
it is always you (who stayed by my side)


this turns out longer than I expected and not proof-read ;n;




“Kim Taehyung can you please hurry up?! We’ll miss the bus if you’re not going to come out like, right now! And for your further information the bustop is not a minute walk from here!” Jimin spat in a breath.

“I know, I know! I’m coming!”

“Yeah, yeah you said that since 15 minutes ago,” Jimin mumbled groggily, feeling annoyed.


Few seconds later, Taehyung came out from his house, a burnt toast between his teeth before it eventually disappeared in his mouth and by the time he stood before Jimin, he already had his rectangular-grin plastered on his face.

“I’m sorry Jiminnie. Should we go now?”

“You .” Jimin muttered before he walked away.

“Thank you. And I love you too!” Taehyung replied before he jogged lightly to catch up with Jimin before linking their arms.






Taehyung and Jimin’s first meeting were no difference than the typical new-neighbor-moved-beside-their-house-and-they-just-clicked thingy.  Jimin first moved to Apgujeong-dong from Busan in his fourth year of middle school which was seven years ago. And there he met the next-door-Taehyung who at that time was talking to a rabbit… well it did creep him out a little but seeing how cute Taehyung conversing with the rabbit, he could not help but to let out a small laugh.


What he did not expect was Taehyung to turn into his direction and frowned. “Were you laughing at me?”

“Oh no-no I’m sorry! It’s just you look c-cute with the rabbit so I just… um yeah” applause for the best first impression on your neighbor Park Jimin, he mentally scolded himself.

“Awh that’s so sweet of you squishy kid! I can already feel that we’re going to be a good friend. I’m Taehyung! And you?”

“I’m J-Jimin.”

“Well Jimin, come and join me here! I’m sure the rabbit wants to play with you too!”

“Y-Yeah sure!”


Later only did he know that Taehyung was also still adapting his life in Seoul because he just moved from Daegu. Taehyung had this alien-like vibe in himself. Taehyung had hundreds collections of mangas in his room. Taehyung owns a -eating-rectangular grin that makes his eyes disappear when he smile. Both of them were born in the same year. Taehyung’s a loud person. Taehyung’s a kind person.


Neither of them noticed when and how but they just… clicked.






“Are you by any chance still mad at me, Jiminnie?” Taehyung asked when he and Jimin were at their usual table for lunch.

“Shut up you alien. It’s your fault that Ms. Han was angry at me for coming late in her subject. Unlike you, that was the first time since forever that she gets mad at me. Wow what a record. What, I thought I’m her favorite student?” Jimin slumped lower in his seat – if that even possible – and buried his face in his arms.

Taehyung smiled at the figure in front of him before he softly pats Jimin’s arms, “Don’t be sad Jimin. I’m sure Ms. Han was just stress over something or it’s her bad hair day today because don’t you see her hair? Was it a braid or bird’s nest? I’m amazed how the kids didn’t laugh their heart out on that.”

Jimin lifted his head and smiled softly at Taehyung, “Don’t be rude. She’s our teacher, Tae.”

Your favorite teacher.”

“There’s no doubt.”

Taehyung snorted before continuing, “But seriously I’m so sorry Jimin. If this can make you okay, you can take half of my lunch portion. I’m not that hungry anyway.” Taehyung slide his tray towards Jimin and assured him to eat them.

Jimin lifted one of his eyebrows, “I thought food is your everything? What’s happening here?”

“Meh, stop being a brat. You better take the offer before I change my mind.”

The shorter one grinned at his friend before continuing, “I’m okay, Tae. Just eat your lunch. And you only had a burnt toast for your breakfast today. I’m sure that you’re hungry.”

“Awh you’re the best squishy!” Taehyung half-shouted before he retreated his tray back. “Thank you for rejecting the offer by the way. Because I’m hungry as hell.”

“I should have wonder. And I’m not squishy.”

“Shut up. Don’t you hear the worms in my stomach are crying and begging for food now?”

“What even… you , alien.”

“Thank you, squishy.”






