Today's The Day

Today's The Day

Today was going to be different; he was going to tell Yoongi hyung how he felt. It was going to be today or he’d always be too scared to confront the issue at hand. He was finally going to gather up the courage and just do it.

Jimin walked into the living room with purpose, "YOONGI HYUNG I NEED TO TELL- where's Yoongi hyung?" He'd started loudly trying to assert his dominance and appear confident before he noticed the object of his yelling was not actually there.

"He's at the studio with Joonie." Jin said giggling at how Jimin deflated and started grumbling. ‘Of course he was at the studio with Namjoon hyung I mean what else does he do?’ After saying his goodbyes he walked out of the dorms and started towards the studio working to regain his confidence. He'd lost it all when he had burst into the living room and realized he’d have to try again.

Opening the booth door after finally entering their entertainments building he tried again, "YOONGI HYUNG I NEED TO TELL – where’s Yoongi hyung?” He’d started loudly again only to glance around and notice that Yoongi was not in fact in the room. Again. Where was that damned rapper hiding?

“Aha finally got the guts to tell him did you? I think he’s in the other studio, probably taking a nap. He hadn’t slept in like days but it’s been a few hours so you should be okay to wake him up if you want. Or else he’ll come yelling at me for not waking him up to work some more.” Namjoon ended with a laugh knowing full well how Yoongi could get when it came to him working.

“Oh, well okay then hyung thanks.” Jimin walked down the hall towards the other studio that had a leather sofa that was often used as a nap place for all of the boys and even their manager on occasion. Glancing in he saw Yoongi curled up with his arms under his head, his lips moving as if he was rapping in his sleep. It was actually kind of adorable because he probably was rapping in his sleep.

Jimin sat in one of the studio chairs in front of the computers and machines that he didn’t actually have the slightest clue did. He hesitantly rolled forward until he was right in front of the sleeping male.

“Hyung. Can we talk? I need to tell you something. Hyung, get up please. Namjoon said you’ve been sleeping for hours anyways. Hyung?” All he was met with was some grumbling and Yoongi turned around on the sofa so his back was facing Jimin.

“Hyung please I want to talk to you.” Yoongi let out a little groan and flopped back over.

“Minie I already know what you’re going to say. So please kindly show yourself the door we can talk later.” He said sleepily rubbing at his face; his drawl and satoori all the more evident in his sleep ridden voice.

“If you know what I’m going to say then why’d you say that?” Jimin was kind of offended that Yoongi wouldn’t even make the effort to consider his feelings. Yoongi slowly sat up and stared at Jimin some more.

“What do you mean? I know you like me is all I meant. And I said we’ll talk later when I’m not sleep deprived.” Yoongi had his blank facial expression that clear stated ‘all of this was the most obvious thing in the universe’.

“LIKE YOU? IS THAT WHAT EVERYONE THINKS I’VE WANTED TO TELL YOU?” Jimin couldn’t believe what he’d just heard! People thought he liked Yoongi hyung? I mean he was cute, and really nice at times, and was always there for him, and when he got scared on amusement park rides it was always Yoongi that held his hands… but like him? Psh, never!

“Are you denying that you do like me?” Yoongi’s eyebrow quirked up just slightly as if he were challenging Jimin to actually say that he didn’t. Jimin started stumbling over his words and throwing out incoherent noises that couldn’t possibly be a sentence, his face slowly heating up.

“It would be a real shame if you didn’t…” Yoongi quickly stood up and pulled Jimin along with him. Yoongi wrapped his arms around the shorter males waist and leaned his face into Jimin’s neck and placed a soft kiss into the crook of it and then leaned his face up to whisper into the youngers ear. “Because then I couldn’t hold you like this.”

Jimin was far to clutter minded at the moment to even register anything but one thought was reigning dominant above all his others. ‘When the hell did Yoongi become so suave… and hot?’ Which wasn’t exactly the most helpful thought but it did bring up the point that maybe kissing wouldn’t be the end of the world.

When Jimin didn’t jump away or deny anything Yoongi pulled away laughing and ruffled his hair. “Thought so Minie, thought so.” That snapped Jimin back to why he originally came here for. Because despite what everyone thought it wasn’t to confess his supposed undying love for the older male or whatever.

“Wait, that’s why I came here! Stop calling me Minie! You’re one centimeter, one, and I don’t like it when you call me that!” Jimin ended with a huff trying, to cover just how annoyed he was now that the real problem at hand was back to his full attention.

“So, what you’re saying is that you didn’t come here to confess. You came here to tell me to stop calling you Minie?” Yoongi looked kind of offended and started towards the door like he couldn’t believe what he was hearing.

Jimin threw his arm out and pouted his lip out, “I may have come to ask you to stop calling me Minie but I don’t think the kisses would be so bad…” He didn’t want Yoongi to be mad at him and he could think of worse things than cuddling and kissing the Daegu native. Actually thinking on it really hard, he couldn’t think of many things better.

Returning home, Jimin was squashed between Namjoon and Yoongi as they argued over why Namjoon let Yoongi sleep so long. Jimin was distracted because he didn’t quite understand the day’s happenings but it could’ve been worse. Walking through the front door he noticed everyone was still awake despite the late hour.

“Well are you dating now? How’d it go? I can’t believe you got the balls to do it hyung!” Jungkook was nearly bouncing in his seat.

“Okay first off I didn’t go down there to confess. Second why does everyone think I like Yoongi hyung?!” His voice was kind of whining if he was being honest with himself but it couldn’t be helped.

Yoongi came up behind him and wrapped his arms around his waist pressing his chin down onto Jimin’s shoulder. “Because you do Minie.”


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matisarmy #1
Chapter 1: Hahaha the end was the cutest thing ever ^.^ this should have a continuetion
Chapter 1: Lmaooo I assumed jimins feelings were about liking Yoongi too u___u this is really cute in a refreshing way haha