
Rainy Season

“Argh, c’mon,”

It’s already the nth times I restlessly took a glance at the clock in the corner of computer’s monitor hoping it’ll move a little bit faster because of my glare. Time surely flows like eternity when you wait for something and it’s annoying. After each glance I only can took a deep breath to calm myself, preventing me from whining in the middle of workstation.

“Get a hold of yourself, ___” I said to my agitated inner self.

Hours of long struggles, uncounted times I took a glance there, finally the time for this shift end. With a smile full with anticipation on my face I turned off my computer and prepare myself to go back home. I’m already short of patience for the date tonight.

I skipped on my way out of the building, ignoring all the stares that judge me. Can’t help for the sudden rush of happy energy, not long until I got a glimpse of the view outside from hall’s window. My heart sank, pace slowed. I stopped and stand there, seeing in silence the blurred glass windows because of the rainwater. It was raining hard outside.

“Ah, no worries. I’ll just pass through it. It won’t hurt,” I thought on my way to the exit door. Right in front of the building’s stairs, I bowed to fold my long pants, take off my high heels put it back in a plastic bag together with my other belongings, replace it with my favorite pair of rubber flat shoes.

“Ready to go-“ I stretched my figure only to find a boy in long-sleeved black sports jacket was holding an umbrella a few steps ahead of me in the middle of the rain. I could saw from afar he stifled his chuckle, while moving towards me.

One last time he tried his best to stifle his chuckle in front of me by a fake clearing throat “Nice rainy season fashion,” He said like matter-of-factly, keeping it cool.

I looked at him with slanted eyes, pouting. “Don’t you know this is the newest trend for this season?” I raised one of my eyebrows, looking at him. No response, exchanging looks, and there’s an awkward silence hanging on the air.

“Pffttt.. I can’t hold it anymore,” he laughed. Poker faced, I walked my way to his side then playfully poked his chest with my elbow.

“Ouch.. It hurts, ___,”

“You are laughing, Jungkook-ah,” I stated the fact to him and he only continue his laugh that gradually turned into soft smile. Setting eyes on me, that boy offered his left hand at me that I took without further thought.

“Let’s go,” we whispered merrily in unison.

“So, where we will go now?” He asked, absentmindedly swinging our intertwined hand slowly back and forth.

I reached my free hand to the outside of umbrella and feel the rain dripping from the edge of it, drenching my fingers as I was thinking for any good idea. “Any idea?”

“I just bought a new movie, let’s watch it at home?”

“Call, call! Good Idea!”

We continue our walk to our place hand in hand. Sometimes playing a little with the water puddles, skipping or jumping into it. Simply giggling, enjoying the moment together in the middle of rain until we reach our destination, our little place.

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jeonxox #1
good luck!!
treechild50 #2
Chapter 1: This is really cute! I like it because I can relate to it. Keep making fanfics =)