“Yah Kim Taehyung I assumed you’re the one who asked me to join your study-together thingy for the upcoming quiz,” Jimin lifted his head from the papers to look at Taehyung who was busy flipping through the new manga he bought yesterday.


The two best friends were currently in Taehyung’s room, revising about their History subjects as their teacher decided to ‘surprise’ her students with a sudden quiz due next week. (Apparently Jimin’s the only one who was studying while Taehyung’s being… Taehyung)


“I’m taking some rest here, Jiminnie.” Taehyung replied without even looking away from his reading material.

“Well you sure take some 45 minutes break already. You should revise some more, Tae. The marks will be included in our mid-term test too.”

“I know that, smart-. History is my favori--“

“Yeah, yeah History is your favorite subject and I’m sure you will surprisingly ace the quiz with that brain of yours but a little more revising won’t hurt right?”


Jimin’s question was left unanswered as Taehyung was too absorbed in his manga and even reading out loud some lines from the book.  The shorter one could only heave a sigh and shook his head before he continued back his unfinished exercises.






“Attention, class. I’m going to distribute back your quiz papers after this so please be seated at your own place.”


The students scrambled to their own seats on Ms. Choi’s order, partially excited to know their marks while the other part afraid of failing the quiz. Jimin and Taehyung were no any difference from their classmates.


“Tae, what if I didn’t pass the quiz?”

“Relax Jiminnie. I’m sure you did well.” Taehyung patted his friend’s thigh in assurance.


“Well, I could say you guys did well in the quiz. So give yourselves some applause.” They could not help but to clap and some even whistles upon hearing the news. The smile on their faces grew wider each seconds, wishing Ms. Choi to distribute the papers at this instant.

“Don’t be so excited young ladies and gentlemen. I could not help but to feel disappointed towards some person who decided to not to take the quiz seriously.” Taehyung swore he was not daydreaming because he could feel his teacher’s intense stare towards him after she finished her sentence.


“Jimin-ah Ms. Choi was referring it to me. Look! She’s glaring at me!” Taehyung whispered desperately to his friend at the next seat.

“Nu-uh maybe she’s glaring at the kids behind us?”

“But we’re sitting at the last row, Jimin…”



“I’ll start distributing the papers now. Lee Jaekyung-ssi!”

“I’m here Ms. Choi!”


After few more names called, it was finally Jimin’s turn. “Congratulations Jimin-ssi. I guess you’re giving a lot of effort towards this quiz, yes?”

“Neh?” Jimin replied before he glanced towards his paper with a big ninety-seven percent marks on it. “O-Oh I think so… Thank you Ms. Choi.” He bowed.

Ms. Choi nodded curtly towards Jimin. “And well, Taehyung-ssi. To say that I’m a bit disappointed is not a lie because I assumed you used to excel in History. Just… you can refer Jimin-ssi if you have difficulties to understand the newest topic. Anyway, well done Taehyung-ssi.” Their teacher finished her sentence before going back to her table.

Taehyung took the time to look at his mark, “Forty-eight percent… Wow I’m impressed with myself.” He muttered silently but it reached Jimin’s hearing.

“Tae, are you okay?”

“Forever be, smart-.”

“Tae I’m sor--“

“Nah, don’t be.”



They stayed in silence the whole day not until Jimin decided to treat Taehyung to their favorite ice-cream parlor after school. And just by that Taehyung already forgot his small sulking towards Jimin and enjoyed his peppermint ice-cream while trying to bite Jimin’s one.






“Jimin-ah have you heard about Seokjin-sunbae leaving from our football club?”

“Oh really? And why is that?” Jimin turned his head halfway towards Taehyung.

“I’m not sure myself but I heard he is going to transfer to other school.”

“Well that’s such a shame. He’s a good captain though.”

“I couldn’t deny. And there’s one more thing Jiminnie.” Taehyung added.


“They are going to hold an audition for the new captain post.”

This really had Jimin’s whole attention towards Taehyung, “Really?! Than you should try! Everyone knows how good you are in football.”

“I’m not so sure though… And aren’t you auditioning too?”

