You win only to lose

Push and Pull

Ice Cream Cake instantly became a massive hit. The group had been doing interviews, tv guesting, and live shows here and there. To say that the girls were overwhelmed is such a huge understatement. They had won five consecutive awards, and they all feel grateful towards the people around them: their fans, their sunbaes, their families and friends, but most importantly, their gratitude extends towards each other- for constantly having each other's backs in any given situation.

They had just finished filming for their first reality tv guesting and were back at their dorm to prepare for a meet and greet. Even after losing, they could all still feel the hype they got from the games they've played. Irene, Wendy and Seulgi were sat on the couch respectively while the two maknaes couldn't be bothered to act like real ladies, and just completely threw themselves on the floor.

"Irene-unnie saying that she likes butts on national television, I repeat - national television, tops everything on my list", Wendy said, laughing so hard with her head bent backwards while clapping her hands like a seal in a zoo who just got fed with his favourite fish.

"It was gold!!! That moment was like a VIP class, while everything else was 'oconomy'", Seulgi, who was seated beside the Canadian, added. The whole group doubled in laughter with the girls holding onto their stomachs - except for Wendy. Wendy chose to repeatedly slam her right hand to the closest thing she could get a hold of which, unfortunately for Seulgi, happened to be her.

"Ya! It hurts!", Seulgi complained as she tried to stop Wendy's hand from hitting her again. "Look what you did!", she added with a pout as she pointed out the red marks on her arms and legs. Wendy giggled and cupped Seulgi's cheeks then gently squished her face.

"Awwww look at my cute little bear", Wendy said as she released Seulgi's face and took the latter's arms instead. "Here let me kiss them better." And she did, making Seulgi blush a little only because she is still getting used to the whole skinship thing with others.

Joy made a disgusted face and said, "You guys look like some love sick puppies it makes me wanna puke" then proceeded into immitating someone throwing up.

"They look good together though!", Yeri argued. Her elbows resting on the floor and her chin resting on the palm of her hands, an innocent smile plastered on her face. "What do you think Irene-unnie?", she asked. The leader was, for some reason, startled by the sudden question thrown her way. All four pair of eyes turned to look at her - patiently waiting for an answer.

"Uh- I.. Yeah", she stuttered. Suddenly, she felt like she was on a hot seat. Wendy's eyebrow lifted up at this and a smirk started to form on her lips. Irene tried to act nonchalant so she continued with a (forced) smile only the Canadian had noticed, "I think they look really cute together."

Wendy stuck her tongue out at Joy and said, "See? Even the leader approves of Seuldy!" as she linked her arms with Seulgi. Everyone threw her a questioning look, obviously waiting for her to explain what she meant by 'Seuldy' so she continued, "It's a portmanteau for Seulgi and Wendy! Seulgi tops and wears the pants in our relationship!" She then rested her head on Seulgi's shoulders and looked up at the said girl who's got her eyebrows scrunched together and her eyes growing a little everytime Wendy opens to say something about them. "Isn't that right?", Wendy said.

"What are you freaking up to?!", Seulgi whispered.

Wendy tightened her grip on Seulgi's arm and whispered back, "Just go along with it!" And then said, "So? What do you think?" loud enough so the group can hear.

"Y-yeah. Wendy's way too girly to wear the pants", she joked.

They suddenly felt a movement on the couch and saw the leader stand up, her face seeming stoic, "I think we need to get ready now."


The meeting with the fans went really well. Each one of the girls received random marriage proposals, with Irene receiving the most numbers of fans asking to marry them.

They were eating dinner back at the dorm with Irene sitting on the head of the table, Seulgi and Wendy seated next to each other, leaving the Joy and Yeri seated together, when the English-speaker said, "Irene-unnie got so many proposals even some coming from the ladies".

"That's 'cause she's so pretty. She's so pretty I could stare at her 24/7", Seulgie said so casually without realising it as she continues to gobble on her food - only looking up when she noticed that the table had gone quiet, "Wha?", she said with full.

Before anyone could say anything, Wendy was quick to draw the attention back at her, "Hey Irene-unnie, did you say yes to the girls who proposed to you?".

Seulgi, upon hearing this, turned to look at the leader who just stared back at her as she said, "Yeah. Why not? I know how same- relationship is frowned upon in Korea but you love who you love, don't you?".

