I can't love you anymore.

Should I?

What should I do?

Key could not help but ask himself this. Those 5 words, made him feel like ending his own life there and then. "I can't love you anymore"

What was he thinking? Honestly, he didn't know. Maybe he felt he wasn't good enough for Jonghyun. Maybe he felt he didnt deserve the love that Jonghyun gave him, maybe he felt that Jonghyun deserved much more than him. Whatever the reason, it made him say the 5 words.

That face, that hurt face that he had to see after saying those 5 words. His heart ached each time he had to recall that scene. Jonghyun.. His eyes, filled with sorrow, filled with confusion, filled with lost. He was sobbing. Tears just kept flowing, and it couldn't stop. That sound of him sobbing probably could have been the worst sound Key has ever heard. 


Key was frantically packing his clothes and valuables into his luggage while tears flowed down his face.

The cab he called for was already waiting outside. He took one last look at his room, then his house. Slowly, the cab drove further away from his house, towards the airport. He had his plane tickets in his hand, looking at it, he realised he was heading to Italy. He did not care where he went, anywhere would be better than staying there.

Once he reached the airport,  he took a seat on a bench. Tears once again filled his eyes as the scene of what happened replayed in his mind.


What should I do?

Jonghyun was also thinking the same thing. He could not think straight after hearing those words from Key. He had no idea why Key said those words to him. He loved Key. Didn't Key love him too?

He wanted to look for Key, but he didn't know where to go.

He ran to Key's house and continuously rang the doorbell. No one answered. Jonghyun started to panic. Just then, Key's neighbour appeared.

"Jonghyun! Are you looking for Key? He was carrying a luggage just now, he probably left for the airport. He didn't tell you?"

Jonghyun's eyes widened. He felt his heart break again.

What should I do?

He called for a taxi and as every second passed, he got more worried. Will he get there in time? He hoped so. But there was no doubt that he knew that there was a high chance he wouldn't make it.


This chapter is really short. But the next chapter might be even shorter HAHA! :P

It's probably gonna be completed in chap 2?

I'm a horrible writer so I cant write long and interesting stories and this is the best i could do. Heh :)

Please comment yeah? Thanks!! :D

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Hehe thanks :P
ahhh love it ^^
But I prefer his lips better XD
Here it is: http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lk25re2XFi1qflomeo1_500.jpg<br />
Oh yeah His eyes XD
But... I don't know if you will like it :S
*whisper*<br />
I found one picture with key's eyes :D<br />
Want to see?
Haha thanks!! ^^