Jimin stood up from his chair to sit beside Taehyung on the bed before he wrapped his arm around his friend’s shoulder, “Nah, I’m not that interested to the offer. Let’s try first you insecure-alien. I’ll cheer up for you, okay?”

Taehyung smile upon the shorter one’s words, “Thank you, you’re the best squishy.”

“I know.”






“Taehyung wait for me! Taehyung-ah!”

“Leave me alone Jimin.”

“No what’s happe-- Taehyung where are you going?! Yah Kim Taehyung!” Jimin tried to grab Taehyung’s arm but failed to do so since the latter was fast enough to dodge his hand and walk down the hallways without turning back.

“Okay what the actual f is this?” Jimin bent down to catch his breath and asked the question to particular no one. He was waiting for Taehyung since the taller one went to see the results for the football’s club new captain. What he did not expect was Taehyung to walk past him without sparing a glance.


Jimin turned around at time to catch a glimpse of one of the football club members. Without wasting any time he shouted, “Jungkook-ah!”

“Oh Jimin-hyung!” He slightly bowed. “Were you calling for me?”

“Yeah. Were you seeing the audition’s result too? By any chance did you bump into Taehyung?”

“Yes, I was just reaching the hall board when Taehyung-hyung walked away. He looked sad though…”

“I know. He was avoiding me too. Do you know why?” Jungkook froze upon the question. He clasped his fingers and ducked his head lower. “Jungkook-ah?”

“The result is out…”

“That’s obvious. So?”

“Taehyung-hyung did not get the post. I-It’s you… hyung.”

“No effin way! I didn’t even join the audition!” Jimin was dumbfounded. What in the world is happening here, he thought in his head. No wonder Taehyung was avoiding him. He must be very disappointed over the results.


“The thought of obtaining the post never did cross my mind at all…” he muttered to himself after Jungkook had asked to go first. He thanked the younger one before he made his way home.



The day ended with Jimin leaving Taehyung 85 missed calls and 65 sorry-messages. But none of them were replied.






“Good morning Ms. Kim. Is Taehyung inside?” Jimin knocked onto Taehyung’s house door since the latter did not go out at usual time for school.

“Oh Jimin! Why are you still here? Taehyung already left for school.”

“He already left?”

“Yes honey. I thought he went to school with you?”

“U-um oh! He told me yesterday he had early practice for the f-football game. How come I forgot about that…” smooth Jimin, that’s so smooth.

“Well if that’s so. You better go now. I’m sure you don’t want to miss the bus, right?” Taehyung’s mom ruffled his hair affectionately.

“Yes Ms. Kim. Well I’ll be going first. See you later Ms. Kim!” he gave the older woman small wave before he ran to the bustop.



Sad, lonely, disappointed; that were what he was feeling at that time. And that was not the only time he did not go to school with Taehyung.






Taehyung watched as Jimin boarded the bus and waited until the bus could not be seen anymore before he came out from the corner; his hiding spot. Then only he would wait for the next bus home. He had been doing this – avoiding Jimin - since more than a month ago.

Truthfully, he himself did not even know what was the actual reason he had been avoiding Jimin in the first place. One of the reasons maybe, just maybe, the audition’s result which he still remember vividly. He remembered clearly that Jimin did not even join the audition so why is he the team’s captain now? Is he betraying me? Taehyung could not help but to have this subject roaming in his mind. But he quickly shook the thought as he knows Jimin will never betray him.


Was that the main reason? He was jealous of Jimin? They had built this friendship countless years ago but deep inside Taehyung could not help but to think that it was always about Jimin.

Jimin’s the smart one.

Jimin’s the most hardworking in the team.

Jimin’s so good in dancing and he has the honey-like voice.

Jimin this.

Jimin that.

So was he jealous? He doesn’t know. Even Taehyung himself thought that it was stupid to be jealous over his own best friend but why is he feeling this way?



Sadly he never found the answer.






Jimin was a step out of his house’s main gate when he suddenly froze in his tracks.

Opposite of him was Taehyung with grocery bags in his left hand and his right hand scrolling his smart phone. He was going to turn and go back into his house but the fate must have despise him that day because the moment he decided to turn around, Taehyung already lifted his head up. And the taller one also stops moving.

