As Fate Will Have It


(AN: By the way I added a little more info in the foreword. Anyhow, enjoy!)


Cuifen stared up at the intimidating building in front of her while her hands nervously smoothed out the blue skirt of her new uniform. It would be her first day at her new school, and she was starting to dread it. If it was anything like her old school, she was in for a long ride.

Taking a deep breath, Cuifen set her lips in a determined line and entered the gates. Looking around, she saw that not a lot of people were there yet, as it was pretty early. The thought made her feel more secure, and she started to relax a little more, taking in her surroundings.

The scenery was pretty nice, green grass and a few bushy trees. It was spring after all, still near the beginning of the school year, so it would be a while until leaves started to fall and grass turned yellow.

Entering the school she happily saw that the office was right near the front, so she didn’t have to wander far to find it. Going up to the front desk, Cuifen waited and cleared anxiously once the middle aged lady sitting there looked up expectantly.

“H-hello. I’m Zhang Cuifen(AN: Last names first in China), the new student…?” She said, adding in a small smile at the end to be polite.

The woman, Mrs. Wang Cuifen realized as she scanned her nametag, looked her over before searching in another pile of paper. After finding the document she was looking for, the woman smiled thinly.

“Welcome Ms. Zhang. This,” She handed Cuifen a sheet of paper, “Is your schedule.” Cuifen’s eyes flickered over it briefly before looking back up as the woman started talking again.

“I have arranged a guide for you, please they should be here in a few minutes. But for now you can sit down and wait.” She said, gesturing towards a couple cushy grey chairs pressed up against the wall across from her.

Cuifen nodded and did as she was instructed, taking the time to look over her program. It wasn’t too different from her old one and her electives were the same, just arranged in a different order.

A few minutes later the door to the office softly clicked open and Cuifen looked up as a young boy entered.

Her eyes widened slightly, and a strange feeling curled in her mind. A warning.

He had black hair, prominent eye bags, and an overly nice face, but in that second, Cuifen felt that something about him. A certain air that was different from the other people she’d seen and met.

But before Cuifen could ponder the subject, Mrs. Wang motioned for her to stand.

Deciding to push the thought to the back of her head until later, Cuifen got up and formed a small smile before taking the hand the boy offered and shaking it politely. “This is Mr. Huang Zi Tao. He will be showing you around school today.” the woman said, and Cuifen gave a short nod, “Nice to m-meet you. I’m Zhang Cuifen.”

He returned the gesture before commenting, “You can just call me Tao.”

With a curt dismissal from Mrs. Wang, he went over to the door and held it open.

Cuifen thanked him as she went by and waited for Tao to join her before letting him lead the way.

“Can I see your schedule?” He asked, pausing in his walk to look at her. Cuifen nodded and handed her sheet to him.

After looking at it, he gave it back to her. “You have science and English with me, but you share a lot of classes with my other friends.”

“Oh, ok.” She said as she took back the paper. If she remembered correctly, Science was her second hour and English was her fifth. She wondered who his friends were.

Tao looked up at a nearby clock. “Class should be starting in ten minutes. We should probably hurry.”

As they walked, he informed her on things like events and the layout of the school. There was also an advanced class that she managed to get in. So far it was only Tao, his friends, her, and one or two other people.

Cuifen was a little surprised to hear this but brushed it off and instead asked him what his friends were like, getting more comfortable with talking to Tao.

“You’ll see,” He said, “Here’s your first class, and you have it with Lay and Chen Chen.”

“Lay and Chen Chen?”

He laughed a little, looking to the side before  turning around with a “C’mon” and walking through the door.

A Little confused, Cuifen followed him.

The class was a normal size, not too large and not too small. The desks were arranged into rows and some were filled with students while the rest were up and about, milling around and talking to their friends.

Tao led her to two people sitting in desks near the right of the classroom. “Hey guys.” He said, stopping in front of them.

They both looked up...


(I was in the middle of writing this chapter[which isn’t fully edited btw] before I heard about Tao leaving…





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