Stop Walking By

it has to be you.
We can't end it this way
No matter where you are
I will always find you
For my heart still beats for you

"Its been a week since the most influential heirs of Korea has been missing.  Upon further digging, it has been discovered that the group took a flight on the Lee's family private plane to head to..."

Yuri ran out of the house.  "Maknae!"

Seohyun looked up at her unnie with a smile on her face.  "Neh unnie?"

"We got a problem.  They found us," Yuri breathed out.

Shock registered on the younger one's face.  "Unnie I thought everything was going well for us..."

"They found us through digging."  She turned to Kyuhyun who was there as well.  "You should go in to comfort Donghae oppa and Eunhyuk oppa.  They're both grieving over the loss of their secretary."

"Go, oppa," and he nodded and quickly ran into the house.

Seohyun looked up at her unnie, tears in her eyes.  "Unnie, I caused his death, didn't I?"

The older one hugged her maknae to her body.  "Seo, you didn't ask for this to happen.  No one did," she murmured.

"This is all my fault.  First, Donghae and Eunhyk oppas' secretary.  The mansion isn't big enough to hide all of us," she whispered.  "And what if, they come for you all?  I'll never be able to forgive myself if any of you got hurt because of me."

Yuri looked up at Taeyeon for help, who had silently joined them.  The oldest now the youngest's hair lovingly.

"Maknae, you think any of us are able to forgive ourselves if you got hurt due to us not being able to protect you?"

She felt her shaking even harder.

"Seobaby, its all gonna be fine.  We won't let him hurt any of us."

Kyuhyun flew into the living room.

"Hyung," he called out softly, and he slowed down.

Yesung had his arm around Donghae while Eunhyuk was sobbing in Sungmin's arms.  Siwon showed the youngest the message on the phone.

"Don't reply this.  I'm using another number to message you.  Mr Rin, your secretary, got tortured to tell your parents where you guys are.  Due to his old age, he was unable to take it and left you guys behind.  We're sorry we betrayed you guys, but they said they'll hurt our families.  We had no other choice.  Don't worry about us being in the house.  Take care, and please be safe.  We'll pray for you guys.  Love, 756892."

He looked up at the older one.  "Hyung..." he trailed off.

Yoona and Tiffany were sitting together in a couch, their eyes still on the television screen.

"Mr Park himself will be personally going down with armed personnel and officers so as to secure the safety of his children.  He believes that his children are being taken away by kidnappers and are being held hostage in the mansion, not because they ran off with the other member of Thirteen."

Heechul gritted his teeth as Hankyung shook his head.

"This guy, seriously," muttered Shindong.

Jessica looked at Leeteuk worriedly.  "Will Ryeowook oppa and Sooyoung be okay?  They got out to stock up on food."

He nodded. "They should be back by now.  We'll need to strategise again.  My guess is that he won't be landing on the helipad but at the airport.  The problem is, we don't know when he'll arrive.  It'll take time to hide all of us."

Kibum looked at his feet.  Just when we thought we were safe, and Seohyun's safe...

That evening, all of them were in a subdued mood after dinner, which was draggy as none had the appetite to eat.  In the end, the two oldest had insisted everyone finish their food before starting their plans.

Sooyoung had went to turn the television on in case there was any more news, while they sat down and made themselves comfortable.  Thankfully, the living room was big enough to accomodate all of them. 

Hankyung and Kibum were leaning against the wall, their arms crossed, while Shindong and Kangin were sitting in armchairs.  Leeteuk and Taeyeon were sitting on the sofa with Siwon and Tiffany.  Heechul and Jessica were on the couch, while Eunhyuk and Hyoyeon were on the floor in front of them.

Opposite them, Sungmin had his arm around Sunny as the two sat on the floor while Yesung and Yuri were on another sofa with Donghae and Yoona besides them.  Ryeowook and Sooyoung had their legs stretched out on the floor in front of the sofa, while Kyuhyun and Seohyun were sitting leaning against the armchairs.

Everyone quickly made themselves comfortable, and there was a tensed silence in the room.

Taeyeon broke the silence.  "I guess all of us are in danger now."

There was silence and everyone looked at each other.

"We don't know when he'll arrive," Kibum stated.  "But he will be arriving.  Soon."

Yoona spoke up. "The news report said no one will be spared.  How do we hide everyone and ensure everyone is safe?"

