
of annoying best friends and first dates

Kibum was a nervous wreck. He still couldn't believe Jinki asked him out on a date the day before. It was like a fairytale, a dream come true, an illusion Kibum couldn't wrap his head around. Because really, how often can someone say "I fell in love with a stranger and he fell for me too"? It was something rare and Kibum was happy that he was one of the few lucky ones.

But he was scared. Scared is an understatement actually. Kibum was terrified. What if he screw up? What if he become a stuttering mess and Jinki couldn't stand him? What if Jinki change his mind? What if Jinki realize that Kibum wasn't enough? Kibum definitely didn't want to let this chance slip away. He was sure that whatever he felt for the guy was more than just a crush. He wanted this to work out. But what if it doesn't?

Kibum had enough of overthinking. His mind was a whirlwind of nervousness and at this moment, there was only one person he could run to. His best friend who goes by the name Kim Jonghyun. Retrieving his phone from the pile of clothes he chose from earlier, Kibum quickly dialed the said man's number.

"This is Kim Jonghyun. What can I do for you my princess?"

"Stop calling me a princess you idiot. I need your help."

"Whatever you say Kibum. So why'd you call?"

"I'm going on a date."

"So? It's not like you-"

"With Jinki."

"Jinki? You mean Jinki the coffee shop guy you always gush about?"


"Great! Congratulations, Bum. Wait. But why do you need my help?"

"I'm nervous."

"The Kim Kibum is nervous? Wow. Love surely changes people, doesn't it?"

"Shut up. Are you going to help me or not?'

"Okay okay. Calm down. Why exactly are you nervous? It's just a date."

"It's not just a date Jjong. It's a date with Jinki. I don't want to screw this up."

"Oh c'mon Key. This isn't the first time you're going on a date. Just be yourself. I'm pretty sure Jinki would like you."

"What if he doesn't like me though?"

"Stop being so negative. This isn't you. Puh-lease. Anyone would love you, okay?"


"Good luck Bummie. Update me about your date when you get home~"

"Yeah yeah. Whatever. Bye loser."

"This loser is still your best friend, Key. Bye."

Kibum threw a glance at the wall clock in his room. Fifteen minutes before Jinki comes. He cleared his mind and relaxed himself. It was just a date right? He just needed to be himself. Everything will be alright. He used the spare time to arrange his clothes which were scattered on his bed just to ease his mind. Then, moved to the living room and waited there. The wait wasn't long though. A few minutes after he settled on the couch, Kibum heard the doorbell ring. He let out a sigh, threw one last look at the mirror just to make sure he looked okay, and went over to open the door.

Kibum was speechless. If Jinki looked good on a daily basis, the Jinki in front of him now was extra good-looking. Kibum was sure he was gaping but damn, he just couldn't help it.

"Hi Kibum."

Thankfully, Jinki talked first and snapped Kibum back to reality.

"Hi Jinki."



Kibum turned around to lock the door. When they reached the car, Kibum thought that he was doing quite well considering that he wasn't stuttering while they were talking.

"So uhh, I didn't know where you would want to go. But I decided to go to a restaurant, to be safe. You can choose where you want our next date will be."

Kibum smiled at the statement. So a second date was already on the making.

"I'm fine with a restaurant. As long as there's ice cream for dessert." Kibum joked.

It was just the beginning and everything was going smoothly. Kibum thinks there will definitely be a second date.


Jinki and Kibum were currently at an ice cream parlor. Apparently, Jinki took Kibum's joke earlier seriously.

"Jinki. I'm already full."

"That didn't stop you from ordering ice cream earlier."

"Well, I can never say no to ice cream."


Over dinner, Kibum learned a lot about Jinki. He learned that Jinki was a year older and that they go to the same university. Kibum never saw him around because the guy was taking accountancy, Kibum was in literature. He also leaned that Jinki owned the coffee shop and that he was an only child. Jinki played the piano and he liked to sing. He also found out that Jinki had a huge appetite. The entire time was spent getting to know more about each other. There was never a moment of awkwardness between them and Kibum wondered why he'd been so nervous earlier. Jinki was also a total gentleman. He opened the car door for Kibum, pulled his seat for him, asked his opinion on things. Those are the things Kibum thought he'd never find in men these days. And being with Jinki was easy. No pretence, no silence, and no regrets.

On the drive back to Kibum's apartment, Kibum felt Jinki's hand brushing against his and it made his heart flutter. When Jinki then held his hand, Kibum's breath hitched and his cheeks went red. It felt nice. He felt secure. He looked at the man and gave him a smile, which the other returned.

"I hope you had fun tonight."

"I did. Thank you."

"You're welcome Kibum. Like I said earlier, you can choose where our next date will be."

"Yeah, I will. See you tomorrow, Jinki."

"See you tomorrow."

Jinki took a step forward and placed a kiss on Kibum's cheek.

"Good night."

Jinki let out a smile and left. Kibum was left to let everything sink in. After that, he pulled out his phone to send a message to his best friend. One word but it described exactly how the date went.




so yeah. what do you think? 

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SashaHRH #1
Totes perf!
Chapter 1: Yay for the cute fluffy fluff!
Chapter 1: Cute! I like nervous Kibum and a not clumsy Jinki. :)