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  • Reviewer

About Me

Hmm.... let's see, let's see.


What to put..... .. this is difficult....


I don't like this... BUUUUT!!


I am a nonchalant, socially awkward Hypocrite. ^^ (Notice that capitalization lol)


My bias? Really.. you want to know MY bias? :O ... Well, sorry to disappoint but I don't have one.. I have MANY! xp


Liiiiiiikkeeeee.... ------ > > > > XIAH, EUNHYUK, and officially those are my top two THOUGH we also have Changmin, Donghae, Mir, Kai, Kris, Tao, Luhan, BAP (yes OT6), Kiseop, Minhyuk, Ilhoon, umm..... I'll add more later :O (Kinda tired from Graveyard shift TT^TT)


Avid reader... AVID writer but unfortunately I either go straight into writer's block after a certain amount, they stay as half-assed ideas partially written out and never shown to the public or... well there is no or.  Ummm... what else? :x


What else?


Oh... !!!!! IS! MY! WAY! OF! LIFE!!!! lolz