Fame and Wolves

Wolf Prince

Six boys wanted fame.

They came across a witch.

Who they begged for three nights.

The witch was fed up with their begging.

So she gave them fame.

For a price.

The price?

On the nights when the moon was full the boys will growl, bite and snap. Fur will cover their bodies. They will run and hunt till the sun rises. And with each passing year the wolf will get stronger.

The boys went back to the witch to remove the wolf.

But she couldn't.

Only a kiss from a princess could calm the wolf.

It had been three years since than.

The boys were now the boy band Boyfriend.

Donghyun, 25, leader of the band and Alpha of the pack. He very curious person.
Hyunseong, 21, The pig of the pack. Never stops eating.
Jeongmin, 20, the quiet one. Believes that a kiss from a princess is stupid

Youngmin, 19, the emotional one. Twin to Kwangmin

Kwangmin, 19, the prankster Twin to Youngmin

Minwoo, 19, has a nasty temper and calls his wolf the most.

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