Coming home.

Min Miracle (Re-write 2015)






Taemin settled in at the front area of the plane. Miracle snuggled in his arms. While he made sure his seatbelt was strapped tight around his waist. The stewardess was smiling at him, asking to make sure he held her tightly during the take off and that they would bring a small baby bassinette that would be hooked on the area in front of him, when the plane was high enough for them to move around.

The infant gurgled. Throwing up a little milk that dribbled down her brand new bib and yellow flowery baby grow that Kibum had bought especially for her first ever flight. Taemin grumbled, wiping it off with a wet wipe he had in his backpack and looked over to Kibum, Jonghyun and Jinki who were stuffed in the three seats on the next aisle.

‘I can’t remember the last time we sat on Economy’ Kibum mentioned, flicking open the small tray, before pressing at nearly every buttons to the small TV screen, in the head seat before him, Before getting bored and starring out the small round window. ‘Come on people lets go’.

Jonghyun nudged the pillow behind his head, shuffling here and there struggling to figure out how to get the seat back. Jinki remained sat strapped in, watching as people came on the plane to find their seats. Most of the passengers seemed foreign, and any Koreans that stepped on the plane did not seem to recognise them.

Finally one young Korean girl stepped onto the plane with her parents and halted when she met eyes with Onew. Jinki gave a small smile, before the girl was shouted and she followed her mother to her seat, which happened to be only four seats back.

Miracle soon began to cry, the noises around her unsettling her. And Taemin rocked her gently. Jinki watching him as Taemin struggled to keep her quiet. He would have sung. But he felt almost embarrassed. And did not want to be recognised by anyone who had not realised yet. An elderly couple moved to the seats beside Taemin and both began cooing to the child in the hopes of helping him.

The pilot then spoke over the speakers letting people know they were about to take off, and the aeroplane safety video came onto every screen in both English and Korean. Taemin was paying extra attention this time around, for the rules with a baby were vital if they did have an accident. The plane started to move faster before taking off and causing the baby to cry once again.


Minho sighed deeply. Missing the company of the others, and wanting to hold Miracle in his arms. He never knew he could miss something so much. He didn’t miss his family this much when he moved away to be an idol. He never missed the boys as much when he was out filming a drama or when they went to perform when he hurt his leg. But not having his bundle was a deep ache to his heart. Over nine months he had carried her and protected her. And now she was miles away. He was scared he was going to get some sort of depression from this but the updates on his Kakao talk app made him smile as Jonghyun kept him in the know when he had the time. Currently all he knew was they were leaving for Korea and got a 5 way side shot group picture of them.

Frankie examined him over, pleased with the results so far. ‘I think by this time this weekend, we can send you home too’. He said happily.

‘Oh gosh I hope so, I already miss her so much’. The patient sighed deeply again. ‘I never knew I could miss something so much! I want to cry. I feel like someone too my heart and is holding it hostage. But I know I’m being silly, she’s safe with Taemin…well at least I hope she is…that boy looses things all the time…oh gosh…what have I done…I need to leave now!’

The male whined as he attempted to sit up and turn from his bed. Frankie pushing him back gently. ‘Get back in bed you! She will be fine, she has three other grown men looking after her’.

‘Jinki hyung drops things!’ Minho whined.

‘Fine two, look please calm down, I can take you to your room, then before you know it you’ll be on your way home.’

‘What if my baby realises I’m not there, I want to just hold her right now! I miss her…I miss her so much.’

‘I’m sure she will be yearning for you when he realises you’re not there either’. The Doctor spoke, as he helped set Minho’s hospital slippers onto the floor. ‘Now we need to take these steps slowly…hold my hands’

Minho pouted ‘Please don’t say that…I miss her even more now…I want to run to her!’.


‘Are you…Onew from SHINee?’

Jinki looked up at the girl he saw earlier. He gave a swift nod. Her eyes then falling on the other two beside him. Jonghyun snoring in the middle and Kibum watching a film on the screen not noticing her presence.

‘I’m a fan…can I get your Autograph’ she asked sweetly. Holding out a ripped piece of paper and a pen. Jinki smiled, nodding and signing the paper. The girl bowed, taking it back when he was finished.

When she turned around, she finally noticed Taemin settling Miracle in the small baby bassinette. Patting her chest and making sure she was strapped in. He hummed softly to her.

‘He’s such a good father’ One of the elderly sat watching him spoke. ‘Look how he’s caring for her’.

