hingleboo nifnuff

Vanquish the Devil

mentions of blood (idk if this needs a warning but better safe than sorry I guess)

Two and a half hours later, Wonshik drove down a bustling market street in downtown Mokpo. Vendors and customers alike stared at the black sedan until it left their sights. Wonshik pulled into a dusty side alley that had few rays of light shining down. 

"Rise and shine refugees! We're at the appartment." Wonshik all but screamed to wake up the sleepy Taekwoon and HOngbin. 

"Can you really call us refugees? I mean, it's not like we were torn from our homes because of an intense threat, never for us to return. Oh wait, that's exactly what happened." HoNgbin glared at Wonshik.

"Okay, you can dial back the sass, we're living with each other for a few months, we don't need to be at each other's throats." Taekwoon said as he brushed the nap wrinkles out of his shirt and pants. 

"Oh my God." HongbIN couldn't belive the sassiest person was telling HIM to be less sassy. Wonshik started towards the staircase on the left side of the alley they were parked in. He used his shoulder to open the jammed door and flipped the light switch to the stairs. It took a moment to register the connection in the circuit before the lights slowly flickered on. A dull light slightly blinded them when it touched the cream colored walls filled with marks and hand smudges all the way up leading to a worn oak door with a peep hole. Wonshik waved them to follow him up. Each stair groaned when pressure was applied. At the top of the landing, Wonshik pulled his keychain from his back pocket and shuffled through the different keys, looking for the one that would allow them access. A small oval window showed the alley they had just left and allowed in a bit of light. Wonshik found the correct key and the door creaked inwards to the small appartment. The three of them entered and Wonshik swung the door shut behind them with another creak. The door dumped them immediently into the joint kitchen/dinning room. A four person circular table sat right in front of them, blocking them from walking straight into the kitchen, which had an old white refridgerator in the right corner and an equally old stove/oven next to it. The kitchen tap on the L shaped counter had a continous leak. The front door shared the wall of the bathroom door. A bedroom with a full sized bed was on the other side of the bathroom and across the hall held a room with an extra long twin bed. Hongbin walked around and noticed something.

"How many bedrooms are here?" He asked with a slight panic in his voice.

Wonshik looked away. "Uhhhhhhh... Two?" His voice raised half an octave and he blushed maddly. Taekwoon was fast to react and ran to the room with a full sized bed. Hongbin was close on his tail, attempting to get to the room first so Taekwoon and Wonshik would have to share a room.Taekwoon reached the door first and slammed the door and locked it. Hongbin ran into the door and his nose did not appreciate that. He fell to the floor. Wonshik rushed to him to help him up and saw blood dripping between the fingers around Hongbin's nose. Wonshik sat him down on the kitchen table and went around into the kitchen to get a wet towel. 

"Damn, I almost had it." Hongbin's voice was slightly muffled from his hand on his face. Wonshik came back with the towel and pressed it to Hongbin's face. 

"Hey, I hate to be THAT GUY, but I need to take the bed. I have an awful back." Wonshik scratched the back of his neck.

Hongbin snapped his head to full face the man who had the NERVE to call dibs on the only sleeping option. "Really? What am I supposed to do then? Crawl in with Taekwoon? You should share the bed in his room. You know him, I don't."

"HAH, we both know that neither of us will be able to get in that room. Taek is the most difficult person I know. I mean, we could both try to fit on the bed in the other room, that's if you want to try, I don't know, I'm up for it, but only if you are too." Wonshik rambled off, breaking eye contact. 

Hongbin noticed the slight blush rising on Wonshik's cheeks. "Ah, no, that's fine, I'll take the floor, it'll be fine. I'll be fine." Silence ensured them as they didn't move. "Well, it's 2 am-"

"Too soon."

"-so we should probably get to bed." Hongbin ignored whatever Wonshik was implying and made his way to the second bedroom. He grabbed a pillow from the bed and Wonshik tossed him a couple blankets for him to make a coocoon on the floor. Wonshik climbed into the small bed as Hongbin flopped down on the floor. 

