Chapter II


Joohyun was exhilarated. Making sure she went to bed at 10PM last night, she woke up at 6.30AM to prepare herself and check her laptop and thumbdrive once more before setting out. She could not make any mistakes this time round, else, she may have to move back to Busan with her father with her bank account running dangerously low.


She was half an hour earlier for the appointment she had with Jung Yunho. The secretary invited her to take a seat at the visitor’s lounge first while waiting, informing her that Yunho was in another conference with the UK side.


It was 9AM and Yunho came out of the conference room on time. No wonder he was mad when Joohyun was late on their first meeting, he really meant on the dot when he set a time. She spent some time admiring his features while he was collecting his documents from the table. Yunho was tall, with a lean figure and muscles at every right places, he does have a very attractive figure indeed. Especially with a face like his. “Are you alright, Miss Seo? Your face is a little flushed.” Yunho was standing in front of her.


Flustered by Yunho’s question, Joohyun stood up immediately, almost banging into Yunho as she pulled her skirt down. “Yes I am fine, I was just in a daze.” She tried to come up with an excuse. Of course she would not say the blushing was due to his effect on her.


He showed her to his office and she was amazed by how simple and neat he has kept it. “Please take a seat, would you like some tea?” He asked. “It’s alright, I’m fine. Thank you.” She declined politely. Yunho shrugged as he leaned back on his sit and stare at Joohyun awhile before speaking. “So, what do you have to show me?” He raised his right brow at her while loosening his tie.


Bringing out her laptop, she waited for it to boot and thank God all was working well. “This was what I’ve described to you yesterday, I hope you still remember. The investment in these areas will be able to open doors for such growths.” Joohyun explained. She was getting too engrossed with her proposal and Yunho could see the determination and drive in her eyes.


“So, what do you think? Or are there any points that you disagree? We can discuss on the individual details together.” Joohyun finally said when she had finished her explanations. “I am surprised by your proposal, a fresh graduate like you seemed to think further than your peers. I will bring this up with my management and we will see what we can do with this. I will give you an answer by Friday.” Yunho said. Joohyun was in disbelief, she was praised by one of the most successful entrepreneur in Korea, and the best thing was, he was accepting her proposal. Her boss would definitely forgive her stupid mistake.


“Thank you Mr Jung!” She said happily. It was a good day. It was almost lunch time, and Yunho was famished since he was up since 7AM to participate in a conference with the directors from the various branches overseas. “Care to join me for lunch, Miss Seo?” He offered. And she gladly took it. She too was starving since she decided to skip breakfast to be early.


Joohyun took the chance to ask Yunho questions about the industry. She was eager to learn and curious of his key to his successes. In fact, Yunho was only eight years older than her but have already achieved so much in his life. Yunho laughed at the girl seated in from of him. She reminded Yunho of himself when he was younger, inquisitive over everything that was related to the working society and how things operate. They spent a little time discussing before the food arrived, and Yunho was enjoying himself hearing her perspectives. It has been awhile since he had actually enjoyed a conversation with someone casually. His priority was always work and efficiency and he left no room for leisure.


It was when Joohyun received a call from her manager asking her to report on her progress then she stood up in a hurry and thank Yunho for the opportunity, the meal and an insightful afternoon. “Thank you for everything Mr Jung, I hope to hear from you soon.” Joohyun said, pushing up her glasses, she bowed to him politely and left in a hurry. Yunho smiled and thought, yes she would definitely hear from him. It would be a waste to not work with someone like that.


“Mr Kim, Mr Jung of Jung Corporations informed that he will give me a response by Friday. He said he would be discussing with the management as to see what would still be required to touch up on the proposal.” Joohyun said happily. “Great. You managed to redeem yourself, but only when they have signed the contract. For now, continue to come up with more proposals for other firms.” Mr Kim said bluntly, he did not even praise her, not that she was expecting to be praised. She stepped out of his room and take a deep breath. ‘I will be sitting inside one of the Partner’s room someday.” She consoled herself mentally.