Taemin turned his head bowing at them and thanking them. The elderly couple smiling at him before whispering of giving him some small amount of money to help with raising her. An offer Taemin would gladly accept.

‘Is that your baby Taemin Oppa?’

The idol turned to face the girl, startled by her presence. ‘Erm…yeah…she is’ He replied. ‘She’s my daughter’. He watched for her response. Wondering how she would react.

The girl took a step closer. ‘Can…can I see?’

Wearily Taemin nodded. ‘Okay…but just a little peek, no camera’s’.

The girl nodded hands behind her back and slowly leaning in closer, eyes looking to the infant who starred towards Taemin’s direction as if in search of him. The girl smiled, looking to Taemin ‘She’s precious…how old?’

‘Just about a week or so.’ the new father replied. Leaning in his hand again to let Miracle’s stretching clenched hands find his own. The infant soon wailed when her hands could not grasp his fingers and Taemin moved in to sooth her. ‘Appa is here…Aigoo…I know…I know…shush’.

‘Where’s her Umma?...Is she here?’ The girl then asked, looking around for a female, though she wished she hadn’t asked. The idol had halted still before lifting his head.

‘She’s erm…I’d rather not talk about it’ Taemin answered. ‘I’m sorry…I want to keep the mother a secret’.

The girl nodded. ‘Oh…okay…well. Good luck Oppa, I hope you guys bring out a song soon. We’ve missed you’. Taemin smiled watching her leave to her seat where she whispered to her mother.


‘It’s so quiet’ Minho spoke as he stepped up carefully from the wheelchair, now back in the room he had stayed in the majority of his pregnancy. Frankie chuckled, letting his hand go to allow him to sit on the small sofa. ‘I feel so lonely’ Minho pouted, hissing at his stomach ached from his sudden movements. ‘I should have kept her with me, I thought I was lonely when she was inside but now…’.

‘Don’t worry before you know it you’ll be back on the plane and going to her. And she’ll be so happy your there, that you’ll wonder what on earth you was moping about.’

Minho nodded. ‘I know…I just feel so empty too, I actually miss being pregnant.’

Frankie chuckled. ‘I understand’. A swift knocking to the door silenced the room and the Doctor turned to open it. Minho moved to find more comfort on the sofa.

‘Minho?’ A female voice rasped.

The male turned at the calling of his name. His eyes widening at seeing his mother stood at the door behind Frankie. ‘Umma’.

The women took a deep breath, a teary smile covering her face. Frankie stepped aside to allow her in as the woman then flung her arms around the male. Minho yelped in pain, the woman gasping and apologising before grabbing his hands, and weeping hard begging for forgiveness. Minho with tears of his own, finally hugged her back. Head tucking into her shoulder and crying too. No matter how hard he had tried to hate her for what she did. He just couldn’t right now.

‘I’m sorry Minho…I’m so sorry’.


Taemin dragged his suitcase, while Miracle was kept against his chest via the baby wrap he wore. He took a deep sigh at the sight of the familiar views of his homelands Incheon airport. ‘Welcome to your new home Miracle’. He grumbled. ‘Welcome home’.

‘Oh my gosh is that Taemin Oppa?’

‘Oppa! Oppa!’


‘I love you Taemin!’

The male turned to the sight of a group of girls. All squealing at the very sight of him. Two pulled their big cameras up, that they had been holding. Probably waiting for another band and started to take flashing pictures.

‘Where have you been Oppa- Smile Oppa- Love you!’

Taemin instantly covered Miracle with his arm. ‘Stop that!’ He growled. ‘Don’t take pictures of my child…you’ll blind her!’

The girls then looked to the buddle. Some gasping while others were talking between them. One girl continued taking pictures. Kibum was soon beside him, covering Miracle with his body angle, and leading Taemin towards the exit quickly. The girls then also seeing the other two, who ran behind Taemin and Kibum.

The girls looked between themselves. Before they was posting online their new found news.


‘Oh she’s beautiful’ Mrs Choi spoke, starring at the picture on her son’s phone. ‘Oh I wish I could have seen her’. The mother wiped a tear from her eye.

Minho sniffled beside her. His mother taking his hand in hers. She gave a loud sigh as she placed the phone on his side. ‘I am really sorry Minho’ she finally said. ‘I want…I want you…I want you to come home…when you’re ready. Come live with us, we’ll help you bring her up…anything that you need. You can count on us. Your father and I will take her on as our own if we have too’.

‘Umma…She’s…she’s with Taemin now, and…me and Taemin are going to be bringing her up together’.

