Two Daddies

Two Daddies











“Daddies,” I heard my little daughter talking. She’s now facing her two daddies while holding two dresses.

“Which one look better daddies? This yellow one or this pink one”. She asked her two daddies with a big smile.

“The pink one baby”, said Jiyong while pointing at the pink dress.

“I think the yellow dress looks more good to you baby”, Seungyun said as he wall to his ‘daughter’.

“No, pink are much much more better.”Jiyong said as he walks also toward his daughter.



The two men are now arguing on which dress looks good to their daughter not minding if the kid in front of them are now very confused.

“Stop it, you two. Baby, the blue dress that I prepared for you in your room is prettier than this two dress.” I said as I take the two dresses on my daughter’s hand.

“Thanks mommy. I know you are the best unlike my two daddies”, she flash me with her great smile and give me pick on my cheek then she run to her room. I face the two men who are still arguing about the dress.

“Jiyong, Seungyun, stop arguing already and please don’t do that again in front of your daughter.” I said with such firmness in my voice.

“Yes honey” they both answered.




Do you want to know what the hell this ‘Daddies’ thing is? I tell you, it’s complicated.









Me, Jiyong and Seungyun are Best of Friends and we live in the same house. We three are working in the same company which our parents established.

Living in one place for us is very ordinary. We grew up together without malice at all. But something unexpected happen.

Because we are adults now, we decided to get drunk one night to forget all the problems we have. Problem about work, life and love.

We drunk in our hearts content that no one of us knew who started the kissing. I just feel them kissing every inch of me. It got more daring and it end up on bed. for short.


I woke up feeling the headache and soreness of my body. As I look at my each side,  two men are sleeping and me is not an excemption.

 I waited them to wake up so we can settle this matter fast.




After 2 months:



We agreed that we cannot live in the same house again after what happen. The two boys move out from the house on that day. We always see each other in the company. We still hang-out like nothing happen. We used ‘suppression’ as our defense mechanism. No one dare to talk about it .


I woke up one morning felling dizzy and nauseated. This is the first time I feel it. I feel heart palpated because of sudden realization that my monthly menses are delayed. Very delayed and I don’t even realize it.Am I pregnant?


Yes, I’m pregnant, with whom? Jiyong?  Seungyun ?



I dialed their number and ask them to meet me at my house.

I told them about my condition. At first they are shock but later accept it. Whoever the father is, we will know it after I deliver the baby.

We talked to our parents. They are all hysterical about what happen but they can’t do anything about it. The damage has been done.



Jiyong, Seungyun and me decided to live in the same roof again. To tell you the truth, they are much more excited about the baby and don’t even care who of them is the true father. They go shop for the baby separately. Jiyong wants a girl so everything he buy for the baby is color pink. On the other hand Seungyun buy all blue baby stuff because he wants a boy.



When the big day came, a baby boy came out and later found out that it was Jiyong’s baby. Seungyun was so devastated that he never comes home for 3 months.

For those 3 months, Jiyong and I are very busy taking care of our baby. We hired a nanny for the baby because we need to go to work.



It was weekend and Jiyong and the baby were in Jiyong’s mothers house and they will stay there for the whole weekend. I stayed at home to do general cleaning. The house is a mess.

I finish cleaning the house at 7pm when I heard a knock. It was Seungyun and he was drunk. He was crying in front of me asking me to forgive him for not going home for 3 months. He talks and talks and all I can do is listen. Suddenly he stops and began kissing me.

“I want to have a baby Dara and I want you to be its mother. “He said after the kiss. I don’t know what to do .He was so really helpless and desperate in the same time.

“I love you.” Seungyun said and kiss me again. And the rest was history.




After what happened,  Seungyun live with us again . Jiyong did not complain and he just go with the flow. I know that he did not like it when Seungyun is around but he just let it pass because of me.



I found out again that I’m pregnant, now with Seungyun.

Everyone went crazy. All of our parents including us talked about the situation and ended up again by living together in one roof. On the first month living together along with my baby with Jiyong ,everything were silent.



I gave birth to a baby girl. Seungyun was very happy and all our parents get happy too in spite of the complicated situation.



When I first gave birth to my baby,  Seungyun disappeared and now, when I gave birth to my second baby, Jiyong is now the one missing in action.



Like Seungyun , Jiyong came back after 3 months. We three decided to talk about our situation.

“I Love You, Dara”, that’s the only thing I heard in the entire talking. These words came out in not just one person but to the both of them.

They love me but how about me? Yeah I love ‘them’ too.

They did not force me to respond immediately and seriously I don’t know how to respond at all.




The two men take care of their baby and I’m always there beside them to help and being a responsible mother. My baby boy with Jiyong is now turning 2 years old while my baby girl with seungyun will turn 1 year old.

I gather my courage to settle this things because it was getting more complicated. I don’t want our children to suffer in the end.


We settled ourselves in the living room.

“I love you both."  I began,," I’m so stupid to fall in love with two guys who are actually my best friends. For the sake of the children I will choose……. no one." I continued. " Please forgive me, this things are getting much complicated and I don’t want the children to suffer when they grew up.  It’s just…….”I cannot finish my words as I began to cry.

“We will never leave you Dara, not now and forever.” I heard Jiyong said.

“Jiyong and I already talk about it. We will never leave you. We don’t care what people around us will say. We love you. The children will understand our situation because they are ‘our’ children.” Seungyun said and because of it I cried much more harder.

“Can we stay and leave like we were in the past …”Jiyong said.

I look at the two men in front of me.  I just nod my head and begun crying again.

They gave me a hug and with so much effort I whispered to them… “yes, we will stay and  leave like we were  in the past but with more love and with  much more love for our children.”







“Hey Daddies” I called the two men who are busy placing our picnic staff in the car.

“Can you please call the children, I think our big boy is still playing the computer and please help our little girl, I think she’s in front of the mirror right now watching herself with that blue dress. You know my condition right now daddies. ” The two men just smile at me and give me a pick in my check.Jiyong in my left cheek and Seungyun in my right cheek.i just giggleas they  went back to the house as I settled myself inside the car.

“Aigoo…, your daddies really love me.” I smile at myself and touch my tummy.


YES. I’m pregnant again but who’s the daddy?




As of now I just love them both.  I will just go with my feelings especially my happiness. Call me stupid for making myself complicated. Sometimes, some people find their happiness and love in complicated way.





Im not a good writter...Practice makes perfect right??kekeke

thank you for reading.

comments are very much appreciated..

help me to grow guys....

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Fr0zenMus1c #1
Chapter 1: HAHAHa! Naughty naughty Dara!
Chapter 1: Please make a sequel
yoyojiji #3
Chapter 1: OMG please make a sequel for this story =)
Chapter 1: sequel please this is good
rachellynC #5
Chapter 1: WOW. that was E.P.I.C. huh? dara you naughty naughty. wakakakaka. it was a happy ending for both Daragon and Tabisan. *squeeeeel*
Iamvdv #6
I just read your story. LOOOOOOOVVVE the story by the way. :) Care to make a sequel?
so cute.. so who's the daddy now again??
AppleLover08 #8
I coughed so hard when I read this! ahaha!!! Dara-ah how lucky could you get? :)))
damn lucky dara ... 2 hot guys, i also dont mind having them both ... if you have time again, can you write another fic ... thanks for sharing this...
thank you guys ,,,,im really happy that you like my fanfic,,,