Joohyun began researching and doing up comparisons on companies to get ideas for her proposals. She tried to visualize herself as part of the management and think of what would be needed to increase the business performance. It was not easy, and she started thinking about Yunho’s experience and advices. Perhaps she should sign herself up for some seminars and workshops to increase her knowledge.


Friday came by quickly and Joohyun was so tied up with her piles of work, she totally forgot about the call from Jung Corporations. When the receptionist transferred the line to her phone, she picked up while eyes still focused on the screen. “Hi Miss Seo, I am calling from Jung Corporations.” The lady on the line said. “Yes. I am Seo Joohyun, how can I help you?” Not realizing that the lady mentioned Jung Corporations. “I am the Secretary of Mr Jung, and would like to invite you for a discussion regarding the proposal you have presented three days ago.” She explained. Joohyun stopped looking at the screen as she took awhile to register the information in her mind. Jung Corporations is accepting her proposal! “Ah yes! I am available at Mr Jung’s convenience.” She replied excitedly. “I hope you are available this afternoon, as Mr Jung will be leaving the country tonight for a business trip.” The secretary informed. “Definitely! Thank you so much.” Joohyun smiled widely. “Thank you. We will see you at 2PM. Have a nice day.” And the call ended.


It was definitely Joohyun’s lucky day. Her very first proposal got accepted by the Jung Corporations!

Joohyun could not wait to meet her best friend and talk about it since she has agreed to have lunch with him after so long and she still had time before the appointment at 2PM. Walking in the café, she found him seated and waiting for her already.


“Jung Yonghwa!!” She said loudly and excitedly. They were senior-junior back in Busan and got quickly acquainted when Joohyun joined the choir in high school. Both of them enjoyed singing and have performed many duets together during school festivals. Coincidentally, they attended the same college and university as well. Yonghwa stood up and gave her a hug. Joohyun was ecstatic when Yonghwa told her he has signed with an entertainment agency to pursue his singing career in a band. They were all slowly moving towards their dream in a way. “Jung Yong! You looked so different, like you’re…well-groomed.” Joohyun said as she carefully examined his appearance. “It is part of the career, I wish I can dress comfortably in slacks, but unfortunately, the CEO would not see to that.” He joked. “I always knew you had it in you to be a musician, I’m sure you would succeed with that voice of yours, and your puppy eyes. Have mercy on your future fan girls alright?” Joohyun laughed.


“So, how is life as a financial consultant, Miss Scholar?” Yonghwa teased. “I had a really bad start, I made a big mistake and was reprimanded harshly. But luckily! I managed to gain the trust of the client again. You don’t know how happy I was when the Director praised my proposal. It felt good to be recognized for your hard work.” Joohyun replied dreamily.


Yonghwa was similar to Joohyun in some ways. His mother passed away when he was five, and he could barely remember her face. She died in an accident when her lover’s car skidded and hit the trees. It was a double blow to his father, having to lose his wife and also finding out that she had cheated on him. Like Joohyun, Yonghwa grew up seeing his father curb with his pain in various ways. He too tried not to worry his father about his personal affairs. His father supported him in his every decisions, and that made him more determined to work hard as well.


“Anyway! I can’t stay long Yonghwa, I have a contract to sign at 2PM.” She smiled. “I will drop you off.” He offered. “You have a car here already? Wow your company is fabulous…” Joohyun gaped while Yonghwa grinned happily. It was good to know someone familiar.


“And you’re here, if I got the directions right.” Yonghwa said as he pulled the breaks. Joohyun looked out of the window and recognized the huge building. “Yeah you’re right! Thank you so much Yonghwa!” She smiled. “Wow, so your client owns this building?” Yonghwa exclaimed. “Yup, impressively right? It’s Jung Corporations, go search it up on the internet they are quite big all over Korea and internationally.” She said while checking her appearance in the mirror to see if she was presentable. “Oh..that’s cool.” Yonghwa noted. “You better get going, it must be a huge contract.” He said. “I hope to see you again Yonghwa, don’t forget me when you become popular!” She said before closing the door and waved at him. Yonghwa smiled as he watched her enter the building before driving away.