Mrs Choi nodded. ‘O-oh…good, good she will need that…but if it gets too much, you tell us Minho’.

‘Does Appa know then?’.

‘Your brother finally told him’. She spoke. ‘I-I wasn’t…I couldn’t…’ The woman sighed. ‘It was my fault. I thought what I did was the right thing when you were a child’. She sighed. ‘I wanted to protect you, I didn’t want you to feel different or a freak’. Mrs Choi looked at Minho. ‘You know, your father always wanted you to be a girl’. The mother chuckled for a moment. ‘When he found out why you were in England. The first thing he said was… ‘I prayed for a daughter, but I desired another son, and the gods gave me one of a kind’.

Minho smiled. ‘He used to sometimes call me Princess’.

Mrs Choi laughed. ‘He did, he did. He knew your secret too, he got a kick out of it, that’s why you never understood why he called you Princess’.

Minho leaned into his mother who gladly held him. ‘Umma…I want to go home…I want to see my baby’.

‘Ouch! OUCH! UMMA!…Ouch…hey! Stop-ouch! Stop it! Ouch…your hurting me!’

‘You stupid, silly boy! What is wrong with you!’

Taemin ducked his mothers next hit. ‘Umma!’

‘Did you never hear about protection Taemin! One that’s all you need!.’ The women slapped his head and arm and chest and anywhere her hands could get at.


‘These poor girls, their fathers are complete idiots!’ The mother muttered.


The woman stopped her attack on her son. ‘You’re just like your brother!’ Taemin pouted. The woman then squishing his face with her hands as she smudged his face. ‘Well! What are you going to do…I want to know my granddaughter will be in safe hands, what will you do for her, in her growing years!’.

‘I’m getting a house…and I’ll find an extra job to help pay for stuff!’


‘And…I will love her and nurture her and all that other stuff I can do!’ Taemin spoke, waiting for another attack.

‘Two right you will!’ The women slapped his cheek gently. ‘Aigoo! What to do with you boys. I know I wanted grandchildren…but I didn’t mean like this!’.


The woman let Taemin go to smile at her eldest granddaughter. Masie grinning up at her, as she held up a squiggly drawn yet colourful picture. ‘Wow!’ Mrs Lee praised her ‘You did great!’

Masie grinned brighter, running off to show her grandfather. Mrs Lee’s smile then dropped and she turned back to Taemin, another harsh hit over his head. ‘Pabo!’ she muttered.

Taemin stoked at his head and looked to Taesun who sniggered by the door. ‘Shut up you!’ He hissed.

Entering the living room. Taemin found Mr Lee holding Miracle in his arms. The new grandfather was completely smitten by his new granddaughter. Masie was now climbed on the sofa beside him talking sweetly to the baby. Finally after a while, Taemin then stepped over. ‘Appa, give me my daughter. I want to do something’. He glanced to his brother. ‘Bring your laptop…Kibum suggested something and I want to do it now.’


The day came when Minho was finally able to go home. He said goodbye to all the staff, taking contact information from most so he could keep them in the loop of Miracle’s well being. Hwa young had cried hard, as she didn’t want him to leave. But gave him a box full of English snacks she knew he liked to take home. Frankie gave him a good handshake. But noticed how excited Minho was to the thought of just seeing his daughter once again. The room he had spent all his time in was soon empty of his things, and like Frankie had said before, Minho was finally at the airport.

‘Umma, Hurry come on!’ He was linked arms with her, the mother helping him with his slow walking and yet was partly dragged by him towards the passport counter. ‘Come on come on!’.  He spoke. ‘Let’s go…let’s go!’

The flight felt like forever for Minho at first. Watching the hours pass by as he flew over other counties, it was almost boring. He couldn’t sleep and felt nauseous to eat. But finally before he knew it, he was landing back on Korean soil. Exiting the main area after collecting his bag he looked around the familiar airport.

A gasp from someone had him turn to find one girl stood with her friend pointing at him and the two screaming in excitement.

His mother then tugged his arm, leading him back and over to the small Dunking donut shop, ordering them something to eat and drink. Minho was rather hungry now and was sure he would faint if he didn’t have this. They sat on the chairs provided and Minho watched how the girls had followed, observing him and moving closer.

How he did not miss the stalking from girls when he was in England.

But to his delight the girls then took off as someone Minho could not quite see finally arrived at the airport. Girls from nowhere seemed to run around them, pictures taken and screaming getting louder. Minho never realised what it looked like from an outsiders view.

