Three. Two. One. Breathe.

Three. Two. One. Breathe.

-Jimin’s counter is running out of time.-


Jungkook never paid attention to the tattoo on his arm that counted down to his life. Never paid attention to the counters on others either; he always thought it was a waste of his time to feel pity for the ones who didn’t have much time left. But the topic was unavoidable, everyday at his university, people were talking about how the exercises they did gave slowed their timers down, or how one cigarette had taken a day.

Jungkook was in his first year of university taking music when he met Jimin. The latter  was in his second year of dance. Together, they became one of the most unlikeliest of friends with the addition of the other musical students Yoongi, Namjoon and Taehyung, dance major Hoseok and medical student Seokjin. They went to the mall every Tuesday and movies on Friday. Ice cream meet-ups after exams and monopoly playoffs when they failed. Never did they bring up the topic of their counters.

Every time Jimin and Hoseok had a dance competition, the gang would all go and support; same went for the musical performances. Today they were at the movies after dance practice. They decided on a horror movie to he dancers’ distress. “Come on, you can sit next to me. I’ll let you hide behind me this time.”. Jungkook said while nudging the elder on the shoulder. Jimin ending up giving in, which he instantly regretted when he saw the first ghost pop up in the movie.

In the middle of the movie, Jimin felt a slight prick on his wrist where his counter was. It was becoming extremely itchy and Jimin could feel the queasiness from the fear of what it could’ve meant. Standing up, he ignored his friends’ curious looks and ran to the washroom. Hiding himself in one of the stall, he pulled his sleeve up to reveal a huge red rash around his counter. It felt like it was burning his skin; running to the sink, he placed his wrist under ice cold water until his whole arm felt numb. A million thoughts were going through his head until they were stopped with the red fading away to leave four new sets of numbers on his wrist. One hundred and twenty days, seven hours, four minutes and ten seconds. Jimin’s blood ran cold, he had at least fifty years when he last checked, now the fifth set of numbers that was supposed to represent how many years he had left was gone. He walked back to the theatre and made sure his wrist was hidden underneath his sweater. The movie was playing but the ghosts didn’t even phase him anymore, he was on the verge of tears when Jungkook snapped his fingers in front of his face.

“Let’s go, the ghosts wasn’t even that scary this time.” Jimin gave a weak smile before following them out. He denied Seokjin’s invitation to go over to his house and left to go to the nearest drug store beside his home. When he got there, he went straight to the back to the pharmacy and waited to be served.

“Oh! Jimin-ah, it’s been a while. Can I help you with anything?”

“I’m actually worried about my friend, his counter was irritating him and the sets of numbers changed.”

“It’s normal for your numbers to change. One beer and you can lose up to five years of your life.”

“It wasn’t like that. The set of numbers for the years disappeared.”

The older man turned to face Jimin with a serious face before he answered. “Where is your friend now?”

“Home, he was too scared to come ask himself.”

“Well, the only thing I can do is give him the address to a specialist. I don’t know what his condition is so I can’t prescribe any medicine.” He gave the younger a business card before patting his back. “Hope everything goes well.”

Starting his walk home, he couldn’t help take out his cellphone and dial the number that was printed on the piece of paper.

“Hello. You’ve reached Dr. Oh’s office, how may help you today?”

“Yes, I wanted to book an appointment?”

“Of course, but we’re closing in a few minutes so would you be able to come tomorrow?”

“Is there a time in the afternoon?”

“Yes, feel free to drop by anytime after three tomorrow.”

“Thank you.” Just as he ended his phone call, another call started to ring his phone. Hoseok.


“Yah! I know that movie was scary but you really needed to leave me with these jerks! They’re making me go into Seokjin’s basement, alone!”

“I’m not feeling well. But tell hyung that, he’ll probably stop them.”

“Fine, but if I disappear than you know where to find me.”

“Of course. Anyways, I can’t meet up with you guys tomorrow. I got a doctors appointment. Go to the cafe without me alright.”

“Mhm, goodnight Jiminnie.”

