
Cats (Vmin drabble)

Jimin had always wondered why Taehyung seemed to like cats more than he liked Jimin himself.

He treated the boy to ice cream regularly, entertained him when he was high on sugar close to jumping off the walls of their practice room and even took over his dorm chores when his puppy eyes seemed to get the better of the elder. There was no disputing that the two teens were thicker than thieves within the group. One was rarely seen without the other, whether in waiting rooms or restaurants. It almost seemed to staff and strangers that the two were closer than close, as some might say.

But somehow when it came to furry feline creatures, Taehyung seemed to immediately forget about his companion, eyes lighting up as he would kneel down to adopt the cat's point of view, talking to it as though they were holding a real conversation. Jimin would stand and stare, trying to come to terms with the fact that his bestfriend position had been ousted by a cat, before giving up and settling next to Taehyung.

"Why do you like cats so much anyway? All they do is wait for you to give them food, and once you do, they eat and stare at you again." Jimin mused as he bent into a squat beside Taehyung. The neighborhood around their dorm had their fair share of cats, and every once in a while Taehyung would head out to the back alley with a can of tuna, attracting a couple of cats in the vincinity.

On this particular day there were two, one Taehyung fondly named Butter for its unusually creamy fur colour, and a short-haired tabby he named Peanut. The two were usually together, and Taehyung found it his own genius to call the two Peanut Butter. Jimin secretly liked it, although he preferred to keep his encouragement of Taehyung's strange ideas to himself.

"I don't like them more than I like you, hyung, of course! I just like them in a different way," Taehyung smiled, picking out bits of tuna with his finger and giggling as Butter the fish off his fingers.

Jimin looked up.

"And in what way do you like me, Kim Taehyung?" he asked jokingly.

"We're soulmates! Don't you think so, hyung?" Taehyung beamed at him. "I think God must have put us in the same group because he wanted us to be together forever and ever."

Butter meowed loudly at the empty can of tuna, pawing the hand Taehyung was holding the tin can with. Taehyung stood up, heading to the dorm to get another can of tuna. Jimin sighed as he dropped his head towards his bent knees, the moment ruined.

He stared at Butter, whom he swore was grinning like a Cheshire cat.

"You did this on purpose, didn't you? Pretending to be hungry so that you can get all the attention instead of me..." Jimin trailed off, realising he was talking to a cat.

"Damn it."

Taehyung returned with the can of tuna, looking up at the sky as it seemed to get slightly darker with clouds. "Oh no, looks like the rain will be coming soon." He walked to a shelter a couple of metres away, placing the can of tuna on the floor and beckoning Peanut and Butter over with ease. He knelt down, petting the both of them and cooing with the love that a mother would have for her kids. Jimin found the sight heartwarming, but as the first few drops of rain began to fall, he grabbed Taehyung by the hand.

"We need to go before we get drenched. How about we go to a cafe nearby? My treat. I don't feel like going back to the dorm right now."

Taehyung grinned. "Your treat? Of course! Why not."

As they ran for cover from the rain, Jimin turned back to look at the two cats.

They might have Taehyung for a while every day, but Jimin had Taehyung every day for a long, long while. That wasn't so bad, he mused.

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SeventeenCarrot #1
Chapter 1: So cute!!!
BTSfanfics #2
Chapter 1: uhuhuhu~ sou kewt >///<
bambibun #3
Chapter 1: aww jealousy jimin is adorable >< nice story!
Chapter 1: vmin feels is overrfloodingggg
Jiminssi-Tae #5
Chapter 1: Awwwww this was so cute!