Chapter 2

Start Again


Jonghyun was the first guy to wake up that morning. The first thing that came to Jonghyun’s mind was Jinki and Kibum. He made his way to Jinki’s room and peeked inside. Jinki was still sleeping and Kibum was nowhere in sight. He shrugged and went to the kitchen. Minho joined him soon after.

“Eh? Who cooked breakfast? Couldn’t be you Hyung.” Jonghyun ignored the last comment and spotted the note on the table,

“Dear Jonghyun, Taemin and Minho. Eat and rest well. If Jinki wakes up, tell him to eat. Force him, if you must.” He read it out lout. Both of them were sure who made breakfast. Minho let out a chuckle and started eating. Jonghyun smiled and glanced to Jinki’s bedroom “Lucky bastard.” He said jokingly.


Jinki slowly opened his eyes. The sunlight had filled the entire room now. His eyes immediately scanned the room. He was hoping that he could see Kibum, the guy he had hurt, fell asleep somewhere in the room like the times he was sick before, the times when they were still together. He found nothing. 

Jinki took a deep breath and walked out to Taemin’s room. He saw the boy was still sleeping so he slid into the cover and started poking Taemin’s cheek.

“Taemin-ah~” The latter didn’t move, “Taemin-ah~!” He shook Taemin’s shoulder causing the other to wake up and groaned at his annoying hyung. 

“What Hyung? I’m still sleepy.” 

“Yah, your hyung is sick, how can you be sleeping? You should be making me breakfast or something.” Taemin hummed and closed his eyes 
again. “Taemin-ah… was he here?” Jinki asked carefully. His throat suddenly went dry.

“He who?” The younger replied without opening his eyes.

“You know who,”

“Oh… I’m too sleepy to think Hyung.” Disappointment started to fill up Jinki’s chest. He remembered, although it was very blurry, but he could recall that he asked Kibum to stay. Did he leave? Jinki sighed at his thought.

A sound then came from his stomach, a sign that it needs to be filled. He made his way to the kitchen and saw the others were happily eating. 
“Oh, Hyung, you’re awake.” They both said in unison. Jinki held up his hand as a greeting and sat next to Minho, dropping his head on the table. 

“Who made breakfast?” Without thinking Jonghyun blurted out,


“You? You made breakfast?” 

“Yah! You don’t think I could cook?” Jinki only grinned.

“What are you guys doing today?” He lifted up his head as Minho pushed a plate full of food in front of him.

“Well, Taemin and I are going to the theme park downtown,” Minho answered.
“And I decided to come with them to ruin their date,” Minho glared at Jonghyun, “By ruin, I mean making sure that you, Choi Minho, doesn’t do anything inappropriate to our little Taeminnie.” Minho rolled his eyes. 

“Too late for that Hyung,” That earned him a slap on the back of his head. 

“You should come with us Jinki-hyung!” Jonghyun continued excitedly, “It’ll be good for you! You know the fresh air, the fun rides, release your inner child~” 

“I don’t know…”

“Please~” Jonghyun pleaded through his puppy eyes.

“Alright, fine.”


The day wasn’t as fun as Jonghyun imagined it would be. Taemin and Minho ran off on their own, and Jinki… Jinki stayed quiet most of the time. He looked like he was lost in his own world.

“Jinki-hyung, you’re not fun.” Jonghyun nudged the older’s arms to brought him back to earth.
“Not my fault. You were the one who dragged me here.” Jonghyun decided to give up. The only thing that would bring him back to life is Kibum. Why the hell did I even try.

The ride back home was awfully quiet. Taemin fell asleep on the back seat with Minho’s arm wrapped tightly around him. Jonghyun has left earth by listening to his iPod with maximum volume. And Jinki was driving, trying hard to focus on the road and not send them to the nearest hospital’s emergency room.

As soon as they arrived at their apartment, Jinki fell down on the couch with a long sigh. 

“I am crazy.” He said quietly but everyone heard it just fine. Minho joined him on the couch and sympathetically patted the older’s shoulder. 

“Yeah? What else is new?” Jonghyun joined them.

