Staying around

초뽐 || One/multi-shot and Ongoing

When ChoMi are teenagers madly in love. Real short but here's a boost during the middle of the weekdays. Still deciding if my police AU should be angsty and slightly dark or a light hearted one. 


"Are you sure this is fine?" Chorong yelled as the sound of heavy footsteps and splashing sounds seemed to cover her voice in the pouring rain. 

Bomi looked back at Chorong who was drenched completely as they held hands and ran in the rain. Smiling even brighter than ever, Bomi tightened the grip on Chorong's hands as they continued to run forward. "Trust me!" Bomi shouted back as their wet uniform clung on to them. Running past houses, streetlights and cars, Bomi could not stop grinning even though the rain had caused her fringe to stick onto her face uncomfortably. Bomi ignored how the rain was getting into the eye causing her to have to squint as she ran, she could only focus on Chorong. Leading both of them to a dark alley, Bomi finally stopped as the two of them hunched over trying to catch their breath.
"This is it." Bomi pointed at a ladder that seemed rusty.
"What? That? You sure Bbom ah?" Chorong had slight doubts but when Bomi assured her by climbing up the ladder first, Chorong did so as well while following behind closely.
"PARK CHORONG!" Bomi screamed at the top of her lungs. Both of them were on a roof of a shop house that had long closed down. Bomi was pretty certain that nobody knew of this place since she came here many times.
"PARK CHORONG, WHAT DO I DO! I REALLY LIKE YOU!" Bomi threw her bag down as she continued projecting her feelings as loud as she could. Chorong blushed and cupped her hands over Bomi's mouth.
"Yah! I heard it the first time you said it." Chorong was embarrassed at how Bomi was so open about her feelings. Bomi laughed as she sweep Chorong's wet bangs to the side and cupped her face.
"How is this place for you?" Both of them had actually secretly ran out of class during their night intensive study session. It was Bomi's idea but Chorong wanted to see Bomi smile. She knew it was wrong but everything seemed to fit so perfectly well together that Chorong would rather get into trouble and still do this with Bomi.
"It's...beautiful." Chorong noticed how they could see the distant lights of houses, buildings and streetlights.
"Let's change out of this." Chorong raised a brow at the absurdity of them changing on the roof. "Thank goodness my bag is waterproof." Bomi pulled out two sets of sweatpants and old shirts.
"Did you not bring a single homework at all? How is your bag able to fit all this?" Chorong asked curiously as Bomi took off her shoes and socks.
"Secret." Bomi stuck out her tongue and began to her uniform. Chorong immediately ran to stop her.
"What are you doing?!" Bomi grabbed Chorong's wrist.
"Relax, nobody can see us. It's so dark. If you're still worried, we can change behind the pillar." Bomi pulled Chorong over as she handed Chorong her dry clothes and a raincoat to wear over it.
"Your parents are not home today?" Chorong liked whatever she felt right there and then. The feeling of being in love, doing things without restrictions. It's as if the whole world had slowed down and she had Bomi beside her and that was sufficient. She wanted time to stop and live in the series of time frames she felt so carefree and excluded from the world.
"Yeah, you could come stay over if you want to or we could just lay here and watch the sunrise." Bomi threw their uniform to the side. Who gives a damn about school, teachers, adults and rules?
"Come here." Bomi tapped her chest after she laid down on the mat she placed on the slightly wet roof. The rain had became very light where it looked like it was snowing. "Mhmm." Chorong rested her head on the crook of Bomi's neck. With hands laced together, Chorong could not ask for more. She wished they didn't have to become adults where they have to act rationally. She was afraid of a future without Bomi. Not knowing what the future holds, Chorong appreciated every moment as she wants to look back years down the road, she would remember and picture herself with Bomi, side by side being happy. Bomi tipped her head down to look at Chorong. Bomi wanted to do many things for Chorong. Bomi knew that she had fallen so hard for Chorong where she just wanted to hold Chorong so tightly that the other girl would never have to slip away from her life. Bomi knew that growing up was a process where the people you once thought would stay, leaves. People would enter your lives at random points of time and end up staying for good. But if Bomi could have control over this, she wouldn't mind if everybody left her as long as she had Chorong by her side. It was to an extent where Bomi thought that she could not function with Chorong. 
It seemed very simple. Just two female students in love. But for Bomi and Chorong, it was more to it.
"Look at that guy dancing." Chorong giggled as she pointed to a window with the silhouette of a man behind white curtains. Bomi smiled as she fondly Chorong's hair.
"Can you imagine us, living together in a small apartment like that? The future seem so mysterious and dangerous, but if you're not going to be in it, then I don't want it anymore." Bomi pressed a soft kiss on Chorong's temple. Bomi always poured her heart out to Chorong when they were in this mood where they confessed their worries and love repeatedly.