A elder male sat on a seat behind Minho stood, flinging his newspaper down and attempting to leave, shouting at girls to move out the way. Minho reached over, taking it to read news of his home country only to find the front page with a picture of Taemin and their daughter.

The newspaper title stated. ‘Unmarried Idol’s Secret Love Child’.

Turning to the set pages he found pictures of Taemin with some females, all ‘supposed’ mothers of the child. Minho shook his head as they even suggested a fan girl, and some suggested an adopted baby. He then flicked to the next page where many pictures of Taemin and Miracle were. Taemin had kept her rather hidden in almost every picture. Minho thought he would have shown her off. But it was quite the opposite. He then read a small section of writing. But another turn of the page, showed Taemin as if on a laptop camera showing the world his baby.

Though Mr Lee refuses to name the mother. It is clear that he has surrounding help from friends and family. SHINee Lee Taemin the original Maknae of the group has sprouted a new name. ‘SHINee Appa’ After his small video clip online showing his Secret love child daughter named Miracle to the world. 

‘Umma…can I borrow your phone?’

The woman who was slurping a coffee, passed it over and Minho searched for the video. It had more views than anything viewed that week. So clicking the play button it started up.

Taemin was sat in a chair, in what Minho recognised at his parents’ home furniture, a place Minho had visited once or twice. Taemin’s eyes were looking directly into the camera. He smiled. ‘Hi’ He spoke slowly. ‘You may know me as SHINee’s Maknae Lee Taemin.’ The male took a deep breath. ‘I know that there are many things being said about me in the news. And I just wanted to clean this all up. The baby you have seen with me in pictures…is my daughter. She’s my biological daughter. I have not adopted her, nor stolen her and for the last few months I have watched her grow, and was even there when she was born. And I know that this has and will hurt some of my fans. But I want you to understand that I want and need to be a huge part of her life. And I am the one who will be bringing her up, with the help of some friends of course. Please I repeated, please do not ask me of the name of her biological mother, as I refuse to answer that question. They want to remain silent and I respect that.’ Taemin then looked to someone off screen. His arms open for them to pass something.

Minho smiled happily as he saw Miracle, as she finally appeared on camera, placed carefully into Taemin’s arms. Minho smiled more at the way Taemin acted carefully around her. Showing his instant fatherly responses.

‘This everyone, is my daughter, her name is Lee Miracle.’

The infant was held, and someone moved the camera, to show her face. She was fast asleep and tears sprang to Minho’s eyes, an itch inside to go run and see her as soon as possible. But his smile grew bigger, as Taemin gave her head a gentle kiss.

‘She’s cute right?’ Taemin chuckled. ‘And if anyone says no…I know you’re lying because you people always call me cute’. There was laughter behind the camera.

Minho laughed too. His mother leaning in to watch.

‘The reason her name is Miracle, is that she is one. I hope that you will learn to love her like I do. I’ll do random video updates to get you to know her. And I hope you will still love and support me though my journey with her.’ Taemin then smiled waving to the viewers and blowing a kiss before winking. ‘Goodbye

‘He’s a good father’ Minho’s mother spoke.

Minho nodded. ‘Yeah…he is’.

‘I know baby girl, I know’ Taemin cooed to his daughter. Rocking her in the living room finding no way to keep her quiet. It had been almost 24 hours with her crying like this. With his tired eyes he sat down, patting her back as she wailed against his shoulder. ‘Shush’ He whispered. ‘Shush…go to sleep…come on go to sleep!’.

A buzzer alarmed to let someone know that there was a visitor outside the door, and Taemin groaned as Miracle got louder. Taesun ran through the room to the door. Masie running after him. As the door opened Masie gave a loud squeal and Taemin instantly believed it was one of his parents.

Miracle began to cry even louder, almost screaming and Taemin stood up, hoping walking her around would help. He’d sang ace three times but she wouldn’t shut up. He tried feeding her but she didn’t want it. And when he had, she then still cried after. He changed her nappy, but the girl had wailed throughout.

‘I think I should take her now, don’t you?’ A familiar voice spoke. 

Taemin’s eyes widened spinning around and looking to Minho who smiled from the living room entrance. The youngers smile turned brighter than it had all day and he ran over. Masie was at Minho’s side holding his hand and Taesun came over to take Miracle so Taemin and Minho could embrace. Both sharing in a small yet meaningful kiss.

‘Why didn’t you tell me you were coming back?’ The younger grinned. Holding Minho close before jumping away. ‘I…I would have showered and cleaned up, I’m dirty and my hair is greasy…and…gosh hyung you could have warned me!’ He covered his mouth. ‘My breaths even stinks!’

