The Shore

Just Once

Yuri's eyes never stray away from the clock as she waits anxiously for the hour hand to strike three. Spring break was only a few minutes away and that left her restless in her seat, completely zoning out from the lecture being taught. U.S. History wasn't all that interesting to her, so she didn't find it particularly much use to listen, especially since she was about to pack up and leave anyway.

It would be Yuri's last spring break as a high school student and the final week she would be able to spend at her family's beach house. Her parents had rented out the home as a nice getaway ever since she was a little kid; but, now that Yuri was eighteen and months away from going off to college, her parents decided that this would be the last time they would spend money to hold on to it. As a parting gift, they gave Yuri the freedom of driving herself and a few friends out to the sea for seven days by themselves and luckily, wouldn't monitor who or how many she would invite. 

With her fingers carelessly threading through her hair, Yuri's attention was immediately taken away from the clock once the bell rang. Students began stuffing their textbooks into their backpacks- some even finishing off their notes- and exited the classroom as quickly as they could. Only Yuri and a few others were left scrambling to file away whatever supplies they needed to. 

"You ready?"

A hand meets with Yuri's shoulder and grips it gently. The fingertips that were pressed against her skin were cold, yet comforting, while the familiarity of the voice brings a smile to Yuri's lips.

"Yeah, I'm ready," Yuri chuckles, standing up from her chair. Slinging the straps of her bag over her shoulder, she moves out into the aisle and locks eyes with her best friend behind her. "Are you?" 

Im Yoona, tall and lanky, stares back at her with a toothy grin.

Starting from day one of freshmen year, the two had been inseparable, almost attached at the hip. Nothing could pull the girls apart from each other. Yuri knew that Yoona would always be her number one, and Yoona knew that Yuri would always be her's.

"Hell yeah, I am," Yoona responds coolly, making her way out of the classroom next to Yuri. 

The idea of traveling to a destination far from home, completely rid of all responsibility, excites the both of them. Not to mention, the rest of their girl friends, as well as guy friends would tag along on the trip. Yuri looked forward especially to having a week with her boyfriend, Suho, who promised he would help make each day at the house unforgettable. Whatever that means. Yuri assumes she will just find out when she gets there.

The two girls walk down the hallway, maneuvering around the students clearing out their lockers and the faculty, who are saying their goodbyes for the week. Yuri holds on to Yoona's hand to make sure they don't lose each other in the crowd and guides her to the end of the ivy-covered building, hoping to reach the exit as soon as possible. Once getting to the door, Yuri pushes it open, letting the sunlight invade her eyes with its yellow-tinted glow.

"Do you think they're already out here?" Yoona asks, releasing her hand from Yuri's. 

Yoona and Yuri had promised to meet the others in the parking lot so they could all head over to the house together. It would be easier that way, since only a select few of them even knew where it was located. 

As if on cue, a pair of arms snake around Yuri's waist and pulls her closer. With her back now pressed up against someone's chest, she smiles softly. She knows exactly who it is.

"How are you, ladies?" Suho grins, pressing a light kiss to Yuri's head.

Yoona rolls her eyes playfully at Suho's attempt to be smooth as she walks over to hug the other boys who are just now joining them. Baekhyun, Kai, Chanyeol, and Sehun happily hug the girl back, dropping all of their stuff to the ground.

"We're only waiting for Taeyeon, Sunny, Hyoyeon, Irene, Wendy, and Seulgi now, right?" Chanyeol asks, trying to figure out all who is missing.

"Joy and Yeri might join later, but probably not." Yuri pouts her lips a little and shrugs. She wanted everyone to come, but Joy and Yeri already had plans lined up before Yuri invited them.

Suho lets go of his girlfriend with one more kiss, this time to her neck, "Here, I'll text them." He pulls out his phone from his pocket and begins to send a message to the girls who haven't arrived yet.

"Text who?" 

Seulgi, with her blonde hair tied up in a snapback, walks up to the group with the missing others following behind. In their friend circle, she was the one who could get any girl or guy with the snap of her fingers. She was envied by everyone in the school for it and Kai would never let it go that she can pick up more chicks than he can.

"I was just about to text you guys, but since you're already here, I guess I don't have to," Suho lets out a soft laugh and ruffles his hair. He puts his phone back into his shorts, giving a playful nudge to Taeyeon, who is standing right next to him.

"Now that we're all here, let's go so we can get there before it gets too late. The boys can all go in one car and Taeyeon, Sunny, Hyoyeon, and Yoona can come with me. Irene, can you take Wendy and Seulgi?" Yuri relays out, trying to figure out who can fit in what car.

"Sounds good with me. I'll just follow behind you, since I don't exactly know a good route to take," Irene says, grabbing her keys out from her bag.

"Okay, let's head out then." Yuri takes her own keys out. She turns towards Suho to kiss him on the lips one last time, as a way to tide him over during the time they would be apart.

