

Hoseok is next. He’s too playful in their downtime, too active.


Yoongi is assessing him. He can’t make out the younger to be someone he simply drinks from. Besides, too much drinking could take away his energy, which is actually something he quite enjoys. Although they all do their part, Hoseok is the true moodmaker. He knows when to be serious and when to crack a joke or let himself go. Whether it’s just for a laugh or if it’s just because he feels comfortable.


There’s something endearing about him. He’s a sweet boy as far as Yoongi can tell. He just wonders if the whole diet of blood thing could get in the way of that. He doesn’t want to ruin what the kid has going for him but he wants to do something to him.


Yoongi doesn’t realize that he’s been staring until the boy he’s been staring at suddenly moves. It’s a sigh that leaves his lips, since he’s one of the few that he’s yet to decide whether to change or to turn into a meal.




Hoseok is standing next to him now, frowning because he feels like he’s done something wrong. He isn’t sure what it is but he can feel it. His hyung has been staring at him for the past hour and hasn’t moved an inch. He honestly had begun to grow worried that the older had forgotten how to breathe or something with how still he was. It was an eerie feeling. One that he’d been getting lately from Yoongi.


He was too nice to bring it up because he didn’t want to offend the other. There was no polite way to say, “You’re a freak. Stop freaking me out” or “You’re terrifying me.” At least there wasn’t a way that he could think of that didn’t come off as rude in some kind of way. The last thing he wanted to do was to hurt Yoongi’s feelings.


“Hm... Yeah?”


Yoongi looks up at the younger as the latter pokes his hyung in the neck with his index finger, feigning innocence on what he knows the other wants to ask. It’s clear in his eyes that he wants to say something about the way Yoongi has been staring at him lately. When his teeth worry his bottom lip, the older encloses his fingers around the other’s wrist, pulling him in close.


“Are you scared of me?” He whispers.


The tone is most obviously teasing but it still sends a shiver down Hoseok’s spine and he tries to pull away. It’s the answer that returns a shiver down Yoongi’s spine.




Yoongi blinks and tries to figure out how to handle this. Nothing is really going according to plan, and he still refuses to admit to himself that he didn’t really have a plan to begin with. Even though it’s the truth. He considered going with the flow an option but it was obvious to anyone that knew what was going on that it was what he unconsciously ended up going with.


Just like with Namjoon though, this is a conversation that he can own and spin to his advantage.


“Why are you scared of me?”


“The...The way you’ve been looking at me. You aren’t mad at me...are you?” His voice sounds hopeful, it’s even in his eyes.


“No, you’re just really handsome, Hoseok.”


The younger blinks and then the tinting of his cheeks is incredibly hard to miss. It makes Yoongi smile. Looks are one thing that the younger rapper never seemed to be too confident in, despite the fact that he’s always been attractive. A little derpy... Well, a lot derpy, but always attractive.


Yoongi is looking him in his eyes now and he’s blushing. He’s blushing so extremely hard that it looks like he’s wearing a mask. He won’t look the older in his eyes anymore and tries to pull away but he’s not allowed to. Yoongi’s grip is too tight and Hoseok is all too aware that his hyung is a lot stronger than he thought he was, or at least more than he was prepared for. He couldn’t say that he was scared because he doubted anything bad was truly going to happen.


The pulse. The pulse was distracting. Just like it was with Namjoon. He wasn’t used to this since he didn’t have to deal with the noise on a regular basis. It could’ve been because it was so quiet or because, usually, they were busy with a fanmeeting, or practice, or some type of performance that he could easily focus on something else.


“Let’s play a game,” Yoongi offers and it surprisingly brings down Hoseok’s pulse, enough at least for the older to think straight.


“What kind of game?”


To say that Hoseok was excited was an understatement. He enjoyed playing games but it was rare to get Yoongi to play along or cooperate more often than not. Yoongi had been trying to control himself at first. That’s why. Now, he was in an all or nothing game with himself.


“Hide and seek.”


The younger blinks but then nods slowly. He liked the game but there weren’t too many places to really hide around the dorm when he thought about it.




