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    Jimin was speeding around the grocery store in a grocery cart as he used it as a scooter. It was fun. Really childish too. The seventeen year old was much too old for this. He could easily tip the cart over or crash into something. He didn't care. 

    "Yahoooooo!" He yelled as he speeded away with the cart faster. The young male continued to scoot around in the big store and then a man was walking in his direction. Oh ! Jimin tried to stop the cart, but he lost control and the cart hit the man in the back. The man let out a yelp. Jimin had to hold in his laughter. 

    "What the ?!" The man let out. It turns out he wasn't much older than Jimin. Jimin gulped, thinking about how he could get beat up for this. The dude wore a leather jacket and his hair was a light purple, kind of lavender. The stranger turned around, his eyebrows furrowed and a frown on his face. He was kind of attractive. Jimin gulped in fear and embarrassment. Maybe he should stop speeding around with the carts. 

    "I'm s-sorry! So sorry! Really!" Jimin said frantically as the stranger stared daggers into him. The stranger would be angry at Jimin and maybe kick him, but he just couldn't. He noticed how cute Jimin was being flustered. The stranger's expression softened. 

    "Ah, um...I'm Park Jimin! Are - are you okay? I'll make it up to you!" Jimin rambled out, not knowing what else to do. 

    "Kim Taehyung." The stranger spoke lowly. Jimin stood, staring at Taehyung with a blank expression. Kim Taehyung , is this him? The one who gets into a lot of fights and sleeps around lot?

    "Are you...?" Jimin couldn't finish his question. He could only stare at Taehyung in fear. 

    "Yeah, I am him. I'm also your upperclassmen, so you should be calling me hyung." Taehyung said. This guy is an ! Jimin scowled. He wanted to say something along the lines of, "You wish, !"  But he could only nod shakily. Jimin had never seen Taehyung before. Not until now. He had only heard the rumors about him. 

    "So, little underclassman, how are you gonna make it up to your hyung, hmm?" Taehyung said, as he propped an elbow up on the cart, a hand placed on one cheek. He loved the look on Jimin's face it was so ing cute- no, it made him feel powerful. He smirked as Jimin gulped, staring to the floor. 

    "I'll...I'll buy you lunch?" The younger suggested hesitantly. 

    Taehyung clicked his tongue. "I don't think that's enough..." Jimin scowled. This guy! He's really! Ugh! He couldn't hold in his sarcasm. 

    "What else would you like, huh? You goddamn princess! Do you need a ?" Jimin spat, letting out his sarcasm. 

    "I wouldn't mind that, honestly." Taehyung said, his lips and he winked at Jimin.  Jimin blushed and frowned. That wasn't the reaction he was expecting. Taehyung took a few steps closer to Jimin. He was only about an inch or two taller than him, but he made the younger tower in fear. Jimin gulped, but stood his ground. Taehyung leaned down, close to Jimin's neck.

    "I also don't like the tone that you gave me, Jimin. Perhaps you should make up for that too, yes?" Taehyung whispered, breath fanning over Jimin's neck. Jimin's breath hitched. Isn't this ual harassment?! Jimin shoved the elder away from him.

    "Go yourself! You !" Jimin yelled and ran away from the aisle he was in with Taehyung. This was his first meeting with the senior and he was already annoyed of him. He hated people like Taehyung. Absolutely hated them.


    The next day Jimin went to school not being able to wait to tell his friend of the arrogant Kim Taehyung. He spotted Jungkook by his locker, bags under his eyes.

    "Jungkook!" Jimin hollered and ran up to the male. Jungkook flinched as Jimin yelled out his name.

    "What did you do to make yourself all tired? Watch until early morning?" Jimin joked. Jungkook rolled his eyes.

    " yourself, Jimin. I was trying to figure out a goddamn plot for the story we have to write for literature class. I got nothing! I'm uncreative as ." Jungkook scowled. Jimin laughed. Jungkook was always the one who worried about their grades. It was just a part of him. He smiled at his friend.

    "Don't worry. I got something." The sleep deprived boy lightened up.

    "Really?" He gasped. Jimin cracked up.

    "Nope! I have nothing either. I'll just ask Yoongi hyung for some ideas. He's really creative." Jimin said, smiling. Yoongi was like a brother to him. The senior helped the younger ever since the first day of highschool. Their parents were very close due the fact that they worked in the same company. Jimin frowned, remembering his encounter with the other arrogant senior from yesterday's events. 