They only stood on their pair of legs, unmoving but staring at each other, no words were said. They may be standing at a distance but Jimin swore he could see Taehyung’s eyes were… glimmering with tears? And were his eyes displayed longing-ness?

Jimin was going to call out for the latter but not even a word was said, Taehyung already turned his body towards his house’s gate, opening the gate and walked straight to the door, acting like nothing just happened.

“Taehyung-ah… what did I do wrong to be in this ty situation with my only best friend?” his words were left to blend with the cool breeze that evening.







The said one turned around hastily upon hearing his name, “Oh Hoseok-hyung!”

“Why aren’t you home yet? The bell had rang for a while now.” Hoseok, his dance-club senior asked while catching up his pace to walk side-to-side with Jimin.

“Oh I was going to help Ms. Park at the library today. You know, for extra merits.”

“Aigoo our Jiminnie is so kind!” Hoseok said while ruffling (well… messing) the younger one’s hair.

“Ah hyung…” Jimin whined while arranging back his hair to the right place. Hoseok just smiled looking at the scene.


They stayed quiet for a while before Hoseok opened his mouth again, “Oh actually I was calling you to ask about Taehyung. We are supposed to head to the arcade after this. Have you seen him around?”

Jimin froze. Why asking me at this time hyung, why?


“O-Oh I’m sorry I was… thinking. Yeah, thinking.” Smooth. “And regarding that, I haven’t seen T-Taehyung since the last period. I’m sorry hyung.”

“And I thought you guys were glued to the hip?”

“Um he said he was going to first. He had t-things to do… yeah.”

Hoseok raised his eyebrows skeptically, he obviously not buying the younger’s answer but he just let it pass, “If that’s so… then I’ll try to wait for him at the front gate then. Thank you by the way. And are you sure you’re okay, Jimin?”

“I’m more than okay, Hoseok-hyung. You better go now. I’m sure Taehyung’s waiting for you.” He smiled, not reaching his ears.

“Well I’ll go first. See you around Jimin!” Hoseok waved before he jogged lightly towards the front gate.

“See you around hyung…”



He walked to the library with heavy steps and slumped shoulders.






“Good evening Namjoon-hyung!”

“Oh, evening Taehyung!” Namjoon is Taehyung’s senior but he worked part-time at the ice cream parlor near the neighborhood. “What should I get you today?”

“Hmm I’ll take… vanilla with chocolate chips! And extra chocolate chips please~” Taehyung sing-song, using his puppy eyes upon ordering his ice cream. He swore he could see Namjoon faking to vomit, (Hyung, that’s rude!) nonetheless still giving Taehyung extra chocolate chips.


“You’ve been ordering vanilla ice cream lately, aren’t peppermint’s your favorite? If I’m not mistaken vanilla is Jimin’s favorite, right?”

Taehyung who was busy stuffing his face with the vanilla treats stopped halfway. Wrong timing Namjoon-hyung, wrong timing. I was enjoying my ice cream just now… He heaved a small sigh before he answered, stuttering, “U-Um I’m changing my taste, I think?”

“Well, people couldn’t live with favoring only one ice cream flavor, right?” Taehyung nodded to the senior’s words, a tad too quick for an ‘okay’ person. “And since we’re in this topic, I haven’t seen Jimin for so long and you only come here alone. Is he okay? I kind of miss that shorty, you know.”

You don’t know how much I miss him too, hyung.


The said boy quickly shook the thought and regained his composure, “Oh I’m sorry hyung. I guess he was just busy practicing for the upcoming dance battle. Well I heard their opponents are quiet strong so… yeah I think so.”

“Besides the dance battle I guess there’s something wrong between you two, no?” Taehyung stood in silence. His ice cream had been long forgotten.

 Namjoon quickly understand the situation and he sighed. Watching his two favorite juniors not talking to each other anymore made him quiet sad. So he reached forward to pat Taehyung’s arm and said, “Whatever happened between you guys, better fix it nicely. I know you miss him Taehyung-ah and I’m sure he misses you too. So whatever the outcomes will be… I wish you good luck?”

