The First Encounter

Chance Encounter

Minji shoved me onto the bus, and I turned to glare at her when I tripped over a guy with blonde hair and a suit. She just smiled innocently and found a seat. I sighed and sat next to her, looking out the window as the bus pulled off, heading downtown.

"So, where do you want to go shopping Byunghee?" She asked with a smile. "Forever XXI? Maybe Express?"

"I don't care." I sighed. "Where are you taking me Minji?" I asked as I looked at her.

"Oh you know. Just Abyss..." She said, looking out the window. I froze.

"Abyss. The nightclub?" I asked incredulously.

"Yeah." She smiled as she looked over at me. "I figured you'd like it."

"Ohhh no. No no no. I'm not going to a nightclub Park Minji." I said sternly. I used her full name. That's when you know that I'm serious about it.

She glared at me. "Jung Byunghee, you're going to Abyss, and that is final." She said coldly. "It's for your own good. You have to get out of the house sometime. Who knows, you might get laid tonight!" She said that last part a little too loudly, and a few people looked over at us with quizzical expressions on their faces.

I felt my face get burning hot, and I smacked her arm gently. "Shut up." I muttered, totally embarrased right now. "I don't need to get laid tonight."

"When was the last time you even had Byunghee?" She asked, obviously trying to make a point.

"Um..." I scratched my head. Minji's eyes widened.

"That long? Byunghee, you actually had to think?!. Oh no. You're definitely going to the club tonight." She stood up when the bus stopped downtown, and got off. I sighed and reluctantly followed her.

"Whatever. I don't care anymore." I said as I shoved my hands in my pockets.

"Oh come on, don't be such a baby." She rolled her eyes.

"I'm not being a baby!" I defied.

"You totally are." She said as she shot me a look. I returned her glare with equal intensity. She sighed. "Honestly, Byunghee. Sometimes I don't know how I put up with you. You're so stubborn. I'm trying to help you, but you're being so mean to me." She frowned, and started to walk away.

I frowned. She looked upset, and I felt bad. I jogged after her. "Minji.." I sighed, grabbing her wrist. She turned to look at me. "I'm sorry." I said sincerely. "I'll go okay?"
She smiled a bit. "Okay...Pick a store." She said, gesturing to the line of stores around us.

I looked around, totally unsure of what I should do since I didn't really go shopping that much. "Um...." I looked at her with puppy dog eyes, and she rolled her eyes in irritation.

"Oh my God, come on. You're hopeless." She shook her head in annoyance as she grabbed my arm, dragging me into the store.

"I should've washed this stuff first, it's kinda itchy." I muttered as I scratched my arm. The light blue button down that Minji had gotten me definitely looked good, but it was a little too formal with the black vest and tie that went with it; so I made the outfit a little less casual by wearing black skinny jeans, and a pair of Nike high tops.

"How is it itchy? It's not like it's a wool sweater." Minji's eyebrows knit together in confusion.

"I'm just weird I guess." I shrugged, smiling a bit. New clothes always itched unless I washed them first. It was just one of my weird quirks.

"You've got that right." She chuckled, glancing at the Bouncer as he let us into the club "Want something to drink?" She asked as she glanced at the bar, which was glowing a soft blue. I shook my head. I didn't really drink all that much.
I took in the scenery around me. A hundred bodies meshed together in a huge group dance composed of dozens of individual ones. The whole place was painted a purpleish hue by the mixture of ultraviolet bulbs. and strobe lights. The music was utterly terrible, some remix of a stupid top 40 song. But at least the Dj was making it at least tolerable.

"Don't look so amazed." Minji said from behind me, making me jump. I looked over at her in surprise, and she just laughed. "Jeez, don't be such a space case Byung. You'll end up getting or something." I scowled at her, and she just ruffled my hair. "I'm gonna go dance. Meet here at Midnight okay? Text me if you're going somewhere else though."

I nodded in understanding, and she walked away, disintergrating into the crowd. I looked around, wondering what I should do while I waited for her. I decided on sitting at the bar. I climbed into one of the stools, and set my elbows on the bar. The bartender glanced over at me, and walked over.

"What can I get you?" She asked with a slight smirk. She gave me a quick once over. She was pretty and all, but I wasn't really interested. Blondes weren't my type.