    "Ugh,'re so ing dumb sometimes Jimin." Jungkook's frown returned to his face.

    "But Jungkookkkkk..." Jimin said, dragging out Jungkook's name. "You love me." The other male went to kick Jimin in the , but but he covered his , running. Jimin was laughing. He walked back to Jungkook. 

    Jimin walked back to Jungkook, still laughing. He coughed to clear his throat and inhaled a breath.

    "Anyways, you know Kim Taehyung right?" Jimin asked. Jungkook raised asked eyebrow.

    "Yeah, I know of him but I don't know him. Why?" Jungkook questioned.

    "I was playing around with carts in the grocery store yesterday and well....I crashed into him." Jungkook opened his mouth ready to say something like how much of a Jimin was. But Jimin covered his mouth.

    "Shush. I know, I'm a . Let me continue and finish before you say anything. Okay so I crashed into him and I apologized and I said I'd make it up to getting him lunch. But god, oh my , he is so goddamn arrogant and annoying. I couldn't keep in my sarcasm because he was like 'oh that's it?' So I was like, 'you ing princess, want a too?' And I guess he took it seriously so he was like 'sure.' And then he goes all ing close to me- in my personal space bubble! And he's like 'I don't like that tone. You should make up for that too.' God, I wanted to slap him! So I was like, ' yourself.' And I shoved him and walked away." Jimin told his story, huffing after. Jungkook raised an eyebrow.

    "Huh. Sounds serious. Speaking of that guy, he's like, right behind you." Jungkook said as he leaned against his locker. Jimin's eyes widened. He turned around, heat rising to his cheeks.

    "So." Taehyung started off, and crossed his arms. "I heard you talking about me." Jimin resisted the urge to roll his eyes. Damn right that I was talking about your .

    "Okay, cool. Tell someone who cares." Jimin spat out. Taehyung only chuckled at the younger male. Jungkook gulped, taking a step back. Taehyung took the initiative to get close to Jimin again. Just so he could see the look of fear in the younger's eyes. This time he didn't see fear. He saw stubborn eyes that spoke of pride. He blew on the younger's neck and saw the bob of his adam's apple as Jimin gulped. Taehyung grinned at the reaction. What a cute little thing to play with. Taehyung smirked. He found a new playtoy. Jimin tried to get out of the trapped position he was in. He was against a locker as Taehyung blocked any exits he could have.

    "G-get off of me, Taehyung." The junior managed to say. Taehyung only smirked down at him.

    "Hmm. I don't know. Should I? I kind of like this position." Jimin tried to shove the elder off of him, getting annoyed.

    "I know you think you're all intimidating, but you're honestly annoying and you should off." Jimin said honestly. Taehyung was taken back by Jimin's words, but he hid that with a sly smile.

    "Oh, really? I wasn't aware of that. Sorry, Jiminnie, but you're gonna have to make me off. Or, you know, I could just you instead." Taehyung stated. Jimin gritted his teeth, once again trying to shove the older male off of him. Jungkook could only watch in shock and fright at what was happening to his best friend. He had to help Jimin. The young male yanked Taehyung by the back of his collar of his varsity jacket. He didn't know what he was doing, all he knew was that he didn't like how Taehyung was treating Jimin. Jimin slipped away from Taehyung, shocked at Jungkook's  action. Jungkook shoved Taehyung against a locker.

    "Leave...leave Jimin alone." He said softly. Taehyung looked at Jungkook, amused. 

    "Aw, aren't you just a good little boy? Protecting your friend." Taehyung said, chuckling lowly as he walked away from the two juniors. Jungkook let out a shaky breath. Jimin stared at him in awe.

    "I...I don't even know what came to me, man. I just didn't like how he was treating you." Jungkook said sheepishly. Jimin only smiled.

    "Thank you, Jungkookie! I knew you loved me." Jimin said, using a teasing voice on Jungkook as he put an arm around his best friend's shoulder. Jungkook scoffed, getting out of Jimin's hold.




    Jimin's next encounter with Kim Taehyung was when he entered the wrong classroom, in a hurry to get to class because he was late. Oh, me. The junior thought. Taehyung was in the empty classroom, organizing textbooks. Jimin was breathing heavily due to the fact that he ran to school. He usually got Yoongi hyung to take him, but the senior left early in the morning due to having to help with a school thing. Taehyung looked up at Jimin, a smirk forming on his face.

