It's okay, I'm here.

Of butter fingers and Band-Aids

Of butter fingers and Band-Aids


Taehyung has hurt himself again.


The boy just sat there with his legs extended on the floor as he held onto his fingers, sobbing quietly from the pain. A drop of blood was smeared across the art project he was doing as the blade lie quietly beside it, stained and dirtied. He sniffed and wiped his tears but he couldn’t bring himself to stand up and clean the mess, well all because he was too busy thinking that he ruined the project. Apparently when he was trying to cut a section of the paper off, he applied too much pressure, causing he blade to go off track before cutting his fingers instead. And before he could remove his hands away, a drop of blood fell onto the project.


He gripped his fingers hardly, wondering what he should do. The pain stung as his body shuddered from the extra pressure on the open wound. His face scrunched up from the exposed cut that was being touched by the air, imposing more discomfort that it already has. As much as the pain hurts, the responsibility of ruining the project made by everyone is even more painful. He didn’t want to ruin it, not now. They finally succeeded in persuading the teacher to pass them the project and here he was, causing unneeded problems. Why must be him, why must it be his carelessness, why must be his mistake that caused it.


His palm, now covered with blood, wiped a tear off his face as he started to cry. A streak of blood slashed across his face before more tears began to fall. Drops of blood trickled on the floorboard as the young boy continued to mumble his wrongdoings. He rolled himself into a ball and wondered, oh why is he the only one that has to cause havoc. How is he the only one to things up even when he tried so hard to avoid it. When is it the other person’s turn to feel his misfortune, to know what it’s like to be the burden of the team.


And at times like this, Jimin comes in to the picture.


Jimin has always been Taehyung best friend. He knows what been bugging Taehyung and the insecurities that eats him alive. And he’s always there to help. Jimin has the holy job of caring for Taehyung and pulling him back up whenever the taller male struggles with the existence of his fears. Whenever Taehyung locks himself up and closes his door against reality, Jimin would come, knock and give him a hug; reminding him that the outside isn’t that bad, and so is he. Only Jimin knows how to guide Taehyung in the endless maze of self-hatred and disgust.


Jimin heard a soft cry and walked out of his room, only to see the thin male tearing himself up internally while letting his leftover confidence flow out with the blood. He looked at their project; clean only with a touch of red and the floor covered with blood. He thought for a minute, realized what the situation was before chuckling. He knows that it’s not really the best time to be laughing but he couldn’t help but to think how stupid his best friend was. He then slowly walked to Taehyung’s side, kneeled beside him and wiped his tear.


“Jimin-ah, I didn’t mean it…It was an accident and my hand… I’m so sorry…”


“Shhh. It’s okay, I know. We can fix that, all right? It’s no big deal and you are not to blame for this.” Jimin said with a smile.


“But why is it always me…Why can’t be the one that doesn’t do it wrong-“


“Hey, everyone does something wrong. It doesn’t matter for as long as you’re willing to fix it, then everything’s going to be fine again. I’m here to help, and I don't think it’s always been you. Don’t forget, I’ve been a piece of trash too and did you hate me for it? Now come on, don’t hate yourself.” 


Taehyung nodded before crying into Jimin’s arms, letting the blood and tears stain the shorter male’s shirt. Jimin patted his back, hushing his while reassuring that everything’s going to be fine, and there is no need for him to hate himself for it. He then brought him to the kitchen to clean his cut, which apparently was a long gash across four of his left fingers before applying some antiseptics and a bandage.





Taehyung has many wounds from his carelessness, and he doesn’t know how to heal; Jimin’s always there to give him a Band-Aid, keeping him intact and making sure he is healing, no matter how long it’s going to take.





A/N: here's something short for ya'll and was I implying the recent news? why yes, yes I was. JImin is literally there for v, anytime. He knows what taehyung feels and is always there to cheer him up and heal his wounds. He reminds him that there can be no less members and bangtan needs him as much as we need him. He just takes care of v so well like he's some bad-aid to help v be himself again and ugh i love them so much 

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jun-kiseob_b2uty #1
Chapter 1: wow.. i love this so much. it's just simply beautiful. i love their friendship and i ship them hard(aside from jikook though), anyway, i remembered that the member said they would always come to jimin if they had a problems because jimin always heard their story, that's why i love him, he is nice and kind, don't you think? so, yeah, uhmm.. good job for making this great story! hope to see more of your creation, good luck!!
chocochanbaek #2
Chapter 1: VMin is relationship goal.. Jimin always there to comforts Tae, take care of him, cheer him up when Tae was down.. lucky Tae got such a good friends like Jimin I"m envy and ugh I love them so much, loved your story tho that was so cute~
Jiminssi-Tae #3
Chapter 1: Awww this was so cute I love vmin and jimin being there for v is like the cutest thing ever
LionRose #4
Chapter 1: Please more of this VMIN story... I'm really head over heels for jimin when he protect and help taetae