Kai and Jongin

Stop Eye Me!
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Kyungsoo saw Jongin for the second time at school.


"Waaaaaaaaa! It's our senior year! We can get out of this boring place in a year, Soo!" Kyungsoo's bestfriend, Baekhyun, shouted. They were at the main entrance of their school and Baekhyun decided to have a ceremonial (sentimental, rather) start to their last year in high school. Baekhyun is the only one as closest to a semblance of a bestfriend to Kyungsoo. Only he can go really go along with Kyungsoo's wallflower mode.

Byun Baekhyun is a small guy with 10 people's worth of personality. He exudes character so everything he does is comic. You can never not tell what Baekhyun is feeling because it shows in his demeanor before he say it. It's one of the factor (a huge one) why they clicked together. Kyungsoo doesn't really go out of his way to show himself. He can be friendly, but everyone is at arm's length. Baekhyun on the other hand, doesn't mind going in front of you to show who he is. He is the one person slicked with Kyungsoo. He gets on his face from time to time, but he never hovers. He is way tol busy showing the world himself to do so.

"Yah, Do Kyungsoo! I heard there's 2 new students this year! Why did they transfer during their last year in high school? Are they loners or something? Maybe they were kicked out. Maybe...." Kyungsoo didn't even bothered to listen to Baekhyun's monologue. He doesn't speak to be heard anyways.

They were making their through the sea of students on the hallways. It was the start of the school year so it meant students hanging around the hallways catching up on each other. Kyungsoo noticed that the topic people were discussing were the same.

"I heard Sehun's cousin will be transferring here. Will he be as hot?"

"A chaebol's son would be studying here, I wonder what he looks like."

"I hope the transferees are hot. We need more eye candy around here."

That's pretty much the content of the rumor mill for today. Normally, Kyungsoo wasn't curious about these things, but somehow, he is now.

"Kyunginator!" He was surprised by Baekhyun shouting to his ear.

"That scared me! What kind of a normal person would shout at one's ear? Oh, right. YOU AREN'T NORMAL!!!" He shouted at Baekhyun.

"Well, you weren't answering! I was calling your name, like, five times already!"

"And what? Kyunginator? Are you kidding me!?" He pushed Baekhyun aside. They were by Kyungsoo's locker, trying on the new locker combination. Once he opened his locker, he placed his whole bag inside except a pen and a notebook. Baekhyun was ranting about the lack of love life of his brother or something, Kyungsoo never really listened.

"Yah, you're not that different from Luhan Hyung! You don't have a love life either. See you at lunch, it's time for class." He cut of his friend's rant and made his way to the class,


"Do Kyungsoo, can you answer one thing?" Baekhyun asked him. They were at the cafeteria right now. Since it's the first day of class, everyone was noisy, trying to continue their catching up with their friends. He raised an eyebrow to his bestfriend, urging him to continue.

"Why is the new student, The Amazing Sehun's cousin, looking at you like you're his dinner for tonight? Or midnight snack, rather. Because, damn son, that look shouldn't be legal!" Baekhyun asked him. He wasn't convinced that was looked at, so he didn't bother looking back.

"Why would someone look at me like their food?" He answered. "And why would you call someone The Amazing? Is he spiderman? Don't put people on pedestals, Baek. It's not fair to them." He reprimanted his friend.

"No, but really. Sehun's cousin is looking, or rather staring at you! Why don't you just look?" Baekhyun moved his chin sidewards to make him look. And who he saw was not someone he would expect seeing again.

Surprise was an understatement.

Mr. Model.

Kim Jongin.

He is Sehun's cousin.

And he is here.

In his school.

When he saw Mr. Model- Kim Jongin looking at him, he just winked at Kyungsoo. 

And just like that, he grabbed his things, and walked out of the cafeteria.


"So it seemed like you know him, Soo. Who is he?" Baekhyun tried to make his question as casual as possible to not rattle his friend even more than he was right now.

"Uhm, I don't know him, Baek. I don't think he knows me either."

"Bull." He said, earning a glare from Kyungsoo and a warning not to swear. "It's obvious that you knew each other! Why did you run away, then, if you really didnt know the guy." He insisted.

Kyungsoo let out a sigh in defeat "Who wouldn't run away when someone was staring at you like that. THE CREEP EVEN WINKED AT ME!! Who wouldn't run away like that?"

"Well, You have a point. That is kinda weird. But if it is that guy, I can name you alot of people who wouldn't. It will just take me to read the school records to do so." He said.

"Well, I think everyone here is nuts!" Kyungsoo finished. "I'm gonna head to class."


That day, he learned that Jongin was a junior, but since he is like smarter than his peers, most of his classes were for seniors, so they had classes together. And in those classes, all period long, Jongin was staring at Ky

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Sugarfroggy #1
Chapter 4: Cant wait for this to update!:D
foyezza91 #2
Chapter 4: Lapdance go!!! Cant wait for it!
Chapter 4: lap jongin dance wow
foyezza91 #4
Chapter 3: Mood swing kyungie~ so squishy <3
Sone_Taeyeonnie89 #5
Chapter 3: Wow .. I wanna know more about kyungsoo.. So mysterious
Chapter 3: This is so cute i reread it again
JCorcino #7
Chapter 2: Palli palli i cant wait! This story is so adorable!!
cutesarang #9
Chapter 2: Got to say I didn't expect this but iam lovin it
Cant wait for next update
Skyne_Misaki #10
Chapter 2: I....IT IS GOOD!!! FEED ME MORE!!! (Devouring the story and regretting) I should slow down, really.