Hoseok’s eyes light up again and Yoongi becomes sure that he made the right choice.


“You run and I’ll chase you,” he smirks and it seems innocent to an excited Hoseok.


It’s not. He actually has a plan.


By the count of ten, the younger rapper is out of sight. The dorm isn’t but so big so Yoongi offers him a ten second head start. Yoongi plans on catching him. He knows he can catch him with ease, but he wants to make it fun, so he pretends at first that he can’t. It’s when they make it to the younger’s room that there’s officially no chance of escape.


Hoseok is slightly taller but it doesn’t make a difference because he practically curls in on himself as Yoongi corners him, a hand on his stomach. Hoseok is hoping that any one of the members are going to walk in and stop his hyung before something bad happens like he thought it would. Yoongi isn’t worried about anyone getting in his way. The two of them have just run around the entire dorm after all, irritating the other members. There’s a high chance that they know they're either playing a game or that Hoseok is going to get punished for something. Either way, he’s pretty sure they won’t be interrupted. Besides, he’s locked the door.


“Hyung... You’re scaring me again.”


He’s not looking Yoongi in the eyes again, instead he’s shut his eyes and looks like he might pee himself.


“Don’t be scared. You’ll be like me soon.”


That doesn’t make anything better.


Hoseok’s heart begins to race again, at that deafening, can’t-hear-myself-breathe kind of level. Yoongi takes his hand while his eyes are still closed and guides his fingers to trace his fangs, which make the younger’s eyes shoot open. It honestly would’ve startled Yoongi had he not been expecting that reaction.


The younger rapper isn’t stupid, although he doubts they're real. It’s when Yoongi retracts them to draw them back out again that Hoseok attempts to make like a ghost and phase through the wall. He’s obviously unsuccessful.


“You lost, Hoseok.”


“There’s a punishment?” He stutters out. They hadn’t discussed punishment.


“I get to bite you.”


The owner of the room is quickly shaking his head, but the shine that shoots through Yoongi’s eyes has him entranced. He hadn’t noticed that before. It’s like showing something shiny to an animal or taunting a kid with ice cream or candy. Hoseok can’t bring himself to look away now.


“I want to bite you. Please?”


Hoseok is nodding before he realizes what he’s doing. Not that he minds. He’s not under the spell of his hyung’s eyes anymore. He’s become an all too curious feline. He wants to feel the fangs. See if they’re as real as they look.


They are. They most definitely are. They pierce the skin just under his adam’s apple and he whines, clutching at Yoongi’s shirt and doing that awkward motion of trying to push him away but keep him close. Yoongi helps him by pressing closer. Hoseok’s eyes fall closed and his grip loosens. When he blinks, it’s almost as if the room is spinning. He almost falls over but the older catches him, settles them on the floor with the younger sitting and leaning against him as he kneels.


The younger is presented with a bloodied wrist and doesn’t even hear the order to up the liquid. It’s almost as if he’s working on instinct, similar to how Yoongi is dealing with checking off his method of revealing to s what he is. Instinct. Just going with what feels right.


Hoseok doesn’t make a face like Namjoon did but there’s a sound of displeasure that bubbles out before it turns to a happy hum. Yoongi’s blood grows sweeter with the more his dongsaeng drinks and too soon, it’s pulled away from him. It causes him to frown but he hasn’t experienced the worst yet.


His skin feels as though it’s bubbling and melting off his body, leaving him in nothing but muscle and bone in his hyung’s arms. But it’s not happening. He completely still in one piece but, as time goes on, it’s like he’s shifted from Yoongi’s delicate hold to being wrapped in flames. Flames that started from the inside out and at every cell in his body. He’s unaware of Yoongi’s struggle to keep him quiet, to the point that the elder uses the remote that’s thankfully in reach at the foot of the bed. He turns on the radio in the room and makes it just loud enough to cover the screaming.


By the time Seokjin comes to request the music to be turned down, Hoseok is curled up in bed, napping. Yoongi apologizes and turns the music down.

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Chapter 2: Vampire Suga with sweet blood