Taehyung gave the older a small smile because awkward, Namjoon is forever awkward.

“Thank you Namjoon-hyung. I promise we’ll fix everything and the next time I come here, I will bring Jimin with me. I promise.”

Namjoon smiled, “That’s my favorites.”






‘Jimin-ah, are you free now? Can we meet?’


‘Jiminnie I’m sorry I’ve been ignoring you. Will you forgive me?’


‘Squishy would you like to come here and watch movies? Or even talking to the rabbits?’

“Delete, delete, delete! Why would you ask him to talk to rabbits? What are you, 5?” Taehyung sighed for the nth time. “Argh this is hard! Why are you so stupid Kim Taehyung why…” He buried his face in his pillow and eventually fell asleep, the message were left untouched.






“Youngjae-hyung, have you heard about Jimin-hyung?” Yugyeom asked after he put down his tray of lunch on the table.

“What’s with him?”

“He fainted during dance practice yesterday. All of us were so shocked though.”

“Oh that’s why he was absent in our vocal club’s meeting yesterday evening. Pity him. I bet he’s struggling a lot between dance practices, vocal classes and guiding the football team.”

“I thought so. About him being the football captain, I heard he never wanted to hold the post, even though he made a good leader.  My classmates said Coach Lee just been favoring Jimin-hyung a lot. The audition was just a reason to see whether the team members interested or not in guiding the team. But Coach Lee had chosen Jimin-hyung yet before Seokjin-sunbae get down from the post.”

“I really hate to say this but that was not fair though.”

“I know right. The team had been ignoring him for a while before they finally decided to accept the results.”

“It must been so hard for him. Ah during that period I think I’ve heard something about Jimin-hyung wanted Coach Lee to replace the post with someone else?”

“Oh that’s right hyung. He even persuaded the coach with everything he can but you know Coach Lee; he never change his decision, like it’s already fixed. And he wanted to change it with his best friend though. Who is it… ah! It’s Taehyung-hyu—what, what?”

“Lower down your voice Yugyeom! Taehyung-hyung is sitting behind you! You gossip boy…” And with that the two boys stayed quiet, digging through their lunch in a hurry and clumsily left the ‘crime scene’.



“So all this while Jimin had been in distress alone? And where were I at that time? Avoiding him? You were making the already bad situation turns worst, Kim Taehyung. What have you done?”

 He let his head fell on the table with a loud thud, gaining some looks from other students but he did not have time to care anymore. “I’m so sorry Jiminnie… I’ll make it up to you, I promise.”






Jimin was sleeping when he heard the front being knocked. He is still absent from school because the doctor advised him to rest more before continuing his daily routines; school, practices and stuffs.

He was going to ignore the seemingly unstoppable knocking but the person seems to knock the door harder. Jimin let out a desperate sigh before he sat up, wrapping himself in a bundle of blankets before making his way downstairs. He assumed that the person is his mom; she already left for her work earlier but probably she forgot something, so he thought that he looks decent enough to go down.

“Mom I thought I’ve hidden the keys under the—T-Taehyung? W-What are you doing h-here?”

The said person, who was unexpectedly not his mom, scanned Jimin from top to the toe before he opened his mouth, “I’m going to see you, obviously. Why would I be here then?” The words came out harsher than he thought because Jimin cowered lower in his puddle of blankets. Damn my low voice

“No J-Jimin I heard that you were sick so—“

 “From who?”

 “U-Uh your mom! I heard it from your mom and she asked me to give a check on you. So… here I am.”

Jimin looked doubtful for a while before he finally said, “I’m fine. Just need some rest then I think I’ll be fully healed. Don’t worry. You can go home now.” Jimin somehow feel proud with himself for not stuttering.

“Then let’s get you to rest.” Taehyung said before he reached forward to take Jimin’s wrist in his hand. He could feel the heat from the shorter one’s under his touch. You’re burning up and this is what you called as okay?

“No Taehyung I’m really fin—“ He already being sat up on his bed, his words unfinished.