    "Looking for me now are you?" The elder asked. Jimin rolled his eyes.

    "You wish." He spat. "I just walked into the wrong class because I'm late." 

    Taehyung continued to organize and stack books. He looked at the younger male. "Come help me organize these textbooks. You're late for class anyways. Might as well just miss it." 

    "No way!" Jimin said, shaking his head. Plus, Jungkook would be worried and would nag him about missing class. 

    "Such a goody two shoes." Taehyung stated, and he jumped up and sat on a desk. Jimin rolled his eyes.

    "Whatever. I don't really give a what you call me. I'll be leaving now. It wasn't  nice talking to you." Jimin said- well, more like sassed. 

    "Then can I call you baby?" Taehyung teased. Jimin grimaced.



    For some reason, Jimin continued to find himself running into Taehyung. Ever since he had accidentally hit the elder with a shopping cart. Fate was a pain in the for the seventeen year old. Yoongi invited Jimin to hang out with him and couple of his other senior friends, which included Taehyung. Jimin didn't even know the two were friends. 

    "Yoongi hyung, you're friends with Taehyung? Since..." Jimin looked between the two, mouth agape. "When? Why?" The junior was aware that his questions were rude, but he didn't care, really. Yoongi let out a surprised laugh whilst Taehyung smirked at Jimin.

    "You don't seem to be fond of Taehyung, huh kid? We hang out sometimes. He decided to come along today, which is rare. This guy always goes around with his play toys." Yoongi explains, a bottle of beer in one hand. Jimin scoffs.

    "Of course he has playtoys. Maybe he should just go play with one right now." Jimin spoke harshly. Really, he just couldn't keep his bad mouth shut around Taehyung. Taehyung only gazed at the younger male with fierce intensity. Jimin felt small with the way Taehyung was staring at him, but he kept an expressionless face. You could say that Taehyung was eye-ing him. 



    And later that night, of Jimin hanging out with his senior friends, he had found himself pinned against a wall. Again. By Taehyung. The rest of Yoongi's friend crashed in the living room, or left. Jimin and Taehyung were the last two to leave. Yoongi was already asleep. The junior knew Taehyung must have been waiting to talk- scratch that, attack him. 

    "What do you want?" Jimin barked. Taehyung leaned closer to Jimin, a leg between his thighs.

    " might wake Yoongi." Taehyung whispered. Jimin grunted, trying to move. Taehyung brought his leg higher up between Jimin's thighs, inches away from his crotch. Jimin wasn't about to admit to defeat or fear, so he put on a blank face. For the sake of his pride. 

    "Seriously Taehyung, what are you doing? " Jimin asked, heartbeat picking up speed. Truly, he was scared of what was going to happen. 

    "Nothing much. Just trapping you against a wall, how about you?" Taehyung asked innocently. Jimin wanted to whine, he was screaming internally. Not in a good way, he was just annoyed. Very much. 

    "Well I'd like it if you would release me." Jimin said. 

    "Oh? But I kind of enjoy this position. Don't you think it's nice?" Taehyung asked, staring intently at Jimin. He lifted his knee even closer to Jimin's crotch. An inch away. The junior was scared for his life. 

    "W-why are you doing this? Taehyung. What do you want from me?" Jimin asked, defeat almost spilling from his lips.

    "Oh baby, I don't want anything. I just want to watch you tower in fear because of me. And so far, it hasn't worked. But maybe, just maybe tonight it will." Taehyung said lowly, a wicked grin on his face. Despite being the brave, sarcastic Jimin was. This was scaring him.  The seventeen year old was still very much innocent. Of course he jerked himself off every once in a while. Kissed a few girls here and there, but never had he ever been in a situation like this. 

    "Why like this? I

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heaveninfrance #1
Chapter 1: Ugh. Ugghh why is this so cute and kind of hurtful and so amazing? ;u;
Song_Gayeon #3
Chapter 1: Cool dude.. :D haha..really liked the story.. *grins*
jun-kiseob_b2uty #4
Chapter 1: wow, it is really cool. definitely the thing that i loved the most. i loved how sassy jimin is. it is really great, good job at writing this.