone is taken back, the only sound in the receiver is Zelo's panting.
"You're right. I'm sorry."
"I know I am.... Also you are forgiven."
Jongup laughs "We need to meet up soon, I don't know who's the hyung and who's the maknae anymore!"
Laughter erupts and soon after plans are made for a coffee outing, and a possible visit to a tattoo shop to see a certain puppy that has all their fans simply smitten.
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Chapter 1: Thank you so much for writing this. It's exactly what I needed today.
Chapter 1: So does this take place after the lawsuit thingy they're in?