give me one last kiss (while we're far too young to die)


Where the sun first kisses the earth in the early morning, two boys meet for the first time underneath a canvas tent and a world of war.


inspired by five for fighting - what if i had your heart
and also @wordcouture for the inspiration
'in time' really struck a chord in me!!


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Israali_Kotetsu #1
Chapter 1: I'm.... I'm..... Well, that's it. I'm done, my soul is gone, and I need ice cream.
jjongddae #2
Chapter 1: this is so sad :'( I wonder if taehyung died too...
Chapter 1: Why would you rip my heart to shreds like that D': Seriously, so tragic in the best way possible. And so well written, great job! (Now lemme take a moment to get over this //cries)
LoveBunNyForever #4
Chapter 1: Wow I never knew there are so much swag in my eyes
Chapter 1: no i'm not crying. definitely not.
FadedBulletproof #6
Chapter 1: First of all, HOW DARE YOU? *cries uncontrollably*
Secondly, bless you.
meNmylifestyle #7
Chapter 1: Oh god. You breaking your hiatus is just so not okay but writing this is just soooo okaaaayyyyy!!
This is really great >< Though it's sad but it's really nice.
*whispers*//at least they kissed before he close his eyes// *mischieveous grin*