Everyone moves to their respective cars, which are luckily pretty close to each other. They all wave to one another and share a few hugs before loading whatever luggage or bags they need for the trip. Of course, Sunny had to pack her whole wardrobe, as she did for every other trip they've gone on. Yuri never understood why she needed to, but in a way, it was one of the more endearing things about Sunny.

After packing in everything, Yuri and the rest of the girls climb into their seats, with Yuri settling down as driver.

"Wow, your goodbyes with Suho usually last for hours but thank god it took less this time," Hyoyeon smirks. She was always the one to brighten the mood when needed and had the ability to prevent awkwardness in any situation. But, unfortunately and fortunately for her friends, she was also the one who knew how to get underneath people's skin.

"Oh shut up, Hyo. You're the one who set us up, so don't complain about something you've done," Yuri states teasingly.

With that, she buckles up, starts the engine, and drives out of the parking lot.


It was about halfway into the trip, which was exactly three hours in, and Yoona was already fast asleep, her head resting against the cool glass of the passenger side window. Her legs were propped up lazily against the dashboard with her hands laying limp against her sides. Yuri had realized from the beginning of their friendship that Yoona liked to sleep in the car. It was the one place, other than her bedroom, where she could truly get some rest.

"Hey Yuri, do you think we could stop off at a restroom? I've had to go for the past hour," Taeyeon asks, her fingers tapping away at her phone. She always seemed to have something to do on her phone, whether it be going on some social media site, or texting the girls she managed to charm into bed and dump the next day.

"The past hour? Really Taeyeon? You couldn't have gone at school?" Yuri sighs. Taeyeon was always late in relaying her feelings to others and often ignored things that seemed trivial in the moment, but happened to be very important later.

"I'll text Wendy and Sehun that we're going to stop somewhere to go to the bathroom because clearly, Taeyeon can't take care of herself when she needs to." Sunny punches Taeyeon lightly in the arm, which pulls Taeyeon's focus off her phone to the girl sitting next her. 

"Low blow, Sunny. Low blow." Taeyeon nudges back into her, narrowing her eyes with a hint of annoyance.

Sunny just responds with a chuckle and texts the other cars, who have been following closely behind them. 

"That sign says that there are a few gas stations and restaurants at the next exit." Hyoyeon points at the sign that is just ahead. "It's going to be sad waking Yoona up, though. She looks like a little princess right now."

"See what you've done, Taeyeon? Yoona will probably wake up," Sunny pries again, trying to get a reaction out of the older girl.

"Yeah, yeah. I'll apologize later." Taeyeon remains unphased with her eyes glued to her screen, grinning when a text from her recent hook up comes through.


The sun is beginning to set over the horizon, with shades of pink, red, and orange, as the girls pull into the parking lot of a gas station. Taeyeon immediately bounds out from the car and runs inside, ready to explode any minute. The girls can only laugh at her, since her reaction to the braking of the car is quicker than any response she has from receiving a text. Getting out of their seats, Yuri, Hyoyeon, and Sunny stand outside, finally being able to stretch their legs after so long. It felt nice to stand after sitting for three hours straight.

"I think I'm going to wake up Yoona, in case she wants to go to the bathroom too," Yuri says, which gets the other girls' approvals. She leans into the car and taps her best friend on the arm, attempting to awaken her as gently as she can.

Yoona stirs from her sleep and yawns. Her eyes slowly and tiredly flutter open as she focuses groggily on the building in front of her. Furrowing her eyebrows in confusion, she looks over towards Yuri, who is still halfway in the car.

"Where are we?" Yoona asks, lowering her feet off the dashboard.

"Taeyeon had to use the bathroom so we're stopping at this gas station. If you need to go, you can," Yuri suggests softly. This would be the last stop before reaching the house. Yuri wanted to drive the last stretch of road in one go.

 "I don't really need to go but I am a little thirsty," Yoona strains in exhaustion. After sleeping with open some of the time, Yoona had become quite parched.

"I'll go get you some water, okay? I'll be back." Yuri places her hand on Yoona's arm for a lingering moment before shutting the door. Seeing Suho and Irene's cars pull into the lot, she waves them down to park next to her and walks into the station.

An assortment of food, drinks, cigarettes, and toys line the shelves of the store. Even through their grime, Yuri finds gas stations to be very efficient for travelers passing through. She was okay with a less-elegant-more-sketchy place to shop.

Spotting water bottles in the aisle across the way, Yuri walks over and grabs two out from the refrigerator. One for Yoona and one for her. Yoona would really appreciate something to wet her dry throat.

As she shuts the door, Yuri turns around to see another group walk into the station. A group that is not her own. Six girls and four guys are laughing amongst themselves as they disperse throughout the mini-store, the girls splitting off to get drinks and the guys walking through the aisles to find food. Getting closer to her, Yuri decides to make her way past them, despite feeling a little awkward of being one against ten. Taeyeon doesn't count as being a plus one on her side, since she was still in the bathroom.

From the few glances she takes of them, Yuri finds one of the girls particularly pretty. Sure, the boys were handsome and the other girls were attractive, but this girl, she was beautiful. 