“Eat this. My mom prepared it for you. You better finish this up. Eat your medicines and then sleep.”

Jimin looked down at the bowl of porridge on his lap. He stole a glance at Taehyung but the latter only replied with a firm eat that, there’s no poison in it. So he opened the lid and slowly bringing the spoon to his mouth and within few minutes, he only left with an empty bowl.

“I see that you’re so hungry?” Jimin could feel heat rising on his neck and cheeks. He did not have a chance to retort back since Taehyung already placed some pills on his palm. “Eat.”

So he swallowed the pills, drank some water and placed the glass on his bedside table. He glanced up to look at Taehyung, “I think I’ll be fine. You can go home now.”

“Do you hate me that much?”

Silence.  Dead silence.

Taehyung heaved an exasperated sigh before he continued, “I’ll go home after you sleep. So now, sleep.”

Jimin just give a curt nod towards Taehyung before he lay down, with Taehyung helping him to cover himself with blankets. Not much effort needed because he eventually fell asleep, maybe tired having to start a drama with Taehyung early in the morning or because he already full with food.


Assuming that Jimin had fully asleep by the steady rhythm and soft snores from the latter, Taehyung grabbed a chair from Jimin’s study table before he placed it beside the bed and sat on it. He studied Jimin’s calm, sleeping face and started to wonder, what had he done to have someone as kind as Jimin to be his best friend. When the only thing he did was hurting Jimin and stupidly being jealous with his own friend.

He bent forward, reaching Jimin’s hand with his and muttering towards the sleeping one with full regrets, “I was stupid. I-I am sorry Jiminnie… I am so sorry…”






“Mom, I’m going to school now!”

“Okay, be careful honey!”

“Will do, mom!”


Jimin skipped lightly to the front gate before he came into an abrupt halt. Standing before him is Taehyung, his next-door neighbor, hands in his pockets, with his… -eating grin?

“Jimin-ah! Come on! We’re going to miss the bus!” Taehyung half-shouted, waving his arms excitedly towards Jimin.

Jimin went for small, hesitant steps towards the gate not before asking the latter, “What the hell are you doing here?”

Taehyung frowned. “Ouch that’s harsh Jiminnie. I’m going to school with you, of course. Come on!”

“After this while? And you suddenly stand in front of my house, pretending like nothing had happened and acting like—yah, yah! Where are you going to take me?!”

Taehyung linked their arms and dragged the shorter with a little force. “To the bustop, shorty. And we got no time for morning drama because still have school so daaa let’s go!”

“Let me go in this instant—yah Kim Taehyung!!”






“So class, for the next project I need all of you to pair up in two. And this time I let you choose your own partner. So who’s going first?”

“Me, sir! Kim Taehyung, Kim Taehyung! And I’m going with Park Jimin!”

“Noted, Taehyung-ssi. Next?”


Jimin desperately turned his seat-mate’s body towards him. “What the hell is that?!”

“I see you curse a lot lately Jiminnie. We’re going to do the project together of course.”

“And what makes you think that I’m going to pair up with you?”

“Because we’re best friend?” The alien asked back rather than giving Jimin his answer.

Jimin shook his head and let out a desperate you’re unbelievable before he continued back his doodling.



This is the only way I’m making up to you, Jimin.






“—cell walls serve as support structures by protecting individual cells and—are you even listening?!”


The two boys were in Taehyung’s room, (‘we can do this in the library, you know’ ‘no let’s just do it at my house’ ‘but Taehy—‘ ‘let’s go!’) where Jimin was sitting at the room’s owner study table while the owner himself sat on his bed.

“I’ve been reading for over an hour but all you did was staring at my face, did you even wrote some notes? The project is due—“

“I was reminiscing.”

“—next week—what?”

“Don’t you think this portrays well our old time? Where we would do partner study and you will be the only one who’s studying while I myself staring at nowhere, does it ring a bell?”

“I don’t see where this is going.”