When he got home, Jimin decided that a hot shower would relieve him of some stress. The hot water danced around his wrist, as if it were trying to mock him from the burning sensation he felt earlier. Salty tears started to mix in with the water, fear was eating at him. Why was his counter acting off. Was he dying? Feeling sluggish, he turned the tap off and went to bed earlier than he had been for the past few weeks.


The next morning, Jimin brought himself to the doctor’s office. It could either go two ways from here. He would either be dying or his counter was just going through a virus. He was praying that it was the latter. Taking a deep breath, he stepped into the office and went over to the front desk. He was whisked away to the third floor of the building to Dr. Oh’s office.

“Hello, how may I help you?”

“My counter might have been tampered with. It had all five sets of numbers until the fifth set suddenly disappeared.”

“Well. If I’m not wrong. It seems like you’re perfectly fine. The sudden change might mean a sudden change in your life in the future.”

“You sound more like a fortune teller than a doctor.”

“Just live your life as it is. Who knows, the tubers might just suddenly change back to normal.”

“Are you sure I’m not sick or anything?”

“Positive. You want to have a blood test?”

“Alright, I believe you. I guess I’ll come back if I don’t feel well?”

“You’re always welcome here.”

After visiting the doctor’s office, Jimin wandered around the neighbourhood. It was a Saturday afternoon so there were many families taking their afternoon strolls with their children racing to the park. He wondered if he should call his parents. His mom would probably faint from the idea that her son lost more than half her life because life said so. Deciding on calling Jungkook instead, he started playing with the hem of his jacket while waiting for the the other line to pick up.

“Ah, Jimin, we’re at my house right now, want to come over?”

“It’s Jimin-hyung. And sure, I’ll be there in ten.”

“Ok, I’ll see you soon Jimin.”

When he got to the younger’s house, he could see five bodies huddled in front of the tv yelling.

“God. Soccer drives them nuts.”

“Why don’t you just study in the kitchen then?”

“I’ll be in there if you need me.” Jimin watched as the eldest of them all took his huge textbooks and hauled them on top of the kitchen counter.

“You up for coffee?” Jungkook asked while putting on his jacket.

“Weren’t you guys supposed to go this morning?”

“Didn’t happen so do you want to come or what?”

“I’m coming. Hold up.”

Jimin never told the younger about his feelings for him. Always being pushed away or told to be left alone when they were too close was enough for Jimin to think that he was forever friend-zoned by his best friend. Jungkook on the other hand was confused. He wasn’t supposed to fall in love with his best friend. They were supposed to be each other’s wingman and back-up plans for messed up situations. Throughout the jumbled thoughts and crazy ideas, he was utterly oblivious to the elder’s growing affection for him.

The walk to the coffee shop was silent until a hiss came out of Jimin’s mouth; his wrist started to burn again. He thanked whatever god there was that he wore his oversized hoodie today. He didn’t want to explain his missing set of numbers to any of his friends. Not yet. Jungkook eyed him suspiciously while his friend was focused on his arm.

“Did they inject you with something at the doctor this morning? Your arm isn't that interesting.”

“It was just really itchy.”

“Maybe you’re adding a few years. They say it irritates you when you either loose or add years to your counter.”

“Ha maybe.” Jimin almost laughed out loud at the irony of the situation. “But I’m surprised that you didn’t say that I might be loosing years.”

“I may find you a bother but I don’t want you to die.”

“That might have been the nicest thing you’ve ever said to me. Ever.”

“Well engrave it in your mind ‘cause they don’t come often.”

The two bought some coffee and some snacks along the way back to Jungkook’s house. It was just like how they left it. With the exception of Seokjin sleeping on top of his textbooks and the other four battling each other on Mario Kart. Jimin wanted to tell them about his change in fate but he just couldn’t ruin the smiles that were plastered on their faces while they talked about the future. A future that Jimin knew he wasn’t going to be part of. They ended the night off with a dance game and karaoke before saying their goodbyes. Jungkook watched Jimin carefully at how he was walking out of his door. Something was off. There wasn’t the usual bounce in his steps and he didn’t turn around to wave at him. Giving an unsatisfied huff, he turned back into his room and turned his laptop on. He quickly typed in the search bar ‘what happens when your arm is irritate you?’, the first in the results were symptoms of early death and incurable diseases. The following results made him want to hurl from the fear that was draining him from his energy. He made a goal; to make sure to look at Jimin’s counter the next time he saw him.