Yuri can't help but stare. The girl is breathtaking. Her caramel brown hair cascades down her shoulders in loose, perfect waves and her smile, oh her smile. It radiates of happiness and youth. Not that Yuri is attracted to her or anything. She has a loyal boyfriend and is very much straight. But there was something about her, something that made Yuri look longer than she wanted to.

"What are you looking at?" Taeyeon asks, taking her place next to Yuri. In this moment, Yuri is thankful for Taeyeon's interruption.

"Oh, I was trying to decide whether to get more drinks or not," Yuri lies. What made her so entranced by this mystery girl?

Taeyeon shrugs and smiles, putting her hand on her friend's shoulder. "I think we'll be okay for the rest of the ride."

The girl is all the way at the far side of the gas station now, making it more obvious if Yuri were to look again. So she chooses not to take the chance. Carrying the water bottles up to the cash register, she pays for the water. Taeyeon hangs behind by the door, looking through the glass at her friends, who are seemingly having a funny conversation with each other. After finishing up with her transaction for the drinks, Yuri leaves the gas station with Taeyeon, both glad to be getting closer to their destination.

"Hey babe. How's the drive so far?" Suho grins as Yuri makes her way over to the group. He meets her halfway, putting his arm over her shoulders. 

"It's been good. Yoona was knocked out for a few hours and Sunny and Taeyeon wouldn't stop bickering with each other. But otherwise, it has been a pretty calm trip. What about you?" Yuri replies, a little exhausted. She leans up to kiss Suho's cheek.

"Same as you, minus the Taeyeon and Sunny bickering part. Baekhyun has been pretty tired because of football, so as soon as he got in the car, he fell asleep," Suho responds, dropping his arm to his side once they arrive at the group.

"Off to the road again?" Irene asks, wanting to get to the house as soon as possible.


The beach house is bigger than Yuri last remembers it to be. It has been awhile since she has come for vacation, but as she looks up at the tree-lined pathway, she is more than happy to be back.

"This is it?" Hyoyeon asks, completely in shock at the vastness of it.

"This is it," Yuri remarks. She shuts off the engine and turns off the headlights, which she started needing half an hour ago.

Night has finally settled in and the stars, lighting up the sky with off-white hues, have began peeking out from the clouds. The others finally drive in alongside Yuri's car, taking time too to admire the home.

Unloading luggage from their cars onto the porch and eventually inside, all the friends file in to the house, excited to be warm. They head off to separate rooms to sleep in without giving much thought for strategy. Hyoyeon, Sunny, Yoona, and Taeyeon get a two-bed room, while Wendy, Seulgi, and Irene bunk in another. The boys take what other rooms are left, leaving Sehun, the last one in the house, to sleep on the couch. Yuri and Suho, of course, find it easiest just to sleep together.

"Are you ready for bed?" Suho asks, slipping underneath the covers.

"Yeah, I'm coming now," Yuri affirms, stepping out from the bathroom with her hair up in a bun. She joins her boyfriend in bed and, after stretching to turn off the light, immediately finds herself laying against him, his arms draped comfortably over her.

She loves the feeling of laying in his arms.

"Goodnight?" Suho asks again, feeling himself fading from the excitement of the car ride.

"Goodnight." Yuri's eyes close as she falls into a deep sleep.

Her last thoughts were of the fun that would await them tomorrow.


A/N: So I'm posting this chapter now because I wanted to establish everything before anything between Yuri and "the mystery girl" happens. I wanted to go slow in terms of the beginning of the plot. I don't think it would be as good of a story if I didn't work out the details first, before she meets the girl. I will tally up the votes tomorrow and see who I will make Yuri want. I read through for mistakes but if you still see some, let me know. This chapter was pretty long so bare with me haha.

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Shadow13579 #1
Chapter 3: I hope at the end it's YoonYul
Chapter 3: This is strongly going for the Yulsic route x.x but I won't give my hopes up for Yoonyul. Kekekeke.
Hi_sseongie #3
Chapter 3: HEELLLLLLLLooooOooO mystery girl! ^-^ Super excited for this. I wonder how suho will handle it when the time comes >=]
Btw, will there be any other soshi pairings in the story?
sone48Locket #4
Chapter 2: Yoonyul <3 Ahhh. Cute ^.^ Suho and yuri seem like a nice couple too. I liked this chapter very much. Keep it up!
Hi_sseongie #5
Chapter 2: All the giggles I got from this ^-^. But, you do know if you ever want to, you could turn this into a yoonyul right? Ahaha, whatever the choice I like the story.
Trackstar #6
Chapter 2: Aww why yoona has to be the one off limits. Honestly I want this to be yoonyul! I hope they gonna be more than just bestfriends! So since I'm rooting for yoonyul, I'm not gonna vote for anyone. Only Yoon for Yul!
kwonchatiz1186 #7
Chapter 2: yoonyul right........????
so, next chapt must be yoonyul sweet moment pleaseeee......
smtownjjiang #8
Chapter 2: How I wish it will be a yoonyul story.
Ooh i think it's gonna be yoonyul fic..