‘Surprise?’ Minho laughed. ‘I was so excited to come home I forgot to send messages.’ Taemin sighed with a laugh. ‘Welcome back Hyung’.

The male then looked over to Miracle who was still making a fuss. With a bit of help to the seating area, Minho settled down on the sofa. And the infant was placed in his arms, her loud cries silenced almost immediately. An echo silence filling the whole house. She knew it was Minho. And it had been what she had craved.

‘Thank goodness’ Taesun said. Picking up Masie and taking her to their room. ‘Were going to sleep now. Night!’

Masie waved before the door to the bedroom shut.

Minho smiled lovingly at his daughter who was laying head near his heart, patiently waiting for his voice. ‘I missed you’ He whispered to her finally. ‘I missed you so much, and I rushed here as soon as I could’. The Infant gave a small wriggle.

Taemin slumped beside him, falling tired. ‘Believe me, no-one missed you as much as she did, she’s been crying for almost 24 hours’.

Minho grinned. ‘Good…that’s mean she loves me more than you’.

Taemin gaped, before shrugging and closing eyes as he snoozed into Minho’s arm. ‘Fine…you can clean her nappies and vomit…I’ll take a break from it.’


SHINee to return!

KPOP idol group SHINee, has decided to return as the Original 5 boy group they once were, making an appearance this next coming fall after a very long hiatus break. Reports say of old member Choi Minho will also been returning as his rightful place as Rapper of the group.

KPOP idol replacement Kenny will instead be leaving to become a member of the new SM mixed rookies group, Starlight.


‘Taemin’s Minnie?’

‘What it sounds cute! She’s my little Minnie!’ Taemin pouted, holding Miracle in his arms as he uploaded the next new video, to his personal made YouTube-account. Minho rolled his eyes. ‘Well turn off the comments section, you know some people will still be mean…I don’t want her seeing that!’

‘Minho she can’t even read yet, and I’m pretty sure she’ll have to wear glasses when her eyes start to focus. Were just blurry figures right now’. Taemin scrolled though the comments. ‘And so far there are more nice comments than mean…and look at that my adoring fan girls are backing me up, you go girls!’. 

Minho nodded. ‘Fine…ugh, she’s not even one yet and you’re turning her into a celebrity.’

Taemin grinned. ‘I have too, she’s too cute to not show off’. He looked to her snuggled at his shoulder. The baby gurgling a few sounds, ears turning to the voices around her. Minho then sighed before holding out his hands.

‘Give her here, you’ve hogged her all morning’.

Taemin stood, dashing to another area of the room. ‘No she’s mine…let me keep her longer Hyung’.


‘Look…hyung…just a few more minutes okay’.

‘Taemin give her to me now!’

The younger moved around to the other end of the room. Minho following him with arms out, grunting that he couldn’t run that fast after the younger. ‘Give her to me!’ Taemin then took a sudden face scrunching sniff, before smirking ‘O-okay hyung here you go.’ He passed her over gently, before running away as Minho finally smelt to his reason why.

‘H-hey wait! Taemin…get back here…bleugh damn it, bleugh…Come on Taemin you know I struggle with this…bleugh come here!’

Sadly much to Minho’s displeasure he had to overcome his nappy changing gagging. Because he knew it would only get worse once she started eating solids. 





(HUEHUEHUE okay i'm off to bed now. Goodnight!!! Please comment :) x)



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Chapter 37: What am I supposed to do now? Like I got so engrossed in their stories I feel so empty. It was a really good story and the best soap opera out there hehe XD Damn going through this whole story n life of 2min n miracle I feel so old lmao. Thank you unnie for writing this! You did a great job!! I'm gonna miss this so much ಥ‿ಥ
Chapter 35: Yaaaay Hannieee way to goooo!!
Chapter 33: Awww they're finally married and Jinki is grown up too T.T I can't believe this is coming to an end ಥ‿ಥ
Chapter 32: Taemins gonna be furiousssss
Chapter 31: Awwww they're getting married!! ・゜(。┰ω┰。).・゜ I can't believe this was such a roller coaster omg
Chapter 30: Another cliff hanger? -_-
Chapter 29: YESSSS THEY ARE FINALLY GONNA TELL THE TRUTHH. Also mirasoo first time ooof (♥ω♥*) Also how old is 2min at this point? 46?
Chapter 28: another drama surfaces oof