
Personal Paparazzi

'I'll go in here today since I've never been here before.' I thought to myself before entering the vintage looking cafe. The inside was furnished in a rustic way. Old but soft looking sofas and armchairs were used as seats instead of the usual hard wooden chair. There were black and white pictures hung up on the walls and the wallpaper was white, slight browning with mint green stripes going across horizontally. A barista was standing behind the white counter, fiddling with the register. A large chalkboard was used as a menu behind him. The bell on the door rung throughout cafe as I entered, causing him to look up. His face in a welcoming, warm smile. The cafe was not packed nor was it empty, There was a happy couple sitting in the corner, an old woman sipping her espresso beside one of the large windows and a man with a camera, who was going through some photos. The smell of coffee grew stronger as I approached the counter.

"Hello! Welcome to Starlight! What can I get you?" The barista greeted. The slightly crooked nameplate on his shirt read 'NNNNN'. I looked behind him at the menu and scanned through it quickly. 
"A green tea latte please." I ordered, reaching for my money in my bag.
"Alright! That'll be 6.50 please." I placed the money carefully in his hand and he grinned as he cashed it into the register. "Please be seated and it'll be brought to you." 'NNNNN' announced cheerfully. I nodded before walking over to an empty booth. 

I pulled out the novel I had been reading from my bag and started to flick through the pages to find the page I was previously on. As soon as I found it, I began to read. 

'He couldn't believe his eyes on what he saw. He was sure it was a dream. His hands shook as he reached out to grab it. As he pulled it closer to examine it, he realised that it was what he had expected to be. It was------'

A soft shutter sound brought me out of my trance. I rolled my eyes before trying to get back into the book. Before my brain could register the next word, the shutter sound went off again. Annoyed, I turned my head to it's direction. The man with the camera was taking pictures. Pictures of me. I stared straight at his camera and the shutter went off again before he brought the camera away from his face. He grinned, dimples showing before standing up to come over here. 

"Here." He offered, showing me the pictures that he took of me. "If you want, I'll delete them." I stared at the picture of me focusing deeply on the book. It almost did not resemble me at all. I looked so calm. I looked at him and shook my head. 

"Oh? You like them?" He questioned with a surprised face that I strangely found cute. I nodded once and he smiled at me. 
"That's a relief. It'd be terrible if I had to delete it." He breathed out, relieved. I looked at him, confused.
"Why?" I asked and he moved to sit down across from me. 
"It's a nice picture. I want to keep it." He chuckled. What a odd guy. Who keeps photographs of people they don't know? I thought to myself. I nodded once again and went back to staring at my book but I could not concentrate. Not with this guy staring at me. The shutter went off again and I looked up at him. 
"No, no, act like I'm not here." He ordered, gesturing towards the book from behind his camera. I went back to reading the same sentence that I have started at least five times before a mug was placed on the table. 
"Here you are! Enjoy the drink!" NNNNN smiled at me and I nodded towards him. "Aish Hongbin, don't terrorise my customer! If he doesn't come back here, I'll break your camera!" He threaten the dimpled male who had lowered his camera to his chest. 
"I'm not terrorising him! He doesn't mind! Right?" He directed the question to me and I nodded reluctantly since his gaze was practically begging me to go along with it. 
"Yeah, yeah, whatever." NNNNN rolled his eyes and put his attention back to me. "If he gets too annoying, just tell me, I'll sort him out." I nodded and NNNNN skipped back to behind the counter. 
"That Hakyeon..." Hongbin mumbled softly. 
I looked at the mug that NNNNN or Hakyeon had brought over. The foam on top of the tea was made into a shape of a bear. 
"Hold on!" Hongbin stopped me just as I was about to raise the mug to my lips. Shutter. "Okay, go ahead." He offered me a smile and I rolled my eyes before sipping on the hot tea. It felt so nice and cozy as it flowed through me. Shutter. I placed the mug down and Hongbin chuckled at me. Shutter. 
"You've got foam..." He pointer at his upper lip. I quickly it away and looked out the window. 

It was a cloudy day and grey clouds were starting to fill the sky. It was going to rain? I mentally smacked myself for not remembering to bring an umbrella. Shutter. I looked at him. 

"Why are you taking pictures of me?" I asked and he lowered his camera.
"There's nothing else that interests me here." He answered with a smile. I narrow my eyes at him. 
"How am I interesting?" 
"You're cute." 
I felt my cheeks flush and he grinned at me. Shutter. I lifted my book to cover my face. 
"Hey, don't do that." He tries to push the book out of the way but I don't budge. I hear him sigh. Shutter. 
"I'm Hongbin, by the way. You are?" 
"None of your business." He laughs and it sounds like smooth, sweet caramel. 
"Okay, none of your business, are you new here? I've never seen you before."
"Maybe cause I've been avoiding you."
"All that trouble for a stranger?" He chuckles. I put the book flat on the table and pick up the mug. 
"Shut up." I mumbled, taking a sip of the now warm tea. He laughs again and I feel like throwing the mug at him. Shutter. 



When I finally finish my tea and sucessfully survive my own personal paparazzi. I stand up, shoving my novel into my bag. Hongbin stares at me. He looked sad even though he was trying to hide it. 

"Goodbye." I say before walking towards the exit. 
"Wait, wait!" He practically screams as he runs after me. I ignore him and keep walking but suddenly a hand is pulling me back. I smack right into his firm chest. I glare at him. He smiles apologetically.
"Sorry but you didn't wait." He started and I stepped away from him, tugging my wrist from his grip. 
"Okay, I know I was really annoying with the pictures all the time but I mean, if something amazing is in front of you, you have to find a way to treasure it, right?" He rubs the back of his neck. "Ah, I really don't know how to do this." He covers his face with his hands. I rolled my eyes. 

"Here." I stuff a piece a paper into his hand before walking out of the cafe. I hear him run after me but he stops. 
"I'll call you! Just you wait!" He yells after me and I slightly regret my decision. I turn the corner and I guess it's alright since he was cute. 



And that's it. I hope you enjoyed. It's a bit short and slow and boring.

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oieaolkin #1
Chapter 1: So cute and fluffy, I wouldn't mind a continuation of this story!
kpoplover_160 #2
Chapter 1: Soooooooooo cuuuuuuuuute !!!!!!!!!^.^. ^_~. ⌒.⌒
emmyrose #3
Chapter 1: Ooohhh this was so....hmmm.. how to explain was a warm story.. it smelled like coffee and mahogany... it gave a kind of 80s feels... like the innocence would lead to something passionate....oh god I'm so embarrassing I'm sorry but i really liked this.. Thank u for writing this :)
EbonyAngels #4
Chapter 1: No really, it wasn't boring at all! I loved it!! Good one.:)