
Hold Me Tight

“Monsters are real, and ghosts are real too. They live inside us, and sometimes, they win” – Stephen King



Taehyung stirred in his sleep, his arms clutching his pillow closer to his cheek. The evening breeze made its way through the open bedroom window and blew lightly through his hair, gently sweeping it across his eyes. The distant sounds of cars and sirens were becoming clearer and clearer in his ears. Every few minutes or so, he would also hear the footsteps and shouting of people outside his door, followed by the sound of someone in tears hitting the ground.

This was just a typical night.



The loud beeping of the alarm clock pulled Taehyung from the remaining clutches of sleep. His eyes fluttered open and his hand reached around frantically in the dark until it landed firmly on the snooze button. He squinted at the luminous brightness of the moon peeking through the curtains before throwing the covers back to reveal yesterday’s clothes. A slight throb made its way to the back of his head as he sat up, reminding him of a sin he had committed. Empty glass bottles littered the floor, and Taehyung felt guilt creep up his spine. This was the least of his worries. He had someone else to worry about now. 


The cool air rushed over Taehyung’s body like a wave when he stepped outside. Flung over his shoulder was a bag, and in his palm, a lighter which he continuously flicked on and off. He hid his face behind his hood and kept his eyes on the ground as he walked unsteadily to the side of the busy road. People glared at him as they passed by, with a group of neighbourhood delinquents stopping to nudge him and push him closer to the headlights of passing cars.

“Get ed, Taehyung,” one of them snickered. Taehyung flicked his lighter in reply and held the flame up to his lips with a smirk. The light danced in his eyes, and it must have been the playful look on his face that caused rest of the group behind him to take a step back. 

“Why don’t you?” he spat before raising his fist to throw a punch.

As always, he was one second too late. 

A hand tightened around his wrist while another connected with his jaw. He felt warm liquid fill his mouth followed by searing pain. He retaliated, his knuckles landing straight onto the boy’s nose. He pulled his wrist away from his grip and prepared himself for another attack. This time, it was aimed for his head. He threw his arms up instinctively and brought his knee up against the boy’s torso, causing him to hunch over. A kick to the ribs and the boy was flat on the ground. Bringing him down to his knees wasn’t enough. Taehyung wanted to finish him once and for all. But he wasn’t ready. He couldn’t take the risk. Not here anyway, when a circle of onlookers were gathering around to watch the dispute and the red lights of recording phones were on. Adrenaline coursed through his veins, and he could hear his blood rushing though his ears. Instead of doing the unthinkable, he settled for grabbing the boy’s hair and flinging him across the concrete. Taehyung mounted him and wrapped his hands around his neck, his nails digging into his flesh until he lost the ability to snarl any more curses at him. If he were to hold on for longer, the boy could have suffered the worst and Taehyung would have to live with the guilt of it for the rest of his days. Taehyung wasn’t a bad person. That’s what he told himself anyway. 

“Enough,” a soft voice whispered into his ear as he was forced off the boy, whose face was turning a pale shade of white. At the sound of the voice and the feeling of warm familiar arms around his waist, he immediately relaxed. He let his body slump back against the person’s broad chest and watched hazily as the group went to help their half-unconscious friend up. Taehyung could feel himself falling from his high, the world crashing back down around him. Blood trickled down his chin and he felt his eyelids getting heavier and heavier…

“Stay with me, Taehyung,” the voice spoke firmly, and Taehyung glanced up to see the owner staring down at him with anger and worry in his eyes, his lips set in a thin line.



“I thought I told you to take care of yourself, Taehyung,” Jimin said sternly as he bent down to tend to Taehyung’s wounds. Taehyung winced when he felt Jimin’s fingers gently brush against his skin, then looked away with a slight blush when Jimin chuckled at the scowl on his face. The fragrance of Jimin’s cologne drifted throughout the unfamiliar room.

“Where are we?” Taehyung asked curiously, his hands feeling the soft bed sheets beneath him. 

“The lion’s den,” Jimin smirked as he got up and positioned himself next to the younger boy. 

When Taehyung scoffed at his reply, Jimin chuckled and ruffled Taehyung’s hair.

Though he hated to admit it, Taehyung loved when Jimin showed him signs of affection. It made him feel wanted. It made him feel at home. Being with Jimin was like a breath of fresh air. 

His eyes fixed onto Jimin’s lips; those delicate, parted lips he longed to feel against his own. His gaze then travelled to his jawline, admiring the structure of it, then to his exposed neck. 

He wouldn’t say he was in love with Jimin. But he couldn’t shake off what feeling he did have for him. Jimin was the one who stood up for him all these years; the one who would fight off the bullies in primary school and hold out a hand to him whenever life knocked him down, the one who would sit next to him in class so he wouldn’t be all alone, the one who would make sure he got home safely every night after a walk around the dark streets. But was Jimin the one for his heart?

Without thinking, he leaned in closer until Jimin could feel his breath hot against his skin. 

“T-Taehyung,” Jimin stammered while subtly trying to shift away. “My house. We’re at my house.”

Taehyung cleared his throat nervously and retreated back. In an attempt to avoid Jimin’s gaze, he looked around the room. Expensive-looking artwork hung along the white walls of Jimin’s room, and in every corner sat a candle, dimly lighting the space up. There were no signs of empty beer bottles or broken glass - two things you would expect to find in Taehyung’s room. It was as if Jimin was from a whole different world, living life in pure luxury and experiencing the sweeter things in life while Taehyung was trapped behind barred windows. He was on the outside looking in.

But everyone had their secrets. Even Jimin. That’s one thing they all had in common. It was also the very reason why Taehyung planned to meet up with Jimin in the dead of night the first place. 

“I want you to teach me how to use this.” 

Taehyung broke the silence and ped his bag, carefully dumping the contents of it out.

Jimin’s eyes widened with shock, but soon after, the expression was shaken away. This sight was nothing new to him.

“Taehyung, how and where on earth did you get this?” he asked curiously, his hand reaching down to pick up the small black object.

“That’s a secret. So, are you up for it, teacher?”

The light in Taehyung’s eyes shone brighter than ever as the unspoken question lingered in the air between the two boys.


What are you planning to do, Taehyung? 






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Chapter 3: this is beautiful. i wonder what happened to jungkook. update soon! :D
aigoo_q #2
Chapter 2: Looking forward to the next chapter, author-nim!! Hwaiting!
Chapter 1: wow its amazing cant wait for the next chapter!!
tuxeedomask #4
Chapter 1: :) looking forward to the rest of the fic
Chapter 1: Oh...wow... what just happened?! I can't. Wow author-nim, you write beautifully, your metaphors were spot on and I could not only see what was happening, but I could feel it to. Wow, I have no words to explain how much I am anticipating this now. I look forward to feeling more of your words, author-nim:)