Always There For You

Still Funny?

So this is just a little oneshot i made after a little funny inspiration, creds to ifunny for the quote….. Sad to say this is based off true events but…….. Enjoy :)


Imagine Mark being your older brother.

Everyone gets in fights with their friends as kids. Small quarrels that can easily be solved. Nothing permanent.


Teenage years is once it really becomes complicated. True colors show and sometimes you learn “true” friends may not always be there for you.


Age 15.


It was a normal day, just like any other. You and your best friends had made plans weeks in advance to hang out today, Friday.


As the day comes to a close you begin to hear your friends talking about going to a movie with a group of guys. You assume its on Saturday, or that they will invite you, either is fine because you’re not picky.


You sit two seats ahead on the long bus ride home with your headphones in, but there’s no music playing. You listen as your “friends” gossip about their movie plans. You’ve just learned that their plans are for tonight.


They ignore you for half the bus ride until one says your name. “Yes”, you respond. “Hey is it okay if we maybe reschedule?”, she says. Either she knows you’ve heard about their plans or she just assumes. Either way shortly after you other friend says the same thing. Although you are angry that they would choose guys over you, not even considering inviting you, you stay quiet. You pull your hood over your head and crank up your music, your slowly falling tears silent to the gossiping ground behind you.


As you wait for your brother, Mark Tuan, to pick you up from the bus stop you avoid eye contact and don't say a word to the gossiping group of girls.


Your brother pulls up and sit shotgun. “Can we get bubble tea?”, you say. “I really don't feel like driving over there right now, and aren’t you going to go hang out with your friends?”, he responds. “I’ve just had a really bad day, can we please go? And apparently they got better plans so no, we’re not hanging out.”, you say.


As you drive to the nearest bubble tea place you can tell Mark is trying to look under your hood, but you don’t let him see your red eyes. He doesn’t need to know what happened. You know he will find out on his own, but you know if you tell him now tears are inevitable.


You tried to distract yourself with dramas, but it didn’t work. As you lie in bed crying, Mark opens your door and climbs into bed with you. He wraps his arms around you as you bawl your eyes out into his shoulder. Without him, you really would have been alone.


All you could think of that night was this one phrase you had ingrained in your head: “Always a second choice, never a first”.


Age 16


One of the same friends as the ones who ditched you at age 15. You too nice so you forgive easily, but to the annoyance of others you never forget. Never will they have a clean slate with you.


Homecoming was always a topic you avoided because you knew you weren’t going to be asked, and you had come to terms with that. Your friends had not.


The age 15 occurrence ened after a weekend, but this would end up being at least a month of you cutting off one of your best friends. It may seem extreme, but you were done with her .


She gets you excited about this guy she was going to try to get to ask you to homecoming. Many of you friends knew but they had decided to keep it on the down low so that if it didn’t work out you wouldn’t be disappointed.


But she told you. She got you excited. Then she went to homecoming with him.

What happened? It’s a long story, but this time you were not easy to forgive. For at least a week you responded to next texts and avoided her at school. Its when you responded that things got worse.


“You would have done the same thing”, she say. No you wouldn’t have because you knew it would hurt her. For weeks she tried to put the blame on you. How could this have been your fault?


You cry for weeks about this, and of course after a few days Mark forced you to tell him. Ever since he has hated her and disapproves of your friendship. Why you forgave her? No one will ever know. Not even you.


Age 17


You have gone through so much BS with you flakey friends throughout the years and Mark doesn’t understand why. He feels like a helpless older brother that can’t really do anything in these situations.


One day the two of you are at home on the couch. He tells you a joke, but little did you know it was way more than a joke. It was a life lesson.


“My brother told me a joke,

I laughed to tears.

He told me the same joke,

I laughed again but not as hard.

He kept repeating the joke

and I stopped laughing.

He said,

“If you can’t laugh at the

same joke over and over again,

why do you keep crying over

the people who hurt you over and over again?”

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Yerinator #1
Chapter 1: It's so meaningful....their relationship is so sweet....
Yehet_143 #2
Chapter 1: Damn!! That's beautiful Q^Q
ananano #3
Chapter 1: Wowww.. this is so meaningful and beautiful..