Feeling like throwing up because of their unlimited cheesiness

Feeling like throwing up because of their unlimited cheesiness

"Get a move on!"




"Ok, I'm coming.."



"You're still there, hurry up!"



"Hey Kyuhyun-ah! Stop pushing me! I'm your hyung, the oldest member and mostly the leader, so keep your hands off me or else-"



"Yes, yes, Sorry" -Kyuhyun rolls his eyes- "Now, senior and dear almighty leader, could you get yourself in Sungmin's room before they'll see us?"



A pleased smile draws Leeteuk's face. Even with the continous 'hurry up' of the maknae, he stops, his lips becoming a line curved into a sort of evil smirk he has learnt to plaster on his angelic face from Kyuhyun himself- "You're forgetting the magic word" -He crosses his arms, smile becoming wider and eyes glinting. It barely happens to see Kyuhyun begging for someone to help him and he does feel like wanting to extend the cries of the maknae. Just a bit. He can feel like wanting to have fun on Kyuhyun too, sometimes, can't he?



Kyuhyun glares at the older, hands staying fermly on both sides of him, and whispers soflty -as no other than him can hear his voice- not to slap the other's on nowhere of his body. If only there isn't Leeteuk, but someone else in front of him, Kyuhyun bites his inner cheek. Nothing can irritate him more than seeing the other members being an to him. It annoys him so much seeing his own attitude being aped. 'Copycats', he murmurs.



"And so?" -demands Leeteuk, fingers drumming on his arm in rhythm with his foot, going up and down on the floor, producing a noise that bothers the younger much more for the delight of the suddenly 'cruel' Leeteuk of course.



Kyuhyun snorts. He so wants to retort to this arrogant hyung, but there's something more important to take care of. He lets another chug- "Please" -spits he. Pwa, really? He, the ultimate Starcraft King, had to say that word just to convince Leeteuk. 



"Great! You don't know how it makes me happy hearing that coming from your mouth K-"



"Alright" -Kyuhyun cuts him right then. Completely forgetting the leader's warns, or because he didn't even listen to him, Kyuhyun grabs Leeteuk's forearm and without any other thoughts, locks him and himself in Sungmin's room.



"WOA! What is this?" -questions Leeteuk loudly, eyes dilated, running them on each of the people's faces that are in there. He hasn't expected to find the majority of the members sitting on Donghae's and Sungmin's beds.



"Is this a meeting?" -He asks, rubbing the back of his hand on his chin as his forehead breaks 'cause of a deep frown caused by the millions of thoughts- one of each which actually can be the reason of this situation -that slowly populate his mind.



"You mean, secret meeting, hyung" -The present owner of the room answers him- "Look better, and you will find out that there are missing members.."



He doesn't need to repeat it a second time. With his forefinger, Leeteuk points at each person, counting them. Yesung, Ryeowook, Shindong, Siwon,Sungmin and the one behind him, leaning his back on the wall, Kyuhyun. Sure, there are some not present and he's not talking about members like Kangin that is doing other things, as in being in the army.



"Where are Eunhyuk and Donghae?" -asks Leeteuk, though he has already half an idea about the absence of the main dancer and the singer. Sungmin said 'secret', didn't he?



"Have a seat, hyung" -Kyuhyun signs him to join the others on one of the beds. Still half confused, Leeteuk does so. He sits between Yesung and the Eternal maknae Ryeowook, however his eyes are still locked on the true maknae and viceversa. 



"So, what is it guys?" -He asks easily, even with the weight of having all of the gazes of the members on him. This is seriously not the first time a part of the members gather to one place to discuss something or to discuss on someone- in this case of two members -to decide what to do for the problem. Because even if no one has told him yet, there is a problem, right? Why would they plan this if there isn't any?



"Hyung..." -The one who talks first is Sungmin- "We have called you because we want you to do something about EunHae..."



"Can you explain it better, Sungmin? What is the problem?" -asks Leeteuk, giving an assured smile as to encourage the younger.



"Uh what I meant is eh... Hyukkie and Hae..Uh" -Sungmin mumbles, clutching the sleeves of his sweater and looking at the others for support. He receives help from the maknae, that huffs in annoyance and mouths him silently 'Bunny with a little heart'.