“Ah! Why do I care that he doesn’t care?” Jinki half shouted, “Why do I care that he’s not here with me right now?” 

“You freaking hurt him Hyung. What do you expect?” Jonghyun answered more seriously. 

“I know! And it was a stupid mistake. You know how unbelievably stupid I can be, right?” 

“Who are we talking about hyung?” Taemin appeared from the bedroom, all dressed in his light green pajamas. Minho was about to answer 
Taemin’s question when Jinki continued, 

“I really thought he’d stay, you know? Wouldn’t you stay if you were him?” Jinki sighed desperately. The other three were looking at him, pitying the state he was in but they knew it was Jinki’s fault.

“I honestly wouldn’t Hyung…” Taemin answered, “But, you’re lucky it’s Kibum-hyung. It’s Kibum-hyung right?” Minho and Jonghyun nodded, 

“Yeah. He stayed, didn’t he?” Again, the other two nodded in unison.

“He did!?” Jinki felt a tiny shred of hope, “Why didn’t you tell me? I asked you this morning and you said no!”

“I didn’t say no! I said I’m too sleepy to think. Hyung, next time if you want to be sure, ask me again when I’m fully awake.” The magnae said ever so innocent while the other two were trying with all their might to hold the laughter from bursting. Jinki felt a mixed of emotions going on in his head. He was happy and relieved but at the same time anxious and scared. God knows why.

“Hyung, I knew something that’ll definitely cheer you up.” Taemin grinned, “Well, last night, I was going to the bathroom when I heard small whispers from your room, I got curious so I eavesdrop,” The room was silent, everybody was paying attention to Taemin, all curious about what Kibum said, “I heard Kibum-hyung said, and this I remembered it all exactly words per words isn’t that amazing hyung?!” 


“Oh, yeah. Okay, so hereby I quote ‘I was mad at you. I wanted to forget you. I didn’t want you in my life. But then, I realized, I can’t forget you. I want you in my life. No, I need you in my life.’ And that he didn’t really hate you and he loves you so much that it hurts. That’s it.” Jonghyun stared with his mouth half opened. He couldn’t believe someone could love another that much, after what Jinki had done? Wow. Jinki was worse, he looked like he had turned into a stone. 

“Hyung, if you don’t go to Kibum right now, I swear I’ll steal him away from you.” Jonghyun said as he pretended to stand up.
Jinki stormed out of the apartment so quickly that he knocked Jonghyun down. He didn’t even care because the only thing in his mind was Kibum’s beautiful smile and the fact that he loves this boy very, very much. His heart didn’t stop pounding as he stepped into the elevator. He was trying to form a sentence, no, a paragraph to explain the whole situation to Kibum and beg for his forgiveness. He was ready to kneel if he has to, no kidding. 

Meanwhile, Kibum who fell asleep almost immediately after he left Jinki’s apartment had just woken up. He checked his phone, there was no text whatsoever about Jinki’s condition. He was starting to worry but kept telling himself to just stay at home rather than going back to his apartment. So, he glued himself to the couch and stare blankly at the TV. If there’s a person who could see him right now, he or she would probably thought that Kibum was sleeping with his eyes opened. The bell from his front door woke Kibum up from his train of thoughts. He lazily dragged his feet to the door, unalarmed of what was waiting on the other side of the door.

“Hi.” The person said with the most adorable grin spread across his face. Oh, how he loved his smile. “How are you?” Kibum felt as though his heart had left his body and he was suddenly tongue-tied. 

“H-How am I?” He managed to choke out, “I’m the one who’s supposed to be asking how are you! God, you scared me to death Lee Jinki. I hope you’re happy.” The older smiled again, but this time Kibum could see it was sincere.

“Oh, I am. Can I come in?” He walked in casually and then sat comfortably on the couch. Instead of sitting near him, Kibum’s feet took him to the kitchen, slightly away from Jinki. He mentally cursed himself for not preparing anything for this.

“Do you want something to drink?” Jinki nodded and Kibum immediately busied himself by preparing the drink. 

“Kibummie… Why did you leave this morning?” Kibum froze. He was kind of hoping that Jinki wouldn’t know about him staying by his side when he was unconscious. Decided to try his luck, he played dumb instead,

“What?” Jinki stood up and walked over to the kitchen.