"Good night!" Wonshik tried his best to keep the mood light. Hongbin just glared at him. Again.

Nothing was shared after that. 

Possibly twenty minutes passed before the man who was on the floor let out a yelp and he lept up on to the bed

"What is it?" Wonshik sounded half asleep, which was kind of impressive seeing as he could get to sleep despite everything that had happened.

"I thought I saw a spider. A really big one too." The fear in HOngbin's eyes were that of which Wonshik had never seen.

"You're scared of spiders?" Wonshik let out a chukle as he clenched the boy who was in his lap closer, slightly rocking him. 

"Who the isn't scared of spiders? It's not necessarily a fear, but more of a massive respect and appreciation for them, but that doesn't mean I want them crawling on me."

"Are you going to want to sleep on the bed now?" Wonshik said trying his best to not sound condenscending.

Hongbin didn't move for a moment but then nodded his head seeing as his pride wasn't worth rolling around with insects in the dead of night. "So how do we do this? This is the smallest bed I've ever seen."

Wonshik rolled to where he was on his side and his back was close to the wall. He held up his arms. "Alright, get in."

"You're kidding." Did he plan on ing spooning with Hongbin? Nuh-uh. Not while Hongbin was still in full control of his body. He did not need to get intimate with pure crazy. "NO. Face the wall or something." Wonshik's arms were still up.

"I guarentee I will end up pushing you off that way. And then you're back with the spiders. Come on, my arms hurt." Hongbin rubbed his face and hair with both hands again. Whatever. It's one night. They can work something out with Taekwoon in the morning where two of them are on the big bed. Well 'big' is a relative term. Hongbin entered Wonshik's arms, with his back to Wonshik's chest. Christ, this is testing his pride. Being in Wonshik's arms made Hongbin feel small and feeble which is very incorrect. Hongbin wasn't either. Albeit Hongbin is light, he's broad. Warmth spread through Hongbin's body when Wonshik's arms were fully around him.

"Night." Wonshik held him slightly closer, not wanting hm to fall off the edge. Hongbin sighed. Can his pride last the night, or is he sleeping ON the kitchen table. 


A/N Damn, this is fluffier than I ever thought I would EVER write. sorry :/    2 am joke by my sister. she wanted credits or something for that idk ://// whenever that time is brought up around us (us being me her and courtney) we mourn was what, what could have been. rip 2am :'(


SIDE NOTE VIXX IS GOING TO ORLANDO IN AUGUST AND SO AM I. I'll see if I get hi-touch this saturday morning. crossing my fingers bc I REALLY need to meet vixx. My sister got hi-touch for the bts concert in chicago at the end of the month that we're going to and I might kill her in her sleep for that we'll see. 

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Chapter 2: Lol the pic XD leo's reaction was daebak!
wheres my update?????????
Chapter 4: I'm upset hingin didn't sleep fully on top of Ravi.
HaKibum #4
Chapter 4: "Well, it's 2 am-"
"Too soon."
That line hurts my heart. They could have easily fit on the bed with BinHong laying on top on Wonshik (with no clothing, so as to not take up more space than they need too). Overall a lovely bedtime story. Bring on more Rabean fluff and Taekwono sass for the next chapter, I shall be waiting.

P.S. I will cut a for those hi-touch tickets for VIXX. My life consists of nothing but them, I'm pretty sure I've watched all their diaries enough to walk through their apartment blindfolded (like NNNNN). I will meet them, touch them, kidnap them, and live happily ever after....Or atleast never wash or touch anything else with my hand again.

P.Hongbinnie.S. I swear I'm not this crazy irl.....Cali is though.
Chapter 3: Bravo, Ellie, bravo.

I need RinxClip to make their presence known ;)
HaKibum #6
Chapter 3: Hogbin, Hongin, Hngbin, Hongbi....the man, the myth the Hojngin

I would love an appearance of gtop though.
Chapter 2: i shouldn't have laughed omg
Chapter 2: ellie wtf get help
Patty_Kpopfan #9
Chapter 2: WTF XDDDDD
That's something different, isn't it? XD
Aki_Hikari #10
Chapter 2: What the...