Donghae, sensing her worry, rubbed her back soothingly, murmuring to her quietly as the people in the room grew anxious.

Leeteuk frowned.  "We should separate.  They already found the mansion."

"But we shouldn't leave the girls alone here," Siwon murmured.

"I know."  There was frustration in Leeteuk's voice, and Taeyeon reached to hold his hand and squeezed it.

"I think the most important is to protect Leeteuk hyung, Siwon and Seohyun," Shindong said, as murmurs of agreement filled the room.

"All of us are important," Seohyun spoke up. "We should protect everyone," she insisted clearly.

"How can we ensure this plan will work?  No plan is successful," Hankyung mused.

The room fell silent for awhile after that.

"All we can do is try," Tiffany stated, but not rudely.

Leeteuk nodded.

"Hey, can one of you raise the volume up?  The news is starting," Yesung asked. "Thanks."

They all turned their attention on the television.

"KNC news have been following the development of the missing heirs of Korea closely.  Earlier today, we reported that Mr Park himself will be heading down to get his children back.  Upon further discovery, it had been noted that the mansion does not belong to the heirs, but rather, to a group of ladies, who are in their own right, the new generation of society queens of Korea.

Kim Taeyeon, Jessica Jung, Lee Sunny, Hwang Tiffany, Kim Hyoyeon, Kwon Yuri, Choi Sooyoung, Im Yoona, and of course, Mr Park's missing daughter, Park Seohyun, is also known to be part of the society queens.  However, Mr Park still insist that his children are being kidnapped..."

Stunned silence filled the room.

"No..."  Seohyun whispered.

Kyuhyun sighed and out an arm around her.  "Its all gonna be okay, Seo."

"Bastard," Heechul muttered, only loud enough for himself to hear.

Back at home, Park Im Soon threw his glass at the wall, where it shattered into shards.

"Those children of mine..."  he muttered, and laughed cruelly.

In front of cameras, he had stated that he believed his children were kidnapped and had not ran away.  Who would not take his word for it?  He worked in the government and had a lot of authority to make or break a person, televsion included.  Behind the scenes, he had used his contacts with the underground to search for them.

Another evil grin appeared on his face.  All of them were going to pay.

The news, about him going there personally, was just a lie.

So that they would escape and thus...  he smirked to himself.

So many contacts, so many people trying to help him find them to court favour with him.

He looked at the photo of the eight girls and chuckled to himself, seeming insane.

So, the girls were their weakness eh...

Hello, everyone!  Woke up early to update again!  Woo TaeSeoRi kekeke I love them ^^ 

And I totally agree with the comments over here.  Yongseo shippers, please don't bash!  Or on further thought...  Continue bashing then.  We Seokyu shippers will have more ammunition against you all because you need to depend on bashing to keep the yongseo flame alive.  BUT SEOKYU WIRES HAVE NO NEED TO BASH.  HAHAHAHA.  And ooh, MAMA 2011 SEOKYU MOMENTS.  yongseo fans you blind or just plain deluded or what?  SEOKYU IS REAL ^^

And of course, to all my readers/subscribers/commenters, I love you all so much!  ^^  Thanks for your never-ending loyalty to it has to be you ^^

CHRISTMAS IS IN TWO DAYS.  Anyone writing Seokyu Christmas fanfic?  :D

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-airhead #1
Chapter 23: awwww sweet ending...

forever WiRe! :D :D :D
jinnie #2
wow it end already? i so luv it ! hope to see u soon ^^
"Can you see the end of the sea?"
She shook her head.
"That's how you can't see the end of us, baby."

Awwww!!! That's so sweet! ^_^
Forever shipping SeoKyu too :D
What a breaaaath taking chapter! haha..
Pls. Update Soon..!!
^_^ ~~
Oh nooo, Hangeng!!! :((
And Kyu, where are you? Hurry, hurry!!!
I'm hoping the unnies can think of a way to somehow escape...;)
Your last two chapters literally took my breath away. Update soon! ^^
jinnie #6
plz, don't hurt uri SUGen!!! update soon plz
wait!!! please do not let hankyung die....he's such a sweet oppa.
Seo with the Gun :)
*high five to you*
Love it.
Whaaaa.... Cliffhanger :p
Where is her kyu?
Eycha_sk11 #10
Omo wht will happen next ? Kept updating chinguu !! :D hope my seobaby safe ! *aww a little hanseo moment ! ;)