two. acceptance;

Tying Princess Marionette
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(read a/n below)

"THIS is all my fault," she says while biting her lower lip, feeling the hand atop hers give a tentative squeeze. Looking up at it's owner with the look of guilt, tears prickling her brown irises, she added, "if I wasn't too selfish, I would’ve saved either of them. I— I... they don't deserve this!"

Baekhyun gulps the lump in his throat and sighs, pulling the girl closer to him and wrapping his arms around her, his eyes looking around the table wherein five pairs of eyes are gazing back at him.

"If you say it like that, I think that I have my fault, too," one of them chides with a playful tone, his husky voice catching the troubled girl's attention. When Taeyeon looks up at him, he smiles almost sadly. "There's Seulgi, you know? If I wasn't selfish, too, I would’ve saved your cousins from this."

Jinri scoffs. "So is Sunggyu, huh? And my brother— oops, wait, no. Lady doesn't like my family. Woo hoo."

"Would you mind, Jinri?" Hoya, who is beside the bitter girl, scolds between his gritted teeth; he obviously doesn't like it when she gives sarcastic comments at the least time needed. "This is not the time for you to act like a wench."

Glaring, Jinri throws him a sneer, "Oh, shut up. It's not like you're the one who'll end up with a broken heart here. Besides, how dare you talk to me like that?! My position is higher than you, you ."

"Not technically because I'm the head of my House while you're here to represent for your own," Hoya argues. "And— come of it, Jinri— Jongin doesn't like you one bit so I doubt that he cares for your pathetic existence. You're nothing but an egotistical, vain bint who sta—"

A loud bang resonates around the room, finding Kim Sunggyu eying the two twats who's in each other's throat by slamming his fist on the round, mahogany table. "That's enough, you two. We aren't here to discuss your incessant banter yet again. Did you guys forgot what's the matter at hand here?"

Hoya, who is much more mature than Sulli (obviously), regains his composure to mutter his apologies about his behaviour, the girl snorting derisively but not saying anything to oldest of the Kim.

One must wonder why these people are in a meeting; simple, it is but a simple get together that the older members of first class House's (those who are in their third year in high school and beyond, save for Jinri who— as Hoya said— is representing for Siwon and Sooyoung that are on the States) does once a week, either during Fridays or Saturdays, to discuss anything that relates to keep the closure going— as Lady Haein had said on the first year of her and her husband's reign as the current Heads of their House and, also, the most powerful one against other Houses.

If the Jungs are influential and cunning, the Byuns are busybodys; they are workaholics— smart, knows how to negotiate and has the way to get your piqued attention.

The Parks are the friendlier one: lovable, trustworthy and just outright nice people; they have a mean streak, though, when angry and, when you make a wrong move, it is better to get out of the country.

The Chois, on the other hand, are ambitious, pragmatic, prejudiced and nothing but an elitist. It is rumored that before they reach the age of eight, the idea that second class and third class families are trash and pest to the country are drilled to their minds. Jinri, being on of those who believe those ideology, makes that rumor a frightening fact— a reason why she practically steps on certain people's heads at school... another reason why almost everyone hates her.

The Lees, apparently, are mostly neutral. They like solidarity, choosing silence and peace and bringing balance to the first five Houses above their rank. Mostly, they are kindhearted and equality is something they are required to possess; being the last on the list (and the nicest one at that except the Parks) made the lower classes be humble to them for that. In short, they stand as the guardians of this "trashes" that the Chois are speaking of.

"I don't think that blaming ourselves will fix and help these three individuals from this kind of agreement—"

"I don't," Jinri mutters off-handedly, her eyes rolling in the process.

"— so, let's just figure out who's the one who's better and willing to marry Soojung... as much as I dislike the idea of it," Sunggyu suggests after the long silence.

Baekhyun sighs in discomfort, running his fingers through Taeyeon's locks, and says, "I don't think that it's our position for this matter, Sunggyu. If we do that, we're acting like Lady Haein herself."

Chanyeol nods. "And Myungsoo told me that he's decided on taking part of it— even wanting to win her over for some reason."

And, lastly, the Kims: the ones who keeps their promises, loyal, and a tad emotional. They are not afraid to show their emotions (unlike the others who were reserved, including the Parks, publicly) and are free to express their opinions unless they are told not to. They may also follow orders, but it is mostly based if it brings good honor for their family. Unfortunately, it seemed that Myungsoo is a good example for it.

"He's doing it for Kei, for sure," Taeyeon tells them almost in a whisper. "If I know better, he thinks that marrying Soojung would mean that his sister's disease will possibly be cured with the help of Lady Haein; it makes perfect sense to him."

"As for Jongin?" Chanyeol asks in curiosity.

"I still have no idea about that since I haven't talked to him. Neither Namjoo nor Yerim answered my calls and messages."

"He's not going to participate in whatever e that Lady is playing. I disallow him."

Turning their heads to Jinri, they are correct that she is fuming; angry that her beloved ex-boyfriend is being controlled and caged by the cockiest bint she's ever met— that wench.

"And who are you to say that, princess?" Hoya arrogantly asks, actually having fun about messing and pushing the girl's buttons. "Still ing delusional, ain't you?"

"Hoya," Sunggyu calls in that authoritative tone of his, the called name shrugging his shoulder in response and smirking at the red-faced Jinri.

"I am not delusional!" Jinri banters whilst glaring daggers at Hoya. "It just happens that Jongin has yet realize how much he loves me—"

"Feh. Yeah, right," he interjects with a snort, sharing a brief glance at the others to see them giving him a warning glare. "Believe what you believe in, you crazy duck, but I've known Jongin since we were kids; you were never his type." He stands up and tucks his hands on his pockets before yawning. "Oh well, I guess I'll go then— because, really, as much as we all hate this, there's nothing we can do." Giving them all a coy smile, he exits the room while whistling, ignoring Jinri's shrieks.

SHE smiles at the sight of him entering her room, sitting up to lean her back on the wooden headboard and giggling when he kisses her cheek. "So, how did it went?" she asks him after being handed with a strawberry-flavoured lollipop.

Her brother shrugs and smiles that smile that doesn't reach his eyes. "It timidly went okay, I guess," he answers, while tucking a stray hair behind her ear, and adds, "and you look great today. What happened

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parkjiyeon_Lkim #1
myungyeon.. kaistal.. perfect.. *O*
Chapter 2: Myungyeon....
Omnom_kai #3
Chapter 2: KAISTAL!!!
jiyeonasmaa #4
Myungyeon please
Chapter 1: myungyeon *-* <3
Chapter 1: Myungyeon and sestal pls...
Illeneroset #8
Chapter 1: But I like sestal TT
IntanMasduqi #9
Oryzae #10
Come here for -stal couple ^^