"We are all sick and tired of them." -Kyuhyun replies, simply and briefly. As Leeteuk deepens his frown, he continues- "We can't stand Eunhyuk and Donghae making out in front of our faces. We can't stand them hugging, saying corny lines to each other. We are sick of BabyBoo,MonkeyBoo,BeautyFish,CutieBlonde,Sweetie Pie,Sweetheart,Babe,Love of my life... We are tired of their unlimited cheesiness!"



Leeteuk archs an eyebrow, clearly not believing. Is this the problem? That's absurb. He swifts glances at everyone. He nips his bottom lip, before choking out his own thought- "That is absurd" -Though his effort on not to laugh, he sounds like he's sniggering. Fact that, truly, he's doing inside.



Kyuhyun looks at him gravely, eyes darkening- "Do I look like I am kidding?"



No, you don't, Leeteuk thinks- "They are behaving like normal couples do.." -He tries to persuade. The idea of going to his two dongsaengs and refer them what he has just heard, hell no, he can't and doesn't want to do it. Besides, there is seriously nothing wrong with Hyukjae and Donghae. The guys are exaggerating.



"Normal couples are not like.them." -Kyuhyun states, his expression not changing a bit. Actually, he becomes even more serious and his eyes become darker if it's possible- "There is no fun with playing with them. Everyone here knows that I like playing with hyungs, especially with Hyukjae because he's always so confident but he always loses in the end...It's cool playing with Dongahe too, he's good. I can say we can go near to having a real match when the two playing are me and Fish hyung. And it's great playing with the three of us, me, Hyukjae and Donghae. We laughed and really had a good time....


....But when they became lovers...." -Kyuhyun's look softens. He's sad now?, Leeteuk questions to himself- "You know, now, when we play Eunhyuk and Donghae want the other to win? They even kill themselves in the game just to please the other. That's crazy. And you never heard them after a match... They're like "Ohh Hae your character was so cute!" and "Yours too Hyukkie <3" "- Kyuhyun brings a hand to cover his eyes as if desperate- "We were playing Zombies... Since when a Zombie is cute??!?!?"



"Dear Heaven" -Leeteuk sighs -"You can still tell them that you don't want to play with them.." -He nods in agreement at himself.



Kyuhyun glares at him- "You don't understand, hyung. Anyway, Ryeowook has something to tell you too. Wookie?"



"Ehm" -Leeteuk turns his head to look at the Eternal Maknae, on his left. Ryeowook shows a weird smile, feeling utterly uncomfortable because of the leader's suspicious look at him. Placing his hands in front of his mouth as if thinking that he won't stumble over his words doing like this, Ryeowook finally speaks up- "I honestly like seeing Eunhyuk and Donghae being happy, but... but... b-but they always mess the kitchen when they try to cook something delicious for each other. And sometimes they forget to clean everything because they're already getting in their lovely,pinky,full of flowers and love world" -He smiles awkwardly at Leeteuk.



"And I must admit I am quite bored too to see them kissing every morning and saying 'Hey, what a wonderful day. Don't you think so, Hyukkie?' and 'Yep, but it will never be beautiful than you Babe'... And they say the same things everyday,hyung"



As Ryeowook finishes to talk, Yesung clears his throat, suggesting that he clearly wants to add his personal experience too- "Eunhyuk loves Donghae so much and he told me once that he will shout it to the entire world. I laughed, it was really adorable from him. If I was Donghae I'd feel so good to have such a boyfriend like him, but I changed my mind a week ago when I was searching for Ddangkkoma"



His eyebrows meet as he recalls that day- "I found my dear turtle in Monkey's room and guess what? Eunhyuk did write on Ddangkkoma's shell 'EunHae is real'.... I was furious! I really wanted to scold him at that moment, but he was somewhere else, buying something... And so I came with my head fuming in the living room and Donghae was there. I said 'Ya! Hae, look at what your Eunhyuk done!' "



Yesung shakes his head, hands running in his hair- "Donghae did take Ddangkkoma from my hands. I let him because I thought he will clean its shell. But when he came back, Ddangkkoma was dirtier. Hae did write 'Aww, I should start taking scuba diving lessons now.. Hyukkie, I fell for you deep. C O R N Y!! And he even had the nerve to tell me not to clean Ddangkkoma anymore!!!"



