Concert Beginning ~ Scene Setup

Concert Surprise

           You and your two friends are so excited as you rush out of the J.W.Marriot to the Nokia Theater just across the street. "Be careful!" Your mom yells from the hotel room as you tug on your jacket. 

"I can't believe this!!" You say, panting as all of you race down the hall. "We are actually here, in L.A. skipping school to go to a JYJ concert. EEEEE I can't wait to see Jaejoong."

"Yeah I know right. I wonder if they will sing old songs from like Sungkyunkwan Scandel or anything that would be so cool"

"Hurry up you guys!!" Your friend calls, already in the elevator. You feel the jitters running up and down your body as you slowly make you way down from the 26th floor. Clang the elevator door slammed shut as you raced out the doors towards the theater. There were already tons of fans outside wearing mainly red. These are the Cassies you say to yourself.

"Oh my god!" your friend exclaims.

"What is it?" you look over at your friend whose jaw is open in disbelief. You look over to find yourself only several feet away from a group holding a JaeChun pairing banner. You cover you face in embarrassment. THe YunJae was o.k. but, just no. 

"The doors are open!" You hear someone in the group outside yell. Everyone quickly walks over to get in line to the theater. 

"Oh god this is really happening" You clutch your camera tightly to your chest, making sure it has new batteries and empty memory chip. The guard scans your ticket as you walk into the theater where there are many other Cassies with banners and glow sticks. 

           Inside the waiting area, you huddle together too stunned to talk. You can still see the line of people standing to get in from outside. The guards yell something that you can't understand, but you see the people walking into the actual theater so you rush over to join the floods of fans. 

          The stage is huge with three large screens on the left, right, and center, the stage is dark though you can faintly make out the outline of three glasses boxes. You assume that's how they will enter.Your eyes dart around to take in every inch of the theater. The screen turns on. It flashes J.Y.J. Worldwide Concert in Los Angeles. You hear the fans starting to yell with the letters J!!!!! Y!!!!!! J!!!!! as they let out long screams, you join in. A commercial comes on showing the sponsor or the concert. Yes Styles fashion passes along with a drama company. An entertainment station commercial comes on next advertising songs, news, and music videos. You can't believe your eyes when they play a clip of DBSK's Mirotic. The commercials end, continuing the J>Y>J. The lights go dim and you see millions of Cassies switch on their glow sticks. The concert is finally beginning.

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indeed.....i would do it 2............i just wish i was for real..........i want back my dbsk........cassies these days have to chose between jyj and homin.........its tough...........but we'll always keep the faith ^_^