I miss you.

Shanghai Romance

Heechul has to write a song for Orange Caramel. Hmmm, what should he write about?

"Shanghai Romance" he muttered. 

-Heechul's POV-

Shanghai romance? Isn't Shanghai in China or something? China.. Hankyung..


I still remember the day I first saw him. He didn't seem like a Korean, but he was really good looking. After a few days, I got to know him more and I realised he was from China! His Korean was really bad because he only started learning it about a few months ago. It was quite amusing to listen to his Korean. He would mix Korean with Chinese together at times and I found it really cute. :) Recalling this, I cant help but let a smile play on my lips.

I think I fell for him, I think I fell for him

We became really close friends and the days as trainees weren't as tiring knowing that I had something to look forward to everyday. Meeting Hankyung. As the great Heechul, I was determined to make him fall for me too! ^^

Your heart will fall for me, your heart will fall for me


We then debuted together as Super Junior. Although there were 11 other guys together with us, I still felt the closest to Hankyung.

Baby Oh – you’re going to me mine, right?

But one day, he left..

Baby Oh – my love, I miss you

I'm the one who hardly even cries in a sad scene, but when Hankyung left, I couldn't help but cry [SS2 in Beijing - Shining Star]

Baby sha sha sha, what’s with you – you keep making me cry

I want to see Hankyung again so badly.. But I can't. We both have our own schedules and its hard to meet up.

I need to take an airplane to meet you

But it’s not that easy – I want to cry

It just happened so quickly. One day when I wake up, Hankyung's gone. He didn't say anything, he just left and we only found out about it in the news -- That Hankyung left Super Junior. Hankyung left me.

Why when I open my eyes I don't see you?

Without telling anything, you disappear, you bad boy

I miss Hankyung so much. Although I'm dying to talk about him, it's forbidden. SM doesn't allow it. What should I do then?

No matter how much I miss you, it’s not that easy

What should I do? I guess I need to forget you

I try to forget you but it’s not that easy...


我爱你  wo ai ni (I love you)


*Watch the music video! ^^ At around 2:35, the guy eats fried rice! [Beijing fried rice??? :P] <--- Those who like SJ would understand! :D


I'm sorry if this is failed :P It's quite hard to analyse every sentence haha! :P

And sorry if the lyrics are a little small!!

I regret watching sad HanChul vids now! Cos I feel like crying! T.T

By the way, some facts were told by my friends, I'm not sure if its true or not. Just take it as if it really is like that ^^

Oh, and the first part was totally made up by me. HAHA!

Thanks, you for reading ^^ Appreciate it :) And I'll appreciate you more if you leave a comment! :P

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KaishkaKo #1
this was very well thought out and simply wonderful! loved it!!
And by 'this' I mean the lyrics
Wow~. Such a coincident ^^. I wrote a blog about this months ago~
Lol Cleearly it was written for Hangeng, who else? ;P <br />
I love this, who wouldn't? Heechul and Hangeng were best friends. <br />
Super sadness though, sigh~ (.__.)<br />
Hanchul forever~! <3
EmoSpritesSings #5
sad,but good. I looked up he song ad I totally hope he was eating Bejing fried rice :)
Yeap.. Sigh. It's not a nice memory to remember.
ashcraftheero #7
i think so. those words in the song had deeper meaning. it's like written by someone who is lovestruck and broken hearted. which we all know Heechul felt when hangeng left. <br />
Haha! I know right! I think all ELFs think alike! :P THE POWER OF HANCHUL!
ashcraftheero #9
actually when i first heard that Heechul wrote the song Shanghai Romance, I'm crazy enough to think that the song was really for Hangeng! i love your story, because i am a hanchul shipper. when i actually read the english translation i have this stupid feeling telling me hey its for geng!
not everything would fit cos, well, it is a song! haha! but yeap! he must be thinking of hangeng while writing this :))