"White Russian." I sighed, looking down at the long white panel that made up the countertop. It was pulsing blue due to the lights underneath it, and it slowly turned a soft shade of purple. She made my drink, and sat it down in front of me. I looked at it, and saw that the napkin under it had something written on it. I assumed that it was her number, and sighed a bit. Not enough for her to tell though. I took the cup, and the napkin. I looked at the paper. Yep, definitely a number, and a name. Apparently her name was Candy. I hated names like that. They were such a turn off. I glanced up at her, and saw her servicing somebody else. I rolled my eyes, and crumbled up the napkin. I didn't plan on calling this girl.

"I can't believe they ditched me. What douchebags. Hey, can I get some Vodka over here?" A male voice called, and I felt a prensence next to me. I looked over and saw a thin boy with long brown hair sitting at the bar. He had his head propped up on his hand, and he looked a little irritated.

"You look like you don't want to be here." I chuckled.

"I don't. I got dragged here." He sighed. He turned to face me full on, and for the first time I got a good look at his face.

He was so pretty...

"Yah....Aren't you G.O. From MBLAQ?!" He asked in shock.

I froze. ...I forgot that I was in public......He recognizes me too.....But strangely I don't want to run... I nodded and smiled a bit. "Neh. That's me."

"That's cool." He grinned. "This is really cool.I can't believe I'm meeting you." He blushed a bit.

"Is it really that cool? I'm just like anyone else." I chuckled.

"I guess you're right." He chuckled. And just like that we clicked. We began to talk about anything and everything that came up. I even spilled the beans about work, and how stressed I was. Why was he so easy to talk to?

Suddenly, he looked around, then suddenly looked at me with a strange intensity. "This is going to sound a little weird...But...Do you want to dance with me?"

I blinked. Dance...With Him? "Um..Sure." I said slowly, feeling a blush creeping into my cheeks. Was he gay? If he was gay, he was mine.

Wait. WHAT?

What was I even thinking? Where is my head? I'm not gay...Am I? Who knows? Maybe I am. Not like I care anymore.

I stood up, and took his hand. I was only a couple of inches taller than him. He smiled, and led me to the dance floor. The song changed to a remix of Like a G6. Without a second thought to what I was doing, I put my hands on his hips. He back looked at me with a look of surprise, but he smiled anyways, and started to move his hips in time with the music. I couldn't help but to smile as I danced with him. It was just like any normal club dance, except it was a little different because it was two men.

However, Niel was a pretty feminine man now that I looked at him. He was very petite, and he showed off his slender legs with some of the tightest skinny jeans I've ever seen on a boy, combat boots, and a white v-neck t-shirt with a black design on it. So, he didn't quite have the look I was used to. But it was still cute.

The song changed to Bubble Pop by Hyuna, and he squealed in excitement. He sang along with the music and danced along, I just watched in a daze as the chorus came around, and he moved his hips in a fashion that I've never seen a man move them. It was a turn on. And as a plus he had the cutest expression on his face.

He was happy. I could see it in his eyes. And that fact made me happy, even though I had just met him not too long ago. Suddenly he turned and put his hand on his chest, singing to me. I smiled and blushed a bit. When the song was over, he wrapped his arms around me and chuckled. "I really hope that I'm not wrong in assuming you're gay too." He said quietly.

"I'm not gay. But I'm not straight either." I said with a smile. It wasn't quite the answer he wanted, but he smiled regardless.

"Well then Byunghee. I have to go. And I really want to get to know you more. Call me." He whispered the last part in my ear as I felt him slip something into my back pocket. He winked, then walked off, leaving me standing there gaping after him. How could he be leaving so soon?! I pulled out my phone, and looked at the time. It was 12:50 a.m.

"!" I shouted, running off to find Minji


**Here's the mix of Like a G6! 

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Iminthezone #3
jeonghae #4
313 streak #5
Chapter 1: I hope it was longer .. :(
NahyunisanAngel #7
OMG !! NIEL & G.O fanfic ~ Ah , My life is complete .. I was squealing while reading this fic like a erted old man , Gahahahaha . Nice Fic ^^
Kekeke. :3
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