Taehyung sighed, “I’m apologizing Jiminnie.” Jimin stayed quiet so he took that as a cue for him to continue. “I was wrong. I hurt you. You did nothing wrong yet I still ignored you. I was too blind to see that you were upset with me. I don’t know… I was jealous of you. That sounds stupid but I just did. After this countless year of friendship I didn’t believe I fall for that; jealous over you. I hate… no, hated how people favor you over me, people always see you but not me, saying I will be nothing without you. That hurts a lot. But now I know what I felt was nothing compared to what you felt with my wrongdoings. And I—“

“You’re talking gibberish, Tae.”

Taehyung stooped. “Eh?”

“How to start it… well, I was hurt and I’m not going to lie about that. I did a lot of thinking when were apart; is Taehyung hating me now? Did I do something wrong that hurts Taehyung badly? Is our friendship going to end like this? – these kind of thoughts. But after I heard you, I guess I was wrong too. I didn’t even try to approach you and fix everything- I was being a coward. So since we’re both wrong, I guess that we’re even now? Zero to zero?”

“Are you going to end the drama like this?”

Jimin snorted, “Oh come on. I know you miss me.”

“And I’m forgiven?”

“I’ve done that a long time ago.”

“So can I ask for a hug?”

“Don’t bother asking. You know you’re always welcomed.”

And with that Taehyung sprang up from his bed and sprinted towards Jimin before attacking him with a bear hug. “Oh I can’t believe this! Thank you so much Jiminnie! I’ve been missing you all this while!”

The other one returned the hug, as tight as Taehyung did. “Stop being a drama king, you big boy. And I’ve been missing you too, a lot.”



And they stayed in each other arms, talking like there’s no tomorrow.






After their reconciliation, everything went back to its own place. They were back to going to school together, eating lunch at their usual place and hanging out at each other’s. But when night comes, Taehyung will lie down in his bed, staring the ceiling and thinking. His thought was no other than why is it always Jimin in their friendship.

During that particular period, he used to think about the bad reasons of Jimin’s existence in their friendship. But when he comes to think about it again and again, he was grateful that he has Jimin.

Because Jimin’s the one who understands him in and out.

Jimin’s the one who will stay up just to hear he rambled about the journey of himself with the rabbits.

Jimin’s his crying shoulder.

Jimin’s his laughing buddy.

Jimin’s his other half.

And he could not be thankful enough for Jimin to always be by his side, in seven years and still counting. He always prays that will never lose Jimin; he already felt that – over a month without Jimin’s presence .


He was still in deep thoughts when his phone buzzed beside his pillow. He glanced to look at the light-up screen – incoming call from Shorty Squishy Jiminnie

He smiled before he picked up the call, “Hello squishy.”

‘Hello rabbits-addict. What are you doing?’

“Me? I was thinking about you.”

‘Oh come on! Are you what, watching those sappy dramas again?’

Taehyung laughed heartily. “No I was really thinking about you.”

‘Cut the crap. I’m not going to buy that ha ha ha oh anyway I was going to ask you, can we go to the ice cream parlor down the road tomorrow? It has been a while since I last went there. Can we?’

Taehyung could hear Jimin persuaded him using those puppy eyes.  Damn squishy-ness. “Of course we can. And Namjoon-hyung had wanted to see you too.”

‘Oh really?! Then I’m paying! You can pick any flavor you want.’

“You’re the best Jiminnie!”

‘That’s obvious, Tae.’

“And that is why I love you a lot.”




Taehyung really could not imagine his life without Jimin. His Jimin.





I've tried my best... sorry if this hahaha





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Chapter 1: Omg no this was so freaking adorable, lwekjt. I teared up too ;_; Their friendship is beautiful
Vandjimin #2
Chapter 1: So cute this is one of me favorite vmin's
jun-kiseob_b2uty #3
Chapter 1: it wasn't that bad. i seriously find this was cute and else. they were having such a sweet friendship. so, yeah.. great job. don't even think that it wasn't good enough because it was quite good. keep making such a good story, good luck.
LionRose #4
Chapter 1: Wahhhh cute story author-nim.. Really, don't worry. I really LOVE your vmin story ^^
LionRose #5
Make a good story author-nim...
Fight !!!