"Silly, the future will have to come no matter how hard you try to avoid it. If you're scared that I won't be there, just hold my hands. This way, I won't disappear from your side." Chorong was always thankful that Bomi always thought about her. Chorong had too many friends that always told her their first love was not going to be their last or things like how the person they love end up thinking that the relationship is not what they wanted. Chorong was actually proud that Bomi was admired by her friends that she was faithful to Chorong. Bomi only had eyes for her, she was never tempted by any other girls. 
"I'm just scared. I just can't imagine myself without you. I don't know, I just.." Chorong lifted herself up as she pushed herself upwards to meet with Bomi lips. She cupped Bomi's cheek before promising Bomi.
"Don't worry too much. I'll be there in your future, to put it in words, your forever is me. I'll be there with you for as long as I can before time drains life from us and my heart no longer beats. But any fraction of second before I close my eyes for an eternity, I'll be there with you. Don't think about it too much and focus on the present. Your future is already set with me." Chorong assured Bomi. Bomi was a worry wart occasionally and it was cute seeing Bomi like this. There were stars in the black night sky but Bomi was blinded by Chorong's smile. It was not a wide smile, probably just raising her cheeks a little but Bomi felt like she was a ship that docked at its final destination. Bomi's brain cells seemed to stop its engine and came to a halt. With the effect of the light rain falling over Chorong with the backdrop of buildings and signs of life, Bomi felt a weird sense of déjàvu. It felt liked in another life, Chorong had promised her the same thing. It was a sudden surge of emotions that seemed to choke Bomi tears out as she pulled Chorong into her embrace.
"I love you." Bomi knew that Chorong could feel how much those three words contained. "Me too." Just to themselves, they knew. Who cared about the future when all they see were each other. 
If there were more than one dimensions in this world, Bomi would find Chorong in every single one of it. And if Bomi's light gets taken away before hers, Chorong would go and find Bomi at the expanse of her own. 
"I wished people didn't have to die. It's so sad that there will come a day I won't be able to open my eyes to see you. I won't be able to feel your skin on mine. One day, my brain won't function and I'll forget about the memories we have together. I just don't want to go anywhere without you. I just want to construct a forever and ever with you." Bomi sighed as she felt upset that one day, they would part.
"I know what you mean. If I could, I'll freeze time and live in this moment forever. But we all have to go and even if it's hard, I want to know that while I had life in me, I have been so in love that even when dead, I won't regret it and the live would be jealous over me." Bomi laughed.
"I could do that for you. To fill you up with my love." 
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Chapter 21: I thought that winter would be the painful one, but it looks like this winter is more, because as you so perfectly put it, that winter had her skin on hers... *^* the squeeze in my heart, to the memories Chorong can't help but hold onto after all those years, aaaaaaack >.< This is beautiful and a touching angst, and the final one to the list. Wraps up a wonderful one-shot collection that is short and succinct but also each tale is also memorable and unique. And that's what makes it all fantastic. Thank you so much for writing <3
Chapter 19: oh so we saw up to here for that mystery? aww but is it really solved? clueless me has no idea what question Bomi missed, and what S.K is supposed to stand for in the end. but it was really interesting to watch Bomi's process and Chorong in awe with her while working together!
Chapter 13: ahoy~ I did not expect this kind of fantasy but it's a welcome one! in the world of angels and devils huh, and spicy hehe. I admit I'd want to read any hint of spiciness so waaa only left to imagination
Chapter 12: a tranquil conversation on the rooftop, between lovers soaked from the rain. the setting just gives that imagery of a bold teenage love and the existentialism with it *^*
Chapter 10: Another ride for a one-shot and it's great! Chorong as a stoic tattoo artist is a wonderful image huehue really, it's very charismatic and later very sweet too. I love the recall line Bomi gives about the customer being right and then to the girlfriend being right, she's such a little annoying piece of sunshine hahaha and of course with a meaningful tragic side too ;~; underneath all that. It gives them layers and sides!
Chapter 8: It turned out sweet, surviving the wilderness together and thankfully could be found~ they did really well. nice story!
Chapter 7: delving into a new fantasy world is great, and this had all the love and angst ;~; The tragic yet wonderful nature of how they live their day to day together. When things turned for the worst. When the world of witches after death allows them to return to one another. Ahhh!! Depicted marvellously >.<
Chapter 5: damn.. I feel like I just fell in love through the course of this one-shot chapter. the way those feelings are described, that moment of attraction one time in the many times they take a drive, my heart! it trembled. and the way chorong knows exactly what bomi's doing when bomi gets on her lap, the way they both know there's no going back so they better stay in love...uwu it made me uwu, I'm in love~
Chapter 4: segmented moments, scraps of time, pieces of a heartbreak slowly slipping as she comes to terms with it all T.T
Chapter 3: short and sweet, a winter warmth uwee I love ^-^ from sitting in loneliness in cold heartbreak, to the caring kindness of a stranger looking out for her and more, I couldn't ask for a sweeter turnaround than this hehe