"Mhmm. I couldn't agree more!", Wendy said, breaking the starefest between the rap goddess and the main dancer. She then pulled Seulgi's arm and asked her, "What about you? Are you gonna propose to me yet? I'm getting tired of waiting".

Seulgi tried so hard not to roll her eyes. "If you love a person, you should wait."

"So do you love me then?", Wendy asked.

"Oh my god!", Joy butted in as she shakes her head at her unnies' public display of affection. "You two! Get a room!", she said a bit too loud that everyone missed the heavy sigh that came from the leader's mouth.


Seulgi was playing Superstar at an SMTown event, and she was trying so hard to win the contest against a fan. Wendy kept cheering on her while Joy and Yeri had their own ways of distracting the opposing team. Irene was the only one who's not really helping at the moment as she's currently bent on her knees, her head on the table and blatantly staring at her like she was the only person around. Not that she was complaining, because she loved every second of it, but she wanted to win so bad; so with all her will-power, she tried her bestest not to look back at the angel in front of her.

She won.

Irene was the first one to notice the results and she tapped Seulgi's bum to let her know that she did a good job. The maknaes were jumping up and down with glee as if they were the ones who worked their asses off to get the highest score in the game. Irene was about to give Seulgi a hug when a wild Wendy appeared out of nowhere and tackled the poor bear into a bone-crushing hug. Seulgi could only laugh at their own enthusiasm over a phone application. She locked eyes with Irene and winked. She was a bit disappointed when she was answered with only a small smile in return.


Seulgi noticed how Irene had seemed to be always on the phone nowadays. Sometimes, when they get their time alone together, the latter would excuse herself to ring someone. Seulgi was having enough of it. "Give it time", Wendy said to her when she opened up about it. "Give it time my a**", she muttered under her breath as she watched Irene, her phone glued to her ear (for the nth time this week), walking back and forth in the kitchen, letting out a small giggle, clearly enjoying the conversation she's having with the person on the other end of the line. Seulgi is a person who knows what privacy means like so as much as she wants to, she never eavesdrop.

When she was sure that the call was finished, she stood up from where she was sat on the couch and slowly made her way to the kitchen. She took a note of how Irene was still staring down at her phone, and Seulgi sure was on the verge of losing her cool. When the shorter girl looked up, her face was quite unreadable. Her eyes were cloudy - like a storm was brewing, and Seulgi felt her stomach drop and her spine started to tingle from the cold. She almost forgot to ask Irene who she was talking to.



They both said at the same time. Seulgi, being the gentleman that she is, said, "You first."

Irene hesitated, "I need to talk to you about something."

At that moment, Seulgi hoped it was all a dream because when someone says that to you, it doesn't always end up well. "Y-yeah?"

"I..." Irene took seven seconds (not that Seulgi was counting) to gather the courage to say what she was going to say. Seulgi must admit that it was the longest seven seconds of her life.

"I think I like someone", Irene finally blurted.


Did anyone hear that sound?

It was Seulgi's fragile heart getting completely smashed into tiny litle pieces.



I should start hiding right now. Please don't kill me.

P.S. Thank you for all the comments! I love you all guys!!!!!!! xx

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Chapter 14: Please update author-nim :'((((
Chapter 14: Hello ~

I've been reading your story recently and now I'm in love with it. Just take your time writing this but please don't drop it forever. I love your story and I think it's really cute. I'm looking forward to your reply, hwaiting! ^^
Chapter 14: take your time~~
margaux_mc #4
So is this story already done ?? hope not yet...
yeolow #5
Chapter 13: Updateuuu sooon xD
byuntae_hyung #6
Chapter 14: Awwwww i keep falling in love
izzie318 #8
Chapter 14: Filo here!!! Thank you author for watching The Rich Man's Daughter :) It's the best!!! Hope everyone would watch it too because it is the first and only lesbian series here in the Philippines...
Chapter 14: Hi author!!! I was so excited that I thought you updated but it's okay :') lol I'm a filipino and yeah the show its the first time I ship filipino artist lol xD glaiza and rian lol =))) Update soon!!!!
pataymalixa #10
Chapter 13: O<-<
I thought I was browsing at the complete tag.
Please update soon I really like your fic. ;)