

~~ Baby Boo, My hot little figure
Whom I was searching anywhere on earth
When I almost collapse with exhaust I just eye on you, my beloved Venus
It feels like a dream, so don’t wake me up
We so fine, d
o you want to fly to the sky
I mean no one can interfere us
Both holding hands will never let you go,I admit
I promise that everybody will envy us ~~

Gyuri's phone rang beside her pillow. The goddess opened her eyes and grabbed her phone. Checking the time on the alarm clock on the bedside table, she wanted to curse her caller into the depths of the oblivion. It was 12:03 am. It's frickin' midnight! But after seeing who it was on the caller ID, immediately cast those thoughts away.

"Hey, pretty girl." Her caller greeted excitedly.

"Hyuk-oppaaaa-" Gyuri answered groggily. She really needed to catch up on some sleep. After flying back and forth between Japan and Korea for the past few days, the KARA leader barely had time to rest. "Do you know what time it is on my side of the globe?"

"Don't be silly, Gyul." Eunhyuk laughed. "We're on the same side of the globe." Gyuri's eyebrow twitched ever-so-slightly at his all-too-happy tone.

"Why'd you call me so late, oppa?" Gyuri sat up from the bed and rubbed the sleep off her eyes.

"I called to greet my girl a happy birthday!"

'Is it that day already? I lost track.' The goddess thought to herself as she smiled at her boyfriend's sweetness.

"Happy birthday, Gyul!" Eunhyuk all but screamed on the other side of the line.

"Thanks. But you know, you could've just greeted me personally when you get here later." She laughed lightly. But when Eunhyuk didn't answer, her smile faltered. "You are still coming later, right?" She heard Eunhyuk sigh quietly.

"About that..."

Gyuri sighed. She knew this would happen. The same thing happened last Christmas when they had their concert Guangzhou. "Let me guess, you can't make it, can you?"

"No. We had another schedule lined up in Taiwan and I couldn't get out of it." Eunhyuk reasoned. Gyuri didn't answer. "Gyul?"

"It's fine. I guess I should've expected as much. I just wish I didn't get my hopes too high. I was so looking forward to spending my birthday with you." They haven't seen each other in months. Gyuri felt the tears begin to fill her eyes.

"I really am sorry, Gyul."

"It's okay, oppa. I understand. Really." It took all her strength to keep her voice from breaking. She knew Eunhyuk already felt bad. She didn't want him to feel worse by letting him know that she's crying.

"Did you get my present, though? It should've arrived by now. I asked Yesung-hyung to drop by and give it to you." Gyuri could sense that her boyfriend was trying to cheer her up. And as if on cue, she heard the doorbell ring.

Despite feeling really down inside, Gyuri let out a laugh. "I think it's here. Hold on. I'll call you back."

"Make sure it's Yesung-hyung before opening the door."

Gyuri nodded, even though she knew Eunhyuk wouldn't see her, then hung up, putting her phone in the pocket of the hoodie she was wearing. She got out of bed, put on her slippers and made her to the door. Doing what Eunhyuk asked, she checked the camera to make sure that it was indeed Yesung. And sure enough, there he was with a large box behind him, wrapped in peach-colored paper with a huge white ribbon. Gyuri opened the door and greeted Yesung.

"Happy sweet 16th, Gyuri-ah!" Yesung boomed, wrapping the smaller girl in a bear hug.

Gyuri squirmed in this arms, "Yah, oppa. Not so loud. The other girls are sleeping." She freed herself from his hold. "Not to mention the neighbors probably heard you." Yesung just laughed. "And it's not my 16th birthday."

"I know. I just thought you needed to cheer up." Yesung flashed his ever-famous eye smile at the birthday girl. He quickly hawled the giant present inside, with much difficulty, Gyuri noticed.

"Thanks." Gyuri eyed the present behind him. "So, what is it?"

"Open it and find out for yourself. And FYI, it took me and Shindong 3 hours to wrap that thing." Gyuri wore a confused expression. What the heck did her boyfriend come up with now? She suddenly recalled the Rudolph incident last December. "Well, I must be going, dear princess. Enjoy your present." Yesung grabbed Gyuri's hand, bent down and kissed it, before turning to the door and leaving.

"He is so weird." Gyuri said to herself. She then turned to the beautifully-wrapped gift. In all fairness, Yesung-oppa and Shindong-oppa did a fine job with wrapping it. She removed the giant ribbon and proceeded to unwrap the gift. Then she remembered she had a phone call to make.

Gyuri took out her phone from her pocket and pressed the #1 person on her speed dial. As she waited for Eunhyuk to answer, she suddenly heard a buzzing sound. She looked around the living room to find the source of it and her eyes landed on the giant present. She took a step towards it. And another. All the while, the buzzing continued.

Then the wrapper tore open and jumped out was a very sweaty Eunhyuk holding a giant white teddy bear, peach ballons, and white roses, shouting out, "Surprise!"

Gyuri, in all her reputation as a poised, graceful goddess, screamed in shock and lost her footing, landing flat on her . "Ouch."

"Oops. Sorry, Gyul." Eunhyuk said as he put down all the stuff he was holding, got out of the box and helped up a very confused-looking girlfriend.

"What are you doing here? You just told me you couldn't make it."

"I caught an earlier flight."

"What about your schedule in Taiwan?"

"It's still happening. I have to fly back there in the morning." Eunhyuk went back to the box and gathered all the items, then presented them to Gyuri. Again. "Happy birthday, pretty girl."

Gyuri wiped off all the confusion from her face and ran to embrace her boyfriend - causing him to drop all the items on the floor. Again. She was touched beyond all explanation. She felt the tears coming back into her eyes but she just let them. "Thank you, oppa." Then, she immediately pulled away. "You're all sweaty and wet."

"Well, yeah. I've been in that box for hours."

"You went through all that trouble just for me?"

"Of course." Eunhyuk took hold of both of Gyuri's hands, then kissed each one of them. "You're worth it."

Gyur embraced Eunhyuk again, this time, not caring about the sweat. She held him tight, not wanting to let go. As if to make for the days she couldn't do so. Then, cradled his face in his her hands and kissed him on lips. Man, did she miss doing that. When she finally released him, she looked straight into his eyes, "You want some water?"

"Yes, please." Eunhyuk smiled sheepishly. Gyuri laughed, took hold of her boyfriend's hand and led him to the kitchen.

Phew, finished that in 2 hours. Hahaha. Curious as to what the Rudolph incident is? Well, I might just let you know in a different story. I hope you enjoyed this one. Cheers. ^^

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AH! So cute. ^.^
LeeSoEun_92 #2
cuuuuuuuutttteeeee~!!!!! ^^<br />
I love this! :D so sweet! ;) rudolph incident please.. ^^
SweetOrais #4
sweetness ^^
SweetOrais #5
Awesome sweetest ^^
awwwww~ :> so cuuute! can't wait for the rudolph incident!