
Lovesick @ Christmas: The chaotic lives of blue shorts guys

“ I am so tired!” Om roars as he enters the Music Club room after setting up the amplifier with Noh by the side of the performance stage.


“Ngoi!! Get up your lazy and get me a red soda! Khob khun na!” He barks at the suddenly alert Ngoi, watching the underclassmen scurry away before he gets scolded again.


Om plops his down next to Noh and Film and watches the underclassmen hoarding around p’Oak and his band members asking them all sort of questions regarding instruments and their favourite songs to life problems. He chuckled when he heard Mum ask how to ask out a girl from the convent next door that he has been eyeing for months.


“Why don’t you lose some weight first before you ask her for her number haha!” Om laughs as he sees Mum’s face turn beet red.


“P’OM! Wait till I tell my grandma about this. Your ears will be falling off from all the scolding heh!” Mum complains while slinging his arms around the shoulder of Loy who was nodding in agreement.


“Wah! The juniors are ganging up on me huh? Just wait till we start practicing next week!” Om barks at the already apologizing underclassmen.


“Ok guys! Leave p’Oak and the rest alone. They’ll have to go on stage soon. Noh why don’t you bring them there?” Film requests as he knocks Om on his head for being so mean to the juniors. “Will you be mean to nong’Mick too?” He asks loudly.


“WOOOO!!!” The room erupts in laughter and catcalls as Film acts angry at Om. Everyone knows that anyone who hurts Mick will feel the wrath of the Vice President of the Music Club. Om realizes that what was shared at Noh’s house a few weeks ago had spread to the whole club and started to wave his middle finger to all before retreating to his iPhone 6.



Mick. Are you here in school already?


Om looks around earnestly to find the familiar tiny silhouette of the boy who has been making him smile every time he thinks of his floppy hair, his round face and big eyes that fit him perfectly. Ever since that day where Mick confessed that he liked Om and rushed in for a hug, Om could not stop grinning at the thoughts of Mick’s pronounced cheeks blushing every time he smiles at him. Oh what I would do to kiss those cherry lips of his..



Not yet p’. Just alighted the train.



Okay. I’ll see you at the right of the stage ok? The rest of the Music Club members will be there too.



See you p’ ;)


Om smiles to himself before he senses that someone was watching him. Glancing to his left, he eyes Film watching closely, smirking, before running out of the room. ‘Argh.. one more story I have to snuff out before it gets out,’ he thought to himself.


p’Oak’s All Star started their performance with a rock version of Jingle Bell Rock. The crowd started cheering and jumping to the beat of the song before Om felt a small guy squeeze past him. His familiar scent confirms Om’s suspicions, and with one tug of his arm, Om brought Mick closer, as Mick recoils with confusion before relaxing when he realizes he’s standing right in front of Om.


“Where are you going Mick?”


“Heh, I was trying to find Heng and Loy p’.”


“Why don’t you just stand here and enjoy the show, your view won’t be blocked.” Om says as he slides and wraps his arms around Mick’s shoulder.


Mick wiggles his way out of the embrace, cheeks blaring red, before agreeing to stay. Om just looks at this boy’s antics and laughs, “Merry Christmas!”




The performance by All Star was amazing. Om envied the skills and camaraderie of p’Oak and his band members. They will probably be stars one day, he thought. As Om walks around the fair alone to find something to eat (Mick was grabbed by Mum halfway through All Star’s set and dragged away after), he spots one of his underclassmen hiding behind one of the pillars at the secluded side of Building F.


Moving just a little bit closer, Om chuckles at the sight of nong’Mawin feeding his junior Per a scoop of ice cream while standing so close to one another. He sees them sharing a moment where their eyes met and lingered, not wanting to look away. “Hehe Per, you’ve got it bad don’t you. Wait till I share this with our Music Club members, the student council, your classmates and the convent girls next door haha,” Om whispers to himself. ‘Speaking of which, now I’m hungry for some ice cream,’ he sniggers to himself.