"That's nothing compared to what happened to me" -Shindong interfers. He is leaning his elbows on his legs, stare looking at his interwined hands. Leeteuk swallows all the saliva he has in his mouth, wondering what worse the couple did do. He has the impulse to run to Shindong and smacks his head, when he hears him saying- "They ate all my food while watching Donghae's favorite drama!!!!"



"Poor Hyung" -Sungmin concerns- "But I think I am the one with the worst episodes... I share a room with Donghae and dude, I heard them doing it a lot of times. I excused them the first,the second, even the third time, but I think they do it on purpose, making love here instead of Hyukjae's room! I am sick of hearing Donghae's moans. I had a nightmare yesterday about them having..."- His eyes widen- "OmgoshIdon'twanttothinkaboutitanymore!"



It takes some minutes for Leeteuk to digest the stories the other has revealed him. Well, some of the sharings were nothing really relevant to worry over, but Yesung and Sungmin's! However, as the understanding- too much understanding sometimes -leader that he is, he tries to find another way. Even after all, he doesn't feel like talking with EunHae. Maybe he will tell them not to touch the other members' stuffs, but he can't do nothing on their cheesy lines. If he's not wrong, that is one of the things, the kids are complaining about.



"Okay, but.... What about the cheesiness thing? Do you guys want me to talk with them also because.... they are too sweet with each other?" -asks Leeteuk to the members, moving his eyes rapidly from a one to another. He stops at Siwon- "Hey you.... You didn't say anything. Don't you have something to tell too?"



Smiling, Siwon shrugs- "I don't care about Eunhyuk and Donghae's sweetness. Since when they are together, they go to the church and pray more often. I'm so proud of them. Actually, I did come here in Sungmin's room only because Kyuhyun told me so"-admits he, pointing nonchalant at Kyuhyun who glares at him in response.



"Shut up, Choi Siwon" -The youngest snaps, twisting his lip- "About your question Teukie, yes,I repeat, we are getting sick of them. Tell them to stop!" -He wrinkles his brow as if changing his mind- "Well, not forever of course..Uhmm.. A year or two, maybe.."



"But I can't say 'Hyuk,Hae don't be sweet with each other' ! Plus, I don't think they will do it! There's no way.. Well, there is, but it will be mean..." -Leeteuk becomes alarmed- "Don't tell me.. What do you exactly want me to do? To break their relationship?"



"No!" -The members chorus. Kyuhyun goes on- "No, no, hyung, but at least, tell them not to be like that when we can see them..." -He says, all the others- except Siwon -nod.



Without adding anything else and without waiting Leeteuk to answer because boy, he knows he will find something to reply, he pushes him to get up and still pushing, drives him to get out of the room while miming him to go to Eunhyuk and Donghae and refer them about the outcome of their discussion.



But as he unlocks the door and opens it, much for his contentment, even if it may sound really mean, howls of two angry men reaches his and the other members' ears.



"I hate you Hyukjae!"

"I hate you more!"





"They are fighting!" -Kyuhyun beams, still grabbing on the oldest shirt, who,relieved because he has escaped the task the youngest asked him, sighs in relief, even if he feels bad, but he knows Eunhyuk and Donghae will make up of their misunderstanding soon. Well, he hopes so.






The day after....



"What?" -asks Leeteuk chafing a bit- "They are not lovey-dovey! What is your problem now????????"






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Chapter 1: Poor teuki.. lol XD
so funny!! Though I must admit...it's traumatic for min and sungie... XD
Chapter 1: omg haaaaaahahahhahaa i laughed more than i should XD
Ladyghai #3
Haha like it! Haha very funny!
readingpost #4
AAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHHAAHA!!! i love these boys when they went teukie hyung! teukie hyung! so cuuuuute!!!! XD
hippychick #5
loool make up your mind boys do you want eunhae or not xD lovely story <3
LoyalServant92 #6
ROFLMAO!!! OMO, I can't stop laughing!!!! THE ENDING ROCKS!!!! *snorts* XDDDD
ahahahaha<br />
this is sooooo i don't know<br />
Ochii8386 #9
i can't stop laughing!<br />
too much cheesiness XD<br />
poor Leeteuk..<br />
and Siwonnn.. that's so unpredictable XD<br />
greaaattt fic!! :D
SHINee4ever5 #10
Ahahahah, they have such hard demands ^^