Chapter 1 : Audition ? [ Part 1 ]

Meet , BOYFRIEND !!!!!!


It was monday and like always , the twin brothers Jo Youngmin & Kwangmin would get ready early in the morning for school . They live with both their parents and older sister in a house quiet far away from the school . But , both their parents are now currently on a business trip and their sister had continued studying at the university so , they are the only one living inside the house now .


Kwangmin : Hyung~ quickly !!!! We don't want to get late for school !

Youngmin : Deh~ Kwangie wait for a moment please .

Kwangmin : Oh yeah ! I forgot something . I have my part-time at the cafe today in the afternoon shift . So , you go back home first okay ?

Youngmin : Ok , BUT , don't come back home too late okay ?

Kwangmin : Deh , hyung . Hyungie ~ don't forget to to cook for dinner . I'll be eating at home today ^_^

Youngmin : Hmmm..... what do you want ?

Kwangmin : ...... Instant ramen ? Hehehe...

Youngmin : Can't you eat something else healthier ? You've been eating it like FOREVER ! I even found a opened packet instant ramen under your bed EVERYDAY ! I repeat EVERYDAY !!!

Kwangmin : Errr...... heheheh...... let's go to school now , don't want to get late don't we ?

Youngmin : ...................... -__- you just changed the subject didn't you ?


 At the school ~


Doghyun : YAHHH!!!!!!


Shout Donghyun towards the twin brothers .


Youngmin : Wae!!?? We came in time didn't we ?

Donghyun : IN TIME YOU SAID!!?? You came ONE SECOND late !!!!

Kwangmin : One second only ? and I thought we were late ten minutes ...

Donghyun : SHUT IT !! I DON'T CARE !!! EVEN IF IT'S ONLY ONE SECOND YOU GUYS STILL LATE !!!! Now I want you guys to do pumping 100 TIMES !!!!

Youngmin & Kwangmin : MWORAGOO !!??


Eventually , Kwangmin and Youngmin did it unwillingly but just then Kwangmin's bestfriend Minwoo came .


Minwoo : Anyeong Kwangminnie baby~ WTH !!?? Donghyunnie!! What are you doing towards my boyfriend ?

Donghyun : What the boyfriend ..? O.o


Just as Donghyun wanted to talk , Minwoo hit Donghyun at the back making him roll down the stairs and fainted . The twins were liyerally shocked at what happened in front of them . Minwoo then came helping Kwangmin gets up from the floor ignoring the fainted Donghyun and Youngmin . He only cared for his best friend -__- 

Inside Youngmin's heart , he were hissing and cursing Minwoo for ignoring him . Minwoo helps Kwangmin though he were not injured . Donghyun were left at the stairs until he were found by his friends Jeongmin & Hyunseong .


~ During recess at the canteen ~


Jeongmin : OMGEE !!! I can't believe you were hit my that small guy and fainted . HAHAHAH !!!! that was epic ~

Donghyun : YAH !!! he made me fall rolling down those damned stairs !!!!

Hyunseong : Deh ~ anyway it's still funny >u<

Donghyun : Curse you !!!!

Jeongmin : Oh no don't curse us yet ! Curse us after you got to CUBE Ent. for audition~

Donghyun : WHAT !!!?? OMGEEEE THIS IS F****** UNTRUE!!!!!

Hyunseong : Hey ! It's true ~ the audition starts next week at friday . Wanna come ?

Donghyun : Oh F****** of course !!!!


Minwoo who were accidently had eavesdrop their conversation then , quickly goes towards the twins to inform the news.


Minwoo : Hey !! Guys !!! Wanna go to an audition for CUBE Ent . ?

Youngmin & kwangmin : AUDITION !!?? O.o




A/N : 

Sungyoung : Ok ! Fist of all we wanna say sorry for not updating the frist chapter quickly TT3TT  ( P/S : It's Fiya's fault ~ )

Fiya : YAH!!! it's not my fault okay ~

Sungyoung : Well , anyway this chapter is divided to two parts ~

Fiya : So stay tuned ~

Sungyoung : Don't forget to subscribe and please do check my FF and SUBSCRIBEwill you ~ ?

Fiya : ............. -__- you're promoting your FF at my FF huh~

Sungyoung : Why not ? I even did yours at my place *pouts* 

Fiya : ..................... mianhaei.... I won't ask again .

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Yo ! @Fiyaryoma I've commeneted LOL~<br />