After meeting up with Ngoi and Knott, Om went around the fair playing amusing games such as ‘Shoot the Santa’ and one where he had to blow flour off a bowl to get a piece of candy. Om’s face had turned white even before he played when Knott sneezed onto Om’s face after he played. Oh the punishments that he’ll face next week, Om remarked to Ngoi, oblivious to the fact Knott was already on his knees begging for forgiveness. He saw Mick once during his walk around, winking at him before showing his fully-braced smile. Mick blushed beet red once again before scurrying away with his band mates.


“p’! The Angel Gang has got p’Noh and p’Phun on the dunking tank!” Ngoi roars to power through the loud noises at the fair. Om looks over to the field where the dunking booth was at and could see Noh’s terrified but smiling face being dragged by Chanel and McQueen.


“Let’s hurry and go! I wanna be the first to dunk our useless President.” Om remarks before briskly walking over. Halfway there, Om spots Mick with Heng looking at a dessert stall filled with cute pink, blue and yellow cakes, and with a grab of his wrist, Om drags Mick along.


“p’!” Mick squirms confusedly.


“Hurry guys! Noh is going to get dunked!” Om replies, his hand still tightly wrapped around Mick’s thin wrist.


As the horde of Music club members gather around the tanks to watch Noh get soaked for the second time, Mick could feel that he was getting squeezed closer to Om by the members around him. His wrist was still held by Om’s big and warm hands, and he smiled not knowing whether Om had forgotten to let go in the excitement of watching his best buddy get slaughtered by his underclassmen.


Om could feel that Mick was still conscious of his hand on his wrist and smirked while facing away from the cute boy. Om gently releases his grip before sliding his hand down to meet Mick’s open palm. His fingers intertwine with Mick’s, and he slowly turns his head to Mick before giving him the most open and happy smile ever.






Thanks for reading my fantasies!! I hope you guys enjoy it as much as I do. Don't forget to comment on your thoughts cos I'd really like to know what you guys think.

My aim of this fic is to try bring in as many characters from the series, to show their camaraderie with each other in celebrating such a fun occasion. You'll see more cameos as we go forward =)

The next story will be Phun's!!! It will be a much longer chapter so it'll take me a while. I hope Noh's and Om's story will be enough to tide u guys for the moment.

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Chapter 3: I can imagine you there dear authornim i am newly addicted to this two and i cant stop muself loving this characters and even the actors themselves

Love the chaps by the way
Chapter 3: I can imagine you there dear authornim i am newly addicted to this two and i cant stop muself loving this characters and even the actors themselves

Love the chaps by the way
khasabat #3
Chapter 7: Nice stories, i love all story !!
iam Exited,
I will waiting you next story, keep writing!!
PamWond #4
Chapter 7: I've loved reading all your stories! They're wonderful! Nice idea to feature different characters each time. Looking forward to more! :)
M9ture #5
Chapter 3: Wow! Pop finally appeared at the school. I think I know why Phun won the "stuff-as-many-ping-pong-balls in your mouth game". Hahahaha... I didn't know Om smokes t_t.
I agree with ShayPop and PangPop. Awaiting for more chapters.
Chapter 3: This is fun read, keep it coming...
Chapter 7: Oh mah gawd. Make more phunnoh >.< that was adorable
SMPlanet #8
Chapter 6: /breathing intensifies/
damn that was intense.
I was hoping that earnpete would also get some y times though :(((
I'll look forward to the next chapter !
Take your time !
Chapter 3: Hahaha Pang is definitely on top, for sure. I loved your stories and writing! They're so cute and sweet and utterly perfect I've got a couple of stories from Phun's side, as well as and Ohm Mick. Check them out if you've got the time!
Chapter 5: Thanks for the EarnPete chapter!
I got hooked upon reading the this story already :)
I will be waiting for your next update (especially since there will be a party) :)