“Mr Jung is waiting for you inside.” His secretary smiled and led her to Yunho’s office. “Thank you.” Joohyun said as she proceeded in. Yunho was busy going through the endless stacks of files and only looked up when Joohyun took her seat. “Good afternoon Mr Jung.” Joohyun greeted. Yunho greeted her back as he retrieved a document from his drawer. “These are the terms of the contract that we would like to be included. If you will please, take a look and give me your comments.” Yunho passed her the document. Joohyun nodded as she went through the file, it was detailed for every aspects and very clear, leaving no space for any possible misunderstandings.


After fifteen minutes, Joohyun set the file down. “It is good Mr Jung, I will amend the proposal as per your request and have the contract ready by next week.” Joohyun said. “Thank you Miss Seo. I will be overseas for the whole of next week. We can only meet the week after.” Yunho informed. “Sure, I will give you a call when everything is ready.” She replied. “Thank you for the opportunity once again, Mr Jung. I hope we will have a good relationship in the future.” Joohyun stood up and offered her hand, whilst Yunho stood up as well and took her hand. “Ah Mr Jung, just call me Joohyun. Miss Seo sounds too foreign to me, since we would be meeting each other often next time round.” She added. “Have a safe trip back Joohyun.” Yunho said as he smiled.


Joohyun literally hopped back to her office, excited to share her good news with the Partner. “Okay, pass those contract details to Manager Kim once you’re done editing, he will close the deal with the client.” The Partner replied, not even bothering to look up when she spoke to him. “But I will need to confirm the details with Mr Jung, he may want a more detailed explanation.” Joohyun replied. “Just brief Kim and he will do it. Now go out, I am busy.” The Partner replied, irritated that the conversation was not over.


Joohyun was confused, was this a normal procedure that the company practice? She was honestly a little disappointed when the Partner did not even show her much of a reaction, needless to say his gratitude. Perhaps to him, it was nothing to be happy about. After all, they have signed so many huge contracts that worthed even more.


“Mr Kim, I was told by the Partner to relate all the contract details regarding Jung Corporations to you.” Joohyun mentioned as she stopped by his room. “Just leave it on the table. I will look for you if I have any queries.” The manager said without looking up. Joohyun nodded as she took one last look at her manager before going back to her desk. Did she do something wrong again? Or did Mr Jung called to cancel the proposal without her knowing? She sat down and saw a brown A4-sized envelope lying on her desk. It was a termination notice. Confused, she took the document over to Manager Kim. 


“Mr Kim.. May I know what is this document for?” Joohyun asked carefully. “Can’t you read? You are terminated with immediate effect. There is no need for a notice period because you are still under probation.” Manager Kim snapped. “But… Mr Kim, I have already made up for my mistake and got the contract… I promise to be more careful in the future!” Joohyun said. “Do you think this is child’s play? We have no time and room to accommodate mistakes like yours. If you will excuse me, I have no time to continue this conversation.” Manager Kim exclaimed, leaving Joohyun alone in the room. 


Joohyun was in despair, she stood rooted to the ground in Manager Kim’s room to stop her tears from flowing out. It was embarrassing enough that she was scolded by her manager and partner, she was sure everyone outside heard them. With heavy steps, she decided that she would pack up her stuff and leave quietly. There was no point in fighting to stay in the firm if the management have decided to terminate her.



She thought about how happy she to have persuaded and clinched a deal with an important client, but immediately got terminated. She thought about her father, she was going to let him down after delivering the news to him. She has never made him worried about her life, but it would be a different case right now. She was fired by her boss and it definitely did not look good. And her rent is up in a few weeks’ time.

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Yaya808 #1
Chapter 3: Great story!!!
Chapter 3: Wow! Finally update, it's very long time. Thanks
Chapter 2: Wow long update :) poor baby joohyun :(
Chapter 1: I guess yunho and yonghwa are brother! Hehe nice story, update soon!
penguin7 #5
Chapter 1: story from u.great start :)