Munchausen by proxy


Minho has been lied to and living a lie his whole life. But that all is about to change when he meets Taemin.


'Hi? My name is Taemin I live just down the street. I didn't get to meet you the other week when they had a party'.

Minho feels his cheeks flush as Taemin winks at him.

'Well hello there Taemin' Minho's father speaks up. He the top of his son head in a little patronising way, 'This is my son Minho. He's a little slow... kinda like a little child so please understand him. He is very innocent bless him. He has had so many surgeries an daily medication. I'm sure he dosen't know where he is most of the time!'

Minho lowers his head. Of course he knows exactly where he is. He then feels his father squeeze his shoulder and finches. Taemin sees it and a small frown appears before a fake smile to ask the father more questions.








A collection of stories I wrote and have yet to edit and add up. 





'Well hello there Taemin' Minho's father speaks up. He the top of his son head in a little patronising way, 'This is my son Minho. He's a little slow... kinda like a little child so please understand him. He is very innocent bless him. He has had so many surgeries an daily medication. I'm sure he dosen't know where he is most of the time!'

Minho lowers his head. Of course he knows exactly where he is. He then feels his father squeeze his shoulder and finches. Taemin sees it and a small frown appears before a fake smile to ask the father more questions.


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Mazekeen #1
Please update
Mazekeen #2
Will you update
asdfghjkl I'm so ready for this!
I'm already s u f f e ri n g

CANT WAIT TO READ THIS !! <3 <3 <3 <3
Is this real life right now ? Two new fics from my favourite author ♡ what in the world did I do right in my previous life to be blessed with such good grace ?!
Authornim Hwighting !!