“Why didn’t you stay longer?” His arms s around Kibum’s waist and pulled the younger close to him. 

“Maybe I left because I shouldn’t be there from the beginning.”

“But you did stay. Didn’t that mean anything?” ‘Of course it did. I know very well how in love I am with you.’ Kibum wanted to answer, but his mouth betrayed him,

“You’re my friend. I would’ve done the same if any of you guys were sick.” Jinki completely ignored Kibum’s explanation and continued on,

“Do you know how disappointed I was to wake up and not see you there?” He whispered.
“Do you know how disappointed I was to see you kissing some random girl?” Kibum retorted, making Jinki dropped his hand in an instant. Kibum might be crazy, but he felt almost incomplete without the other’s warmth. As corny as it sounded, it was true. Jinki laced their fingers together and turned Kibum so that he was facing him.

“I’m sorry Kibum. I didn’t know what I was thinking. I even doubt that I was thinking. She was leaning so close and I was tempted, but I know I shouldn’t. But then she kissed me and my body started to react on itself. I really didn’t mean to cheat on you. The thought of me leaving you never even cross my mind. I knew all that well that you’re the best thing that ever happened to me. And I was stupid, I was stupid to let lust get the better part of me.” Kibum felt all of his energy had been out and all he has strength to do is standing still. But that was gone as well when Jinki tugged on his wrists and crashed their bodies together, arms tightly around Kibum. He wanted to cry, but his eyes only let out a single tear. “I guess it was true when people say ‘you never know what you got until it’s gone’ I don’t need that to happen twice. I swear on my life Kibum, I would never ever do anything to hurt you ever again.” Kibum sighed. Thoughts were arguing inside his head. A part of him wanted to push Jinki away and tell him once a cheater always a cheater. But the other part, the bigger part wanted to give Jinki a second chance. Everybody deserves a second chance. He repeated it to himself. Noticing Kibum silence, Jinki tighted his hug, “I’m so sorry Kibum.” Kibum surrendered, he successfully convinced himself that Jinki was sincere, as if the fact that he loved Jinki so much wasn’t enough to make him forgive Jinki.

“So what do you want now Jinki?” 

“I want to start over.” The older backed away a little from him and bowed, a huge smile was pinned on his face.

“Annyeonghaseyo! It’s nice to know you! My name is Lee Jinki. I’m 21, and I am madly in love with you.” Kibum almost squealed when he heard Jinki’s last words. His mind went blank and no matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t think of any coherent words to respond. Jinki smiled and put his hands on Kibum’s cheeks, slowly caressing it with his thumb. 

“I’m serious, Kibum. I love you.” He quietly whispered as he carefully pressed his lips against the younger’s. Kibum didn’t care if he was going to regret his decision later, because right now, this moment felt so right. When their brain screamed for oxygen, Jinki broke the kiss and whispered to Kibum’s ear, “I’ve found your heart. And this time, I’ll guard it with my life.”

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Chapter 2: My fave part here jong2min XD they didn’t encourage Jinki’s mistake. The kind of friends people need in their life. And of course Kibum! Jinki is lucky to have Kibum gave him his heart. <3
Chapter 1: As much as i should hate Jinki, I can’t. After waiting for Kibum like that. :( I’m like Key. I can’t seem to hate at all. It’s impossible.
Chapter 2: OMG !!!!!! my heart....
Chapter 2: sooooo lovely! onew was an _______ for doing that but the love between them is bigger than that, I hope onew learn the lesson xD kibum suffered so much because of him u_u but they are together now, a smile on my face :D beautiful fic ♥♥
asiangrl001 #5
Chapter 2: Awwwwwww xD this is one of the cutest fics ive ever read!!!!! And it bein a onkey fic is a BIG BONUS!!!!!
i guess me & key cant be mad at onew for too long.<br />
gah.. i love soft & gentle key..<br />
jinki, pls guard his heart.<br />
btw, i love this story.<br />
so good
amber_serkly #8
This fic deserves so much love <3 :')
VIPrimShAplus #9
nice one... XD