Monday rolled around and Jimin wasn’t at school. The same went for Tuesday and Wednesday. Jungkook couldn’t take it anymore when he walked into the cafeteria on Thursday to find only five heads at their usual table. The rest of them had tried calling them but got no reply. He went to Jimin’s house right after class and knocked on the door. The door opened to find a sluggish Jimin standing there looking confused at the young boy at his door.

“What the hell is wrong with you? You haven’t been in class for four days already!”

“I haven’t been feeling well lately that’s all.” Jimin was keeping his left arm behind his back. Mentally cursing at himself to open the door in just track pants and a tank top. Jungkook pushed the door open larger to walk in and take his shoes off. The older of the two leaned against the wall in hopes of not gaining attention to his arm.

“Let me grab my sweater.” He pushed Jungkook towards the living room before hurrying to his room to find anything that had a long sleeve. Ever since that day at Jungkook’s house, his arm now indicated that he had eighty days instead of the supposed hundred. If the number was decreasing at such a speed, he would be lucky to see to the end of the year.

When he returned, Jungkook had already made himself comfortable on his couch.

“What are you doing?”

“Making myself a little home here. ‘Cause until you go to school, I’ll skip too.”

“I swear I’m not skipping.”

“Yea I’ll believe that when Seokjin can stay awake during any one of his studying sessions.” He looked up when he didn't get a snarky reply. “Ok so you're not lying about not feeling well.”

Jimin raised an eyebrow while taking a seat beside him with a sigh. “So, you’re here already so you want to watch a movie?”

“I actually want to see something else.”


“You’re arm.”

“There’s nothing to see.”

“Don’t lie about that. I thought we were close?”

“We are but-”

“Then let me see it.” Jungkook gave a look that made the other unable to look away. Closing his eyes, Jimin turned away while giving his wrist to the younger. A loud gasp came out of Jungkook before he dropped Jimin’s wrist.

“When did this start?”

“That day we went to the movies.”

“And you thought that it was a good idea to not tell any of us? To tell me!?”

“I couldn’t find the right time!”

“Well when was going to be a good time? When you’re dead?!” The room went silent before Jimin walked out of the living room. Jungkook felt a pang of guilt hit him but his pride stopped himself from going to Jimin. Stalking out the door with a huge bang, he didn’t look back.


When he got home, he turned back to his laptop and searched for answers. Anything. Most of the results were how to prepare for mourning and how to get over it. He slammed the laptop shut and fell onto his bed. Tears streamed down his cheeks. He wanted to apologize, to comfort, and to help, but he was too frustrated. How could Jimin just keep this from them, he felt betrayed and helpless.


Jimin was in his room and heard his front door slam shut. Looking at his arm, never had he hated the counter so much in his life. Not even when he watched his grandparents pass away or when he saw his teacher’s sleeve accidentally roll down to reveal that she only had a week left. Luck had betrayed him by slapping fate right in his face. He was debating on whether or not he should tell the others. But had Jungkook already beat him to that? He didn’t want to hurt any of them but in the end, he only ended up hurting them more.


The next day, Jungkook would be lying if he didn't say he was surprised when he saw Jimin walk into the cafeteria. The boy looked worse that he left him yesterday. The dark circles underneath his eyes made the rest of his friends stare at him with worry.

“I know I’m not taking med school like Seokjin-hyung but I know for a fact that you aren’t looking healthy.”

“I’m alright hyung.” Namjoon didn’t look too convinced when Jimin sat down with a slump. “Well aren’t you going to eat anything?”

“Already ate.” Not seeming quite convinced, the others dropped the topic and went onto other things. Jungkook went next to Jimin when the others weren’t paying attention.

“I’m sorry.” The younger looked at Jimin with a shocked expression.

“No. I should be. I shouldn't have exploded at you yesterday.”

“I guess we’re both even then.”

Jungkook gave a nod before pushing half of his lunch towards him. “Eat. I don’t share my food often so don’t make me ask you twice.” The rest of the day went by uneventfully. Hoseok, on the other hand, kept watching Jimin in class. Something had caught his eye when they were in the change rooms.

“Jimin-ah, aren’t you hot from wearing that sweater during practice?”


“Well, can you take it off?” Jimin eyed him suspiciously. “No! Not that way, gosh. I just wanted to see your counter that’s all.”

“Why?” Jimin wasn’t ready for this. How did he find out?

“When we were in the change room, I thought I saw something weird. I just want to make sure, thats all.”

“Later.” And with that, Jimin had turned the music back on and went back to practice.

Jimin sneaked out of the dance room and went straight home without bumping into Hoseok again. It was Friday so they would probably be going to the movies. Changing into a comfortable outfit, he got himself settled into the couch and flipped through random television channels. After an hour of endless documentaries, he turned the tv off. Right when he was about to fall asleep he heard footsteps coming from his driveway. Within the next minute the front door burst open to bring five boys running in to the living room. Jungkook slowly walked behind them all with a nervous expression. They all looked at Jimin’s wrist which was all open for them to see. No sweater or bracelets this time. They all stood in silence until Jimin broke the silence.

“I was going to tell you all but Jungkook found out. How did you guys?”

“I thought you were going to show me something after class?”

“Sorry. I didn’t know what to do. You don’t even know how scared I’ve been the past few days.”

“And you obviously don’t know how worried we have been about you. Even Yoongi stopped sleeping in class because of you.” The said boy smacked Taehyung in the arm before looking over back at Jimin.

“So do you know what’s wrong with you?”

“There’s nothing to know. My counter is working just fine.”

“You’re kidding right? How can it be ‘just fine’ if there’s a damn set of numbers missing?!” Yoongi never yelled but he didn’t want to believe what was implied.

“Well believe it or not, I’m practically a dead man walking.” Namjoon this time was the one to step up. He grabbed the younger but the collar and pulled him to his height.

“Don’t you dare. We’ve been friends for a while now so don’t think that we are just going to let you waste your life like this.” Tears started to pour out of his eyes before dragging him onto the couch.

Pizza was ordered and movies were playing one after another. They decided that they were going to make the rest of the days that Jimin had, were the most exciting days one could have. If the counter didn’t change, then Jimin would have until April at the latest.


Snow had covered everything in sight. Smoke could be seen coming out of chimneys and children were chasing each other with snowballs in their hands. Jungkook felt something hit his head before turning around to see Jimin with two more snowballs in his hands waiting for his next move. The younger had given a disapproving look before grabbing a handful of snow and whipping it at back at Jimin. They ended up wet and cold on the front steps of Jungkook’s house laughing at how they both looked like a mess.

“When are the others coming over?”

“About two hours, why?”

“Wondering about why we need to all come over to decorate a freaking tree.”

“It’s Christmas. We need to do it.”

They gotten themselves dry and warm before greeting the rest of the gang inside. Bags of ornaments and lights were thrown onto the ground before they threw themselves onto the couch. Within the next hour, the tree that Jimin and Jungkook had chosen themselves that morning, was decorated with ornaments of all shapes and sizes and strings of lights.

“Hey look, it’s Jimin!” Hoseok was holding up an elf ornament.

“Hey! I’m not that short! Or do I have pointy ears!”

“No but it looked likes you. You know that year when you went to get a part-time job as Santa’s helper?”

“Argh, please don't bring it up. I still feel like I’m about to vomit when Santa asked me if I wanted to sit on his lap.”

“You did make one hot elf.”

“Yea, one that should’ve kicked him in places that don’t shine with the pointy boots.”


“Jungkook-ah, what’s your new year’s resolution?”

“To be more honest.” He looked back at the boy who asked him the question. “You?”

“To live the rest of my life without regrets, I guess.”

“Well, it’s true when they say now or never you know.”

“Let’s head back. The rest of them probably think that we’re throwing Taehyung’s cupcakes at random couples.”

They headed back and Jimin pretended not to notice how Jungkook slipped his hand into his own.


“Happy single-awareness day.” Jimin was handed a basket of chocolates before watching Jungkook dust off the snow that covered his head.

“I never thought I would be the one that died single.”


“To be quite frank, I haven’t even had my first kiss yet.”

Jungkook was laughing before giving Jimin a quick peck on the lips. “There, now we both got our first kisses out of the way, we can stop talking all mushy-talk right?”

“Did you just kiss me?”

“I’m starting to think that you’re stupider than I give you credit for. I bought some movies over, did you want to-” He was caught off when Jimin pulled him into a sweet kiss.

“Sure, what did you bring?”

It was Jungkook who had trouble controlling his heart that night.


“The doctor said I’m in perfect condition. So I’m hoping that there might actually be something wrong with my counter.”

Jimin had brought them all to one of their old hangout spots. The roof of the dance studio. Polaroid in hand he lined them all up and placed himself in the middle.

“Everybody, pose like you’re my servants.”

“You’re kidding right?”

“You brought us all the way here for this?”


“Punching is a type or service right?”

“I’ll pretend to be begging you for some money!”

“Only this one time you .”

They took a bazillion pictures and Jimin placed them in a scrapbook later that night. He spent the past few months looking for photos from their first year of University. On the front cover of the scrapbook, he decided to write “We Are Bulletproof” in bold capital letters.



Any day now. But Jimin was still feeling normal. Better actually. The feeling that there might’ve been a fluke in his counter was growing strong in his heart. Every morning felt like he won a gold medal, he would message Jungkook a quick “good morning” before going ahead onto his own schedule.


They planned a party to celebrate their graduation tomorrow at Jimin’s house. Everything was going well. Everything was going smoothly.


Jimin’s counter was at a few minutes when he caught sight of Jungkook waiting at the stoplight with his hands full of grocery bags. Grabbing his jacket, he went down to help bring the groceries in.

By the time he was downstairs, the stoplights just turned green and he smiled as he watched as the younger crossed the street. His smile dropping when he turned his head and saw a car speeding towards Jungkook.

“Watch out!” It was too late. The car had came to a sudden stop when it hit him. A crowd had gathered around the scene but all he could see was his best friend, his lover, on the laying helplessly on the ground. He quickly grabbed his wrist and the counter was counting down from two minutes.

“You know,” Coughs stopped him mid-sentence. “If I knew I was going to die protecting you, than I wouldn’t have been so scared.”

Tears ran down Jungkook’s face as the counter ticked down faster.

“Live without any regrets right? Ok.” Jimin looked straight into the younger’s eyes. “Kiss me one more time.”

Jungkook did as he was told and gave a soft peck. It was his turn to talk.

“To be more honest.” He choked on his tears. “I love you Jimin.”


“I love you too, Jungkook-ah.”


Jimin had smiled at him brightly before leaning in.


“I love you too.”

Jungkook never paid attention to the clock on his arm that counted down to his life. Never paid attention to the counters on others either. But one thing he did was to make sure that the elf ornament always went on the Christmas tree. And to live his life like everyday was his last.




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SaraYun #1
Chapter 1: Beautiful story
I Love It :) Thank you author-nim
mwenlili #2
Chapter 1: This is so well written and touching!!! It reminds me a little bit of the movie In time, the one with Justin Timberlake. It is really beautiful!
Chapter 1: Okay so I've read all your work and I can't help commenting when I reached this. So beautiful yet hurtful I die Ọ A Ọ it's killing me urgg. Great job authornim <3 excuse me I'm going to take a breath because of the feels...
Jikooksgotjams #6
Chapter 1: Subscribe if u cri
Chapter 1: ohmygod ;-; the end. im so cry ;;
jeonggukkie #8
Chapter 1: When you used the foreword at the end I kinda just cried
